The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Strike Chapter 111

"Six-blade priest, do you think we will be afraid of you?" After hearing this, Saiyaka sneered.She has strong long-range attack ability, but Xuecai has outstanding short-range attack ability. Combining the two, this woman is definitely not her opponent!

"That's not necessarily!" Wuye smiled indifferently, and said, "Li Liu!"

With this sound, Yuuki who was standing behind Saayaka came out!

"Yutomi, don't go mean, you're not Kutomi!" The smile on her face was far from what Sayahua had in her impression!

"I'm Yuki too, but Yuki seems to call me Liliu."

"Liluu!?" After hearing this, Saiyaka was taken aback, what's the trouble?I worked so hard to save her, but she took the initiative to return to that woman!

"Could it be... Dissociative identity disorder?" Although Xuecai didn't understand the situation, she whispered while looking at the girl who called herself Liliu, as if she had a clue about the reason for the sudden change in temperament. However, Liliu squinted happily.

"Huhu, are you talking about multiple personalities? This is another personality created by the miserable Kyuto in order to protect his spirit. That's it. That's right, it can be said that it is neither in nor in Far away." Liliu laughed as if talking about other people's things.

"Painful experience. Does it mean being kidnapped?"

"Kidnapping? I hate it, no." What was said was so funny, Liliu burst into laughter as she said it.

"Yuetong has always been bullied and said, whether it is a student from the same school or his own parents. Koski Alize has adopted the benefactor who has always been isolated, Yutong!"

"Bullying, why?"

"Isn't this a matter of course, because Yuki is a dream monster!"

"Yes, it's the Demon Race called Succubus. It's a rare Demon Race. Have you ever heard of it? Stunts are mind control, which can invade other people's hearts and manipulate them at will, so others hate and fear!" Liliu raised the corners of her mouth as if she was laughing at herself.But for some reason, this expression makes people feel a bit crying."And I, I just don't agree with my pupil, the product of separating the dream monster's ability from desire and the like!"

From the hem of the summer dress she wore, a swaying black slender tail stretched out. This is the tail of the beast produced after the magic is concretized. This is the tail, which indisputably shows the reality of the pupil. Identity.

"I understand, this girl is the key you use to control the weapon that destroys the island of Xianjin Island!" Xueca thought for a while and smiled: "But I won't let you do it!"

"Sorry!" Liliu smiled and said: "Sister, you are not our opponent!"

"You?" Upon hearing the words, Xuecai was taken aback, and a cold light flashed behind her back. The out-of-control Saaya had used her Huang Hualin to insert Xuecai's abdomen with blood flowing!

"Saya Hua, why?" Yuuki didn't understand why Saya Hua wanted to kill her!

"Hehe, how does it feel to be killed by a trusted partner?" Mistha smiled, "It's a pity that Saya Hua is under our control now!"

But Xuecai passed out without hearing the last sentence of Wuye!

And Saaya Hua, with his eyes dull, holding his Huang Hualin, pointed it at his abdomen, and was about to commit suicide!

"Mind control, good ability!" At this moment, Qin Zheng walked out of the dark!

"It's you, the fifth true ancestor!" Wuye's pupils shrank when he saw the man walking out!

"Haha, don't be so nervous, I just came over to see Xuecai's consciousness! I didn't expect Xuecai to be so careless!" Qin Zheng smiled and said, "But I don't want you to kill my right-hand man! "After that, the whirlwind formed by the black mist rolled up Yukana and Sayahua and was about to leave!

"You won't stop us?" Upon hearing this, Wuye became vigilant!

Upon hearing this, Qin Zheng shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Xian Shen Island will not be destroyed. This just fulfills your wishes!" In the original work, Wu Ye didn't want to destroy Xian Shen Island, otherwise he would not give the ancient city a chance. They prevent the destruction of Xianjin Island!

"Goodbye, then!" A meaningful look at Wuye, after a smile, he turned into black energy and left!

"Sister Wuye, who is that guy? My control seems useless?" Liliu muttered with dissatisfaction!

"Hehe, he is the fifth true ancestor, the strongest man on Xian God Island!" Upon hearing this, Wuye smiled!

"The strongest?" After hearing this, Wuye was taken aback, then smiled and said: "Wuye, why don't we take refuge in her, anyway, you are not happy in Taishi Bureau, why...!"

"No! I can't betray my country!" Upon hearing this, Wuye shook his head and said: "The plan is still going on, but I think Qin Zheng will come and stop it. At that time, you and I will be able to survive!"

"That's it! I heard that the Fifth Real Ancestor is very charming!" Muttered, Li Liu's eyes flickered and looked at the direction Qin Zheng was leaving!

After Qin Zheng came back with the two girls, Saiya Hua woke up and saw her good friend Yukina stabbing her with a heart cut!

"How could this happen, Xuecai, I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"I really didn't mean it!"

"Qin Zheng, you have a way to do it to her, right!"

"You are the fifth true ancestor! You must be able to!"

"Okay, don't worry! You are under the control of the dream demon, that's why you made such a move. Moreover, Xuecai will not die. I will give you a strength!"

"Give us strength, just like Bea Torres?" After hearing this, Saiya Hua was taken aback!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded, and then showed his hideous fangs!

Chapter 0164

"The witch of the secretary, we meet again!" In a damp building, Ah Ye had already walked up slowly!

"I didn't expect you to hide here, Xian Shen Mingjia!" Looking at the smiling young man, Ah Ye sneered!

"It seems that Qin Zheng really refuses to let me go!" Xian Shenming pushed his glasses. If he ignored the double guns in his hands, he would probably think he was a gentle young man!

"That's natural, but you who should have died are still alive. It is a shame to the Fifth True Ancestor!" A Ye squinted her beautiful eyes, with indescribable killing intent in her eyes!

"So he sent you to kill me?" Hearing this, Xian Shen Mingjia was a little funny!

"Yeah!" Ah Ye nodded, "This is my first mission, but I can't mess things up, so please die!"

"Qin Zheng too underestimated me, and sent you here!" Xian Shenming said sarcastically, "Anyway, since Qin Zheng didn't go on a horse, then I feel more relieved!"

"The chat ends here! You will pay for underestimating me!" Ah Ye sneered, her eyes turned into gem-like green!

"It seems that you have become Qin Zheng's blood!" Xian Shen Ming sighed, a pair of short guns on the left and right.Connecting them forcibly, transforming into the posture of a long spear, and the strange light released by that dark spear made Ah Ye's eyes wide open in surprise.

"Is that gun...?" Ah Ye asked suspiciously!

"Sure enough, did you find out, the Zero Assault Double Spears of Demonic Demon-it is the failure of the Lion King's mechanism, and the weapon is abandoned."

"It seems to take some work!" Ah Ye's eyes became severe. When she was in prison last time, she could feel that this guy's power was not strong, but after he was equipped with this gun, this guy turned out to be something A sense of oppression!

"Black Magic!" At the next moment, Ah Ye took the lead in summoning her own beast, and a humanoid beast wearing magic armor holding a magic wand appeared in front of Ah Ye!

"This is the power you get!" Xian Shen Mingjia murmured, but the answer was indeed a shock wave!

"Sure enough, but I tell you, you can't beat me!" Xian Shenming moved gently and avoided Ah Ye's attack!

"Nonsense!" Ah Ye sneered, and another magic missile was released!

"I will advise you for the time being. You can't defeat me because of your magic power. That's why you can't defeat me!" Xian Shen Mingjia said flatly.From the very beginning, he hadn't paid any attention to Xiandumu Aye.The magic missile disappeared before it touched Xian Shen Mingjia!

"So that's it!" Seeing that his attack was offset!Ah Ye knew the reason soon!

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