The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 109

"Sister, do you think of me as an idiot?" Jietong muttered dissatisfiedly: "I know, the Fifth True Ancestor is your lover!"

"Ah! is this possible?" Sayahua's face instantly turned red, and she shook her head desperately!

"Is that so! Maybe I'm too nosy, but sometimes it's better to be frank." Yui Tong said like a little adult!

"Well-winded, you don't need to worry about it!" She became angry from embarrassment, and Saaya Hua's face flushed even more!

Item 0160

"Xuecai, you are here!" After Qin Zheng took a sip of a glass of red wine, Xuecai walked in!He naturally knows what Xuecai is looking for. Recently Qin Zheng's subordinates have frequently sent out to perform tasks. At a glance, he knew that something big was about to happen. What's more, Xuecai and the Lion King agency are still in contact with each other, so they will naturally hear about it. A little thing!

"Senior, I want to know, is Xian Shendao really going to be autonomous?!" Xuecai asked in a deep voice!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded and said, "Autonomy is only the first step. Next, I will build an empire that belongs to me!"

"But this is not what 600,000 people want to see!" Xue Cai persuaded!

"Hehe, you people don't want to see it, or the Lion King agency doesn't want to see it! I didn't expect the Lion King agency to let you be a lobbyist!" Qin Zheng sneered. He didn't intend to conceal this. Automatically, now he only cares about the position of Xuecai, a chick with a strong sense of justice!

"Senior, do you really want to go to war with the Lion King institution and the country regardless of the lives of the people?" Xuecai still said!

"Didn't you tell me? The establishment of this country is imperative. Don't talk about you, even the three sages of the Lion King agency will not stop me!" Qin Zheng sneered. Twenty years after the original work, the ancient city A huge empire of Akatsuki was established with Xianjin Island as the center, and now it is not the turn of the Lion King agency to disagree!

"You really don't take people's life and death to heart!" Xuecai said dissatisfied!

"Little girl! It seems that you have been completely brainwashed by the Lion King institution!" Qin Zheng sneered, and said, "How clean do you think the Lion King institution is. They also benefit from the same thing. In order to participate in a feast, Taking the lives of 600,000 people on Xianjin Island as a bet, you say this is for the sake of the people!"

"No! The Lion King agency won't do this!" Upon hearing this, Xuecai said in an unbelievable tone!

"Is it true? If you ask your master, don’t you know. A country has a population of hundreds of millions and a mere 600,000 people. What is it? As long as you can benefit the country and yourself, you can sacrifice more people. Don't hesitate!" Qin Zheng sneered!"Do you know why I sent Saaya out?"

"Why are you sending her out?" Xuecai asked repeatedly!

"Hey, that's because people from Taishi Bureau came to me!"

"People from the Taishi Bureau are looking for seniors? What is it for?" Xuecai knows that the Taishi Bureau and the Lion King Organization are organizations with different attributes. The Taishi Bureau focuses on natural disasters, while the main energy of the Lion King Organization is Putting it on man-made disasters, although there are struggles at the upper level, the starting point is all good, for the good of the people!

"Yeah! They are going to kill Qian Cong!"

"Ah! Qian Cong-senpai is an ordinary person, why should they...!"

"Do you really think Qian Cong is an ordinary person?" Qin Zheng asked with a smile upon hearing this!

"Isn't it?" Xuecai was also wondering, Qian Cong did not have any magical fluctuations!

"In a very short period of time, the heavily encrypted security machinery can be hacked, and programs that can be controlled freely can be entered. How can this exaggerated ability be possessed by an ordinary person!"

"This can only show that Qiancong's computer technology is great!" Xue Cai murmured!

"Haha!" Qin Zheng sneered and continued: "Now Taishi Bureau decided to wipe out the entire Xian Shendao in order to obliterate Qian Cong. Do you think this is an act of putting human life in your heart? So, interest is the most important thing. The starting point for me, why did so many people oppose the establishment of the Empire of Night, it is nothing more than touching the interests of some people!"

"But I want to say that the residents of Xian Shen Island will appreciate me very much after they know the truth!" Qin Zheng sneered!

"Okay, tell me now, what is your position?"

"The raccoon dog is the same as the Lion King's mechanism. If you are an enemy of me, you should help me!" Qin Zheng sneered!

"I...I, senior...I...I will stand on the side of justice!"

"Justice, what is justice!?"

Hearing this, Qin Zheng seems to have heard the most funny topic, and even Qian Cong understands the truth, and Xue Cai still has naive fantasies!

"To protect humanity is justice!" Xue Cai Zhengyi said awe-inspiringly!

"Hehe, then I will tell you the truth, Qian Cong's identity is Kaine's witch! You should know who Kaine is!"

"The first'god' who created the demons, but wanted to destroy humans and demons" Xuecai nodded after hearing this!However, Qian Cong's identity surprised Xue Cai!

"You know, Qian Cong is alive for one day, then Kaine will return to the earth one day to eliminate humans. The most compromised way is to kill Qian Cong in advance!" Qin Zheng sneered: "But you have seen the real situation, Qian Cong, what? I don’t know, she was just an ordinary high school girl, so she was wiped out. Is that fair and just for her? The Taishi Bureau advocated that even Xianjin Island should be wiped out!"

"If it were you, would you choose to do this? Kill the situation of Asakura Chord God Island, save most of them by sacrificing the lives of a small number of people, or say not to kill Asakura and wait for everyone to die together in the future! And the Lion King The agency, in order to obtain the qualification of Yan Guang Ye Uncle to participate in the election, also used 600,000 lives as a bet!"

"I...!" Xuecai never thought about this problem!Whether to kill or not to kill, she is very entangled!

"Whether it is the Taishi Bureau or the Lion King agency, they believe that what they have done is just, and I...!" Qin Zheng murmured: "I decided to protect Qian Cong, and protect my territory, Xian Shen Island. This is also the justice I pursue! For my own justice, I need stronger power, so I want to kill Vatra, kill the ancient city, and take their power as my own!"

"Justice also requires sacrifice!" In the end, Qin Zheng defined it: "Your so-called justice is too naive!"

Item 0161

After two lifetimes, Qin Zheng easily fooled Xuecai, a young girl who has not been involved in the world!

It is estimated that even she would not have imagined that the Lion King institution that cultivated her own Lion King institution and taught herself to uphold justice would have such a nasty thing!

And she never understood that justice changes with the change of position!

When Xuecai was shocked, Qin Zheng struck the iron while it was hot, and directed Xuecai to help Sayahua. It is estimated that the news from the people of the Taishi Bureau will be even more shocking!The six blades of the Taishi Bureau are called the Dark Sword and Witch. You should know some nasty things!

Xuecai readily accepted her order, and she also wanted to figure out what kind of organization it would be to cultivate her Lion King institution!

At this time, Mizoba also caught up with Saya Hua and the others!

"Who are you?" Wuye asked in a cold voice looking at Saya Hua!

"Huh, I'm Wu Weiyuan of the Fifth Real Ancestor!" Saidaka said subconsciously!

"Did you even give up your identity as the Lion King?" Wuye murmured after hearing this, sarcastically!

"No, now my task is just ordered by Qin Zheng!" Saya Hua shook his head quickly!

"Oh! That's really funny, when will the Fifth True Ancestor be able to command Wu Weiyuan of the Lion King agency?"

"I don't care who is in charge, you are illegal!"

"Hehe, the trespasser said that someone else was committing a crime? It's so funny!" Wuye snorted coldly!

"Although you are from the Fifth True Ancestor, I can't easily let you go!" Wuye had already frowned. She only went to Qin Zheng the day before yesterday, hoping that he could cooperate with Taishi Bureau's actions. But Qin Zheng didn't buy it. Now he sent someone over, as if he knew something!

"I didn't expect to pass the level easily!" Saidaka said as she pointed her sword at the fog leaf.

Mist had no weapons, but he still walked towards Saayaka who was holding the sword unwaveringly. This provocative attitude seemed to say you would attack whenever you want.

"It's just right. I also want to ask you Koski Alize what you want to do to lock up such a small child." Saya raised the sword to the center of his eyes, quietly assessing the relationship between the two. The distance between them was still one step away. As long as Mizoba took another step, Saya Hua's attack would immediately hit her.

"The six-type reloaded magic bow of the Lion King mechanism is engraved with the suspected space-cutting technique. Although it is indeed a very powerful weapon! But...!" Mist suddenly stopped to show an elegant smile, and then let out a soft sound Stepping on the ground, he disappeared in front of Saya Hua in an instant.

"Huh!?" It was Fog Ye who launched the attack first.She rushed into Saayaka's arms in an instant, and displayed a sharp knee kick that was contrary to Wen Ya's attitude.

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