Senju Xiangzhen's concern made Xia Yan seem to see some hope.

He has always been an ambitious man, and he will not deny this at all.

Whether it is a systematic task or his own nature, he will find a way to climb up step by step.

Senju Xiangzhen's worry is about Xia Yan's improvement in strength, and the fear of Xia Yan's rebound from his original decision.

Strength is a good thing. It can not only protect oneself, but also intimidate others, even if Xia Yan did nothing.

"Having such worries also shows how weak you are now, elder."

The Thousand Hands Clan is a legendary family after all. Even if it is so lonely, it still has a foundation and a certain degree of strength.

But Xia Yan is not so clear about the extent of such strength.

However, Natsuhiko remembered that Gen Uesugi once taught him, and that was definitely a jounin whom the system evaluated!

This kind of strength is almost that of a high-level combat power in a village, but he became Xia Yan's first teacher.

At this time, Xia Yan felt that the Thousand Hands clan should still be very scary.

Of course, this is not wrong at all. Even a thin camel is bigger than a horse.

Thousand Hands is a camel that is about to starve to death, but when it is strong, it has many people who are loyal to it, and there are also some powerful beings in the clan.

But today's incident made Xia Yan roughly understand where the limit of Senju's power lies.

It is possible that Uesugi Gen, whom Natsuhiko once thought was probably an ordinary member of the family, may have become the family's ceiling.

"Of course, what he is most worried about is Lizard Maru, but the strength I have exposed may also be one of the reasons for his worries."

In this report with Senju Shoma, he also did not hide the related battle between himself and Scorpion before summoning Lizard Maru.

There was no way he could hide this, Kakashi and the ANBU would report it.

Therefore, during Yamanaka Haiichi's inspection, he did not deliberately hide it, he just erased the sage mode.

The people above all knew that one day it would fall into the hands of Senju Shoma, so he didn't bother to lie.

It was probably this information that stimulated Senju Shoma. Although he also had a psychic beast that was comparable to a shadow level, the problem was that everyone knew the drawbacks of psychic beasts.

Ninjas are fragile. Once a sneak attack is successful, there is no chance of summoning a psychic beast.

One's own strength is the last word, and everyone knows this.

It was this that made Xia Yan understand how fragile the Thousand Hands clan was now.

"Fragility also has its advantages. As long as I handle it well, I can take over the entire Thousand Hands clan in the future!"

Unexpectedly, he touched the bottom line of the Thousand Hands Clan, which made Xia Yan very happy.

Once you know the bottom line, no matter it is a person or a family.

Xia Yan can continue to test and challenge it through some different methods, and finally master it completely.

"Strength is the key, followed by influence and voice. These things are indispensable."

Xia Yan knows that he still has a long way to go, but at least he has a clearer direction and goal than choosing between the third generation and the fourth generation.

Back in the room, Xia Yan couldn't help but frown, because he found that his room seemed to have been cleaned again.

He encountered such a situation last time, but that time he didn't notice anything strange.

The same time, he also carefully used his perception to explore, and he did not let go of any mosquitoes in any corner.

And the result he got was that there was nothing strange about his room.

"Is it possible that those in the family specially found someone to help me clean?"

Xia Yan couldn't understand, but he thought it would be better for him to pay more attention.

However, this kind of attention does not need to be too deliberate. He only needs to stay vigilant while sleeping.

It is not difficult for an ANBU to stay relatively vigilant while sleeping.

In the next few days, Xia Yan stayed at home and did not go on any missions.

His daily life is also very regular. He will get up early in the day and go to the training ground to exercise, and in the afternoon he will get together with his old classmates who have no tasks.

Continue to maintain good relations with his old classmates, which Natsuhiko has been doing since he decided to stay in Konoha, and he has done a good job.

During this period, he also thought about contacting Namikaze Minato. Whether it was to report some information or to ask him to continue teaching him the art of Flying Thunder God, it was a very good time.

But Namikaze Minato seemed a little busy recently, and Xia Yan didn't know exactly what he was busy with.

"Is it a matter of ANBU selection?"

Xia Yan felt a little dizzy when he thought of this possibility.

He didn't want to take such a big risk and kill that Nanmu and end up becoming someone else's wedding dress.

Therefore, he went out of his way to find his former teammates and inquire about the current situation of ANBU.

What made him relieved was that although Nanmu's fall made many people feel ready to take action, Shangfeng had not yet given any reaction, and the matter had been put on hold for the time being.

This is definitely good news for Xia Yan. He doesn't want to miss this event because he is on vacation, then he will really lose a lot.

In addition to this news, he also got another interesting information, that is, Kakashi is also on vacation now.

"No wonder you can basically meet him these days. It turns out that's the case."

Natsuhiko didn't ask Kakashi about these things. After all, he really didn't want Kakashi to know too much.

It's not that he doesn't trust him, but that Xia Yan's mind is very complicated and he has many plans.

Kakashi and he are teammates again, and he is worried that he has revealed too much, and if his subsequent plans are exposed a little bit, it will be in big trouble.

However, Namikaze Minato's busyness was not endless. Finally, one night when Natsuhiko was being honest in front of ordinary ninjas, he finally received the message from Namikaze Minato.

"It seems that the Yondaime Hokage has finally finished his work."

Looking at the note that appeared inexplicably in his room and placed on the sealing technique book given to him by Namikaze Minato, Natsuhiko smiled.

Namikaze Minato is finished, which means that he has time to teach himself, and he can also have a good chat with him.

"And besides this good news, there is even better news."

Suddenly, Xia Yan stretched out a hand, and the chakra in his body began to ripple.

Then under his blue chakra, a light yellow vortex condensed in his palm.

As this cyclone continued to condense, something like a fruit slowly began to take shape...


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