The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Frantic Strike Chapter 103

One blow wiped out the flame hoof, which gave Qin Zheng a moment of surprise. Although the strength of the flame hoof was not strong, when he fought Vatra, Vatra could not break the defense of the flame hoof. The true ancestor's power was indeed very strong. !

"Hehe, Fifth True Ancestor, your strength is more than that!" Jiada said with a smile while looking at the wiped out Firehoof!

"Sky dragon! Come out for me!" Qin Zheng stopped hiding, and directly summoned his three illusion gods. Suddenly, the sky dragon, which was more than ten feet long, appeared like a flash of thunder!

"What a huge body!" Jiada sighed, without fear, his eyes shone with red light.The whole body exudes dense magical power.

"Longwei!" In the next moment, Qin Zheng activated the sky dragon's special skills!

"Long Wei? Sure enough, the combat power is overwhelming!" Jiada murmured!

"You should understand! My Sky Dragon has an overwhelming effect on the battle power of the Beasts!" Qin Zheng said in a deep voice!

"I know, before coming to Xian Shen Island, I have read your information! In addition to this beast, you also have a beast called a giant soldier! All beasts with divine nature!"

"The howling of the empty dragon!" Qin Zheng sneered, and a red beam of light shot towards Jiada. This is an abandoned area, the most suitable place for the battle!

"It's useless, I'm the true ancestor!" The huge magical power collection rushed towards Hongfa Jiada, but there was no fear on Jiada's face. The powerful magical power was instantly liberated and resisted Qin Zheng's attack.

"Come on!" The beast who appeared from the top of Jiada turned into a huge thunder and rushed towards the red beam of light.

"My beast is a god, you can't match me!" Qin Zheng snorted coldly. Sure enough, after the red beam of light competed with the thunder for a while, the red beam of light destroyed the thunder like a ruin!

"Sure enough!" Gada murmured.

The long hair was tossed by the wind, Gada yelled wildly, and a pillar of flame rose up at her feet, turning into a scorching torrent and spraying into the sky, "Go, Shivtktori!"

"My skills are not so easy to block!" Qin Zheng sneered, and the red beam of light once again shot down the hot rush!

"Sure enough!" Jiada suddenly jumped up from the ground. Even with the vampire's muscle strength, he couldn't achieve it. The super speed like a monster instantly crossed a distance of more than ten meters. Jiada stretched out his right hand towards Qin Zheng, his fingertips A terrible hook that doesn't match Jada's slender hands at all.

"Do you want to fight melee?" Qin Zheng sneered. With his zombie physique, he would definitely not be afraid of melee combat!

In an instant, Qin Zheng turned over and kicked Jiada away!

"Sure enough!" The girl sneered, and after turning around in the air, she stopped!

"Come out, Sotorol!" Gada once again summoned the third beast. It was a huge skeleton giant, with hollow eye sockets without eyeballs, a huge cracked mouth, and the gap between exposed ribs was pitch black. In the dark space, the ribs open like a door, and the overflowing darkness is released like a cannonball. It is a greedy dark cannonball that dug out the space.

The huge skeleton blasted out in a circle, and even the space was folded, and even the red beam was wiped out by the folds!

"Attack on the first level of space?" Qin Zheng muttered when he saw this!

"Then let you see the difference between us, I'll use an overwhelming force to defeat you!" Qin Zheng could only sneer at the broken punch in the face and space!Qin Zheng is not surprised that Jiada can annihilate the red beam of light, otherwise, if he can't stop his blow, then the third true ancestor is too ridiculous!

"Oh! Do you want to summon a giant soldier?" Jiada sneered. Although Qin Zheng's two favored beasts are true ancestor-level favored beasts, even stronger than true ancestor-level favored beasts, the number of favored beasts is also Too little, now I see that the name of the fifth true ancestor is not worthy of the truth!!

"Watch it!" Qin Zheng ignored Jiada's sneer!

The magic power on his body instantly increased, and the entire Xian Shendao began to tremble!The sun is scorching, and the temperature of the entire Xianjin Island is rising!

"It's so hot!" On the tomb of the ocean, that month looked at the sea with fresh water vapor, and muttered!

"Teacher Nayue, what happened?" Yukana and Saiyaka also discovered the strangeness of String God Island!

"Qin Zhengzheng and the third true ancestor are fighting in the abandoned area! This situation should be because of the beasts!" Nayue murmured!

"Qin Zheng is okay!" Xue Cai asked a little worried after hearing this!

Hearing that, that month also shook his head. The opponent this time was different from the previous ones. If it can be defeated, then the guess about the fifth true ancestor's combat power will definitely come down!!

"Look up! This is the first time I have summoned this beast!" Qin Zheng murmured, "Come out! The Winged Dragon of the Sun God!"

Suddenly, over the scorching sun, there was a roar like a dragon like an eagle!

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A scorching sun is slowly rising over Xian God Island, and the temperature in Xian God Island is rising rapidly!

The residents of Xianjin Island quickly noticed two suns in the sky!

"Oh my God! Two suns!"

"What's the matter? It's so hot!"

In the hospital, Yase and Feitao also noticed this situation. The sunlight was much fiercer than usual!

"What's the matter?" Fei Tao first noticed this situation and immediately asked!

"A few minutes ago, I felt a powerful wave of magic power from the abandoned area! It is the magic power of the true ancestor!" The voice over there said anxiously!

"Is that guy Qin Zheng?" Fei Tao was taken aback after hearing this!

"Then who can fight Qin Zheng?" Fei Tao was slightly taken aback!

"Also true ancestor!" The other side of the phone continued!

"True Ancestor!" Fei Tao was horrified, "Who would it be? First true ancestor, second or third?"

"From the strength of the magic power, it is the third true ancestor!"

"The battle between the two true ancestors!" Fei Tao's face was extremely solemn!

"It's so hot!" On the tomb of the ocean, that month looked at the sea with fresh water vapor, and muttered!

"Teacher Nayue, what happened?" Yukana and Saiyaka also discovered the strangeness of String God Island!

"Qin Zhengzheng is fighting with the third true ancestor! This situation should be due to the beasts!" Nayue murmured!

"Qin Zheng is okay!" Xue Cai asked a little worried after hearing this!

Hearing that, that month also shook his head. The opponent this time was different from the previous ones. If it can be defeated, then the guess about the fifth true ancestor's combat power will definitely come down!!

The temperature rises, many people feel uncomfortable, and soon they discovered that the sun had fallen down!

"Oh my God! The sun has fallen!" Everyone was horrified!

"Xian Shen Island is going to be destroyed! Hurry up and run away!" The fall of the sun made everyone panic!

"There is actually a beast! The fifth true ancestor, it seems that you are hiding very deeply!" Jiada's face was solemn, feeling the rise in temperature and the soaring magic power, and the smile on his cheeks changed!

"Come out! Winged Dragon!" The sun fell like a meteor, and a huge white ball of glowing white light appeared on Qin Zheng's head!

"This ball is your beast?" Seeing the bright ball of light, Jiada was taken aback!

"Yes, it's my beast!" Qin Zheng nodded!

Hearing that, Jiada is a little funny, it's just an egg, it's called the Winged Dragon!

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