The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Frantic Strike Chapter 10

"Come and play with us when you are free. Anyway, we just got paid and we have money!" Another person continued.

"Please get out of the way, I won't hurt innocent people!" Xuecai coldly wanted to drive the men away, but perhaps because of this, the atmosphere became a bit dangerous, and one of the men showed a look of impatience.

"Ruo Lei!!" But Xue Cai was even more impatient, raised willow eyebrows, and shouted a spell. The next moment, the werewolf's body bounced off like it was hit by a truck, and the man who was beaten up was an orc. The so-called werewolves or their clan parties, although they are not very capable individuals, their muscle strength and tenacity are still incomparable to humans, and he was only hit by the palm of a fragile girl, and after hitting a wall, he could not move.

"What a terrifying palm!" Seeing this, the ancient city couldn't help being stunned.And there is no magic flow in it, and no signs of elves acting.In terms of possibility, it should belong to Qigong or Xianshu.

"You guy is a demon attacker?" The blond man shouted in return.

Fear and anger distorted his face and revealed his true nature as a demon.Crimson eyes, and fangs.

"Type D, vampire!!" Xuecai murmured with a serious expression.The so-called D species are among the vampires belonging to various blood races. They specifically refer to the members of the "Forgotten King of War" as their true ancestors. They are particularly common in Europe, and they are also the blood family closest to the vampires in the general impression.

However, even species D is extremely weak in Qin Zheng's eyes, and Xue Cai can naturally handle it.

"You guy, you made me messy!" The blond sneered, and then said loudly: "Come out! Shake the hoof!"

The blond man yelled, and then a force spurted from his left foot.

It looks like blood, but not blood.It was a dark flame swaying like a mirage.

Immediately afterwards, the black flame turned into a warped horse.

The screaming neigh shook the atmosphere, and the flame-shrouded asphalt road was scorched to black.

"Shake the hoof! Get rid of this little girl!"

"You actually use the beast on this kind of street!" Xuecai snorted and furiously said.

Sensing the offensive magic power, the blond man's bracelet on his left wrist made a loud alarm, and the shopping mall also sounded an alarm urging people to evacuate.

"Ah! Someone uses the beast, let's go!"

"Hmm! Hurry up!"


However, just as everyone rushed to flee, a young man in the uniform of Caihai Academy did the opposite, with a smile on his mouth, and strolled in the garden.

"How can such a fun thing be missing my great fifth true ancestor!"

Data 0015

Vampires have terrifying beasts, but despite this, there is no fear on Xue Cai's face.

"Xuexia Wolf!!" She drew something from the guitar case she was carrying, which was given to her by the Three Saints before. It was called a silver gun that could kill the true ancestor.The handle of the gun moved and stretched in an instant, and at the same time the main blade that was originally stored also protruded from the tip of the gun.On the left and right sides of the tip of the gun, secondary blades are developed, just like the variable wings of a fighter jet, and the appearance is like a refined modern weapon.

Phew, the quiet breath came out from the lips of the snow vegetable.

The vulgar spear that stretched to nearly two meters was easily controlled by Xuecai, and used it to pierce the raging flame demon horse, but the violent demon horse did not stop. The vampire’s beast has a super high concentration of magic power. And enough to turn into a substance with its will, in other words, it is a magic power in itself, and once the beast is released, there is no other way to stop it except to restrain it with stronger magic power.

Now Xuecai's attack is like using a single spear to deal with overflowing lava.

Just because he understood this, the blond man smiled. He didn't expect that someone would be so stupid that he wanted to block his beast with a gun, but the next moment, his smile was instantly covered by fear.

"How is this possible?!" Under the momentum of the silver spear, his beast stopped.Then the girl waved the gun silently.The giant demon horse shook and wiped out without a trace, as easily as the candle flame was blown out. The beast's figure disappeared completely, leaving only the scorched asphalt road.

"No way! One blow will make my beast disperse?" Losing the beast, the blond man began to fear!

"Go to hell! Scum!" Xuecai can't tolerate the demon's wanton harm to innocent people. The blond man's action to summon the beasts on the street has touched her bottom line. Xuecai stared at each other with angry eyes. Then he raised his spear and rushed to the blond man who was so startled to move.

Just as the silver gun is about to penetrate the man's heart.

"Wait a minute!" The track at the front end of the spear suddenly rose and deviated, and Xuecai's figure also jumped into a small car.

"Huh!" Xuecai was taken aback. The ancient city was already blocking the blond man. It turned out that the ancient city swung his fist and knocked the tip of the gun away at the moment of life and death, and stopped the girl's fierce attack, although he didn't want to intervene to attack the magician and the vampire. The fight between them, but it is really impossible to sit by and take their lives lightly.

"Fourth True Ancestor, you want to take action?" Xuecai asked coldly while looking at the ancient city!

"Don't get me wrong, I just don't want anyone to die!" Gucheng smiled bitterly.

"Take your friends and go quickly! Don't talk to others casually in the future!" Gucheng then said to the blond man!

"Thanks, I owe you a favor!" For the rest of his life, the blond man left a sentence, picked up his companion and left.

"You guy, the start is too heavy!" Looking at Xuecai, Gucheng said lazily!

"Why are you getting in the way?" Xuecai scolded, "Do you think you are the fourth true ancestor and you can do whatever you want!"

"It's not so much that I get in the way. If someone fights in front of you, they usually think that they should stop it!" Gucheng tried hard to defend!

"The demonization in public places and the use of the beasts in the neighborhood obviously violate the sanctuary treaty. It stands to reason that even if he is killed, he will not blame anyone."

"That's good! People like them are damned, and they ruined my lovely territory!" At this time, the untimely laughter rang, and immediately attracted the eyes of the ancient city and Xuecai.

"You, who are you?!" Xuecai asked Qin Zheng at first sight.

"You are a lunatic who claims to be the fifth true ancestor!" Gucheng has a deep memory of Qin Zheng's appearance, because it is rare to see young people with second-degree illness and arrogance.

"Yo! The fourth true ancestor, we meet again!" Qin Zhengyang started and said hello to the ancient city.

"What, he wants to become the fifth true ancestor, isn't he an idiot!" Xuecai was also surprised when he heard Gucheng's words.In addition to possessing high strength, the true ancestor also had a permanent life, and the boy in front of him was clearly an ordinary demon, because Xuecai saw the demon register on Qin Zheng's wrist.

"Are you a demon?" Xuecai was still vigilant.

"Oh! You're talking about this thing! Very nice decorations, don't worry!" Qin Zheng took off the login device and threw it away.

"You guy is too casual! You will be in big trouble if you do this!" Gucheng was taken aback.

"Haha!" Qin Zheng smiled, what's the trouble!It's not just a few garrisons with thermal weapons, they are vulnerable.

Afterwards, Qin Zheng set his eyes on Xuecai. Although it was very young, it was a rare beauty embryo.

"It's decided, from today, you will be my woman!" Qin Zheng pointed at Xuecai and said with a big grin!

"What, your woman! Are you looking for death!" Suddenly, Xue Cai flushed and stared at Qin Zheng fiercely!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded naturally. This made the ancient city very speechless. How much is the second-year junior high school student, but he has to admit that the young man's abilities are really weird, but the ancient city points to Qin. The blond man beside him said, "You guy, what do you want to do when you bring him back?!"

"Oh! You mean this person!" It turned out that when Qin Zheng appeared here, he caught the blond man who had escaped."He destroyed my territory, I will naturally let him be punished!"

"You guy!" Gu Cheng said that he really couldn't stand Qin Zheng's character. He really became his fifth true ancestor. Why was he so dedicated to acting?

"Fourth True Ancestor, let's show you something interesting!" Qin Zheng smiled, covering the blond man's head with his palms, lifting him up, smiled slightly, and the black mist spread out from his hands.Starting from the head, slowly cover the blond man.

And the blond man also made a scream of hissing lungs!

Item 0016

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