The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 119

Item 0174

"It's not impossible to go back to a year ago!" The pale green palm rested his chin, thought for a while, and said!

"Ah, Qian Cong-senpai, is it really okay?" Xue Cai was stunned when Qian Cong spoke!

"Well, time and space are collectively referred to as four-dimensional space-time. The trajectory of particles in four-dimensional space-time is the world line. All objects are composed of particles. If we can describe the position of particles at any moment, we describe all of the objects. History, if we can create a time machine, we can still go back to the past, but even if we can freely shuttle through time and space, we can only follow the established trajectory. There is also a saying that when we go back to the past, in order to avoid time With the emergence of the paradox, we may become bystanders in the past. We can only watch what happened in the past, but cannot interfere. But these are just speculations! If you want to change the past, it will be difficult!"

"Doesn't that mean that although you can go back to the past, nothing can be changed?" Xue Cai murmured!

"That's not the case!" Qin Zheng shook his head and said, "I think we can change the past, but those who go back to the past cannot change the past, because once the past changes, the future will continue to change, and it may even collapse!"

"Then... Then you have to go back in time?" Qian Cong asked with some worry after hearing this!

"I will not change the past history, but leave a glimmer of life in Agurola, and then come back to life in a year!" Qin Zheng shook his head and said!In the original book, Xuecai's daughter, Leicai, returned to Xuecai twenty years ago and gave the new Xuexia wolf to Xuecai, which has fully confirmed this!

"You can try this!" Qian Cong nodded, and after hearing Qin Zheng's words, she also felt that the incident had a lot to do!

"Then the research of the time machine is left to Qian Cong you and Xiao Shensen!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"Yeah!" Xiao Shensen also nodded. It's about her daughter, so she is naturally very concerned!

In the next two days, Naisa completely lived in the Tomb of the Ocean. Of course, considering Naisa's physical condition, Xiao Shensen invited Naisa a few days away!

"Senior, you're back!" After Qin Zheng came back that day, he saw Naisa banging on his slippers to greet them.

" do you dress like this?" Xia Yin flushed!The same goes for Xuecai, her eyes widened and speechless.

Nasha was wearing only a white apron printed with a duck pattern. Apart from this, she appeared to wear nothing, her slender shoulders and snow-white thighs were exposed.

"You...what are you doing!? How do you dress like this!?"

"What are you asking... It's just a normal swimsuit apron. Look!" After speaking, Nao Sha said as she lifted the corner of the apron, a white swimsuit with only sporadic laces caught the eyes of Qin Zheng and others. Not naked!

"You don't need to lift it up! I'm asking why you want to dress like this!" Qin Zheng said helplessly!

"This is my swimsuit, of course I want to wear it out for seniors to see!" Naisa said with a smile!"After all, I will go swimming tomorrow!"

"Xucai, I also bought a swimsuit for you, do you want to change it and have a look!"

"No, no need... It's a bit... to wear a swimsuit here...!" Facing the invitation with Nasha's innocent smile on her face, Xuecai quickly shook her head and pushed away. Although she wanted to wear it for Qin Zheng to see, she was ashamed This idea!

Despite this, Naisa still refuses to give up, "But...this swimsuit is specially bought for you, and the senior will be happy to see it?"

"Okay, go and change your clothes!" Qin Zheng nodded Nasha's forehead and said!

The next day, the additional artificial island was built on the sea 18 kilometers away from the main island of Kushigami Island. It was a fan-shaped island shaped like a cut pineapple.The dedicated shuttle boat reciprocates between its chord god islands, and the time required for a one-way trip is almost twenty minutes.Qin Zheng and others got on the electric car starting from the ferry and were moving counterclockwise on the periphery of the fan-shaped additional island.

The first thing I saw was the aquarium and zoo named "Warcraft Garden".It is a facility for breeding and researching, including endangered species, a total of 300 species and 2,200 warcrafts from all over the world.Most of the content is open to general visitors, especially the marine monsters, which are known for being the largest in the world.

Next is the biggest selling point of BlueElysium. The vast swimming pool area on the coast, starting from the indoor swimming pool that can even hold international competitions, to the water skiing area over 200 meters, is equipped with a variety of interesting directions. The swimming pool is large enough for people to wear swimwear for a whole day.

Next to the swimming pool is an amusement park.There are not only fixed facilities such as a ferris wheel and roller coaster, but also a genuine haunted house that utilizes the characteristics of the "Devil Special Zone", and an incredible jumping machine that cannot guarantee the survival rate outside the Devil.

After passing through the shopping street lined with restaurants and shops, Qin Zheng and the others will stay in the accommodation area tonight. There are many holiday villas and rental villas lined up along the canal.

"Here!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly and jumped down first. At the same time, Naosha, who had unloaded his luggage from the electric car, was moving toward the interior of the Mediterranean villa.

"Is the place to live from today really here?" Nasha looked very happy!The brand-new villa can be said to be more luxurious than expected, with a spacious interior, abundant equipment, and a refrigerator filled with iced drinks.

"The bed should be more than enough, so you can divide the room at will." Qin Zheng said to Xuecai, Naisha and others behind him!This villa was packaged by Bea Torres in advance!

"The second floor is so big! The air-conditioning effect is really good, the kitchen is also luxurious, the sofa is so soft, and there is a sauna in the bathroom!" Naisa is like an excited puppy, running around the house!

Item 0175

BlueElysium, in the large sink of the Warcraft Garden, in this sink several times larger than the swimming pool, countless beasts are swimming.

Sleeping near the bottom of the water is a South Asian strange fish called Makara, with a body like a toad and wings like flying fish. In addition, there are countless unknown beasts like octopus or eels in the tank. Swimming back and forth.

"Hee hee!" Naisha protruded her small body from the fence of the passage, her eyes gleaming, her long hair tied into short hair style, and she was shaking it up and down rhythmically.

"It's really big! It's the world's largest Warcraft Aquarium! That's a horse? A mermaid that looks like a horse?" Naisa pointed at a man with a horse's front body and a fish's back. An incredible creature, silver fins replaced the mane, moistened with water and shimmering, it is a monster that makes people feel the sacred beauty.

"It's the Campos seahorse. It's probably a kind of seahorse that inhabits the coast of the North Sea Empire. It's the first time I've seen it really." Xuecai explained beside Naisa.Although the sword witch of the Lion King mechanism has a lot of knowledge related to monsters, but the rare marine monsters that are on the verge of extinction have never been able to watch them at such a close distance, even if they pretend to be calm The appearance can't hide the excitement of such a rare experience in my heart.

"The eyes are so cute, I want to feed them too!" Naisa murmured in intoxication.Because Naisa saw the edge of the tank, the Warcraft breeder wearing a diving suit was feeding the seahorse. It is estimated that he is training this strange seahorse for the official opening in a few days!

"Xucai, why did you build such a large Warcraft courtyard on Xian God Island!" Naisa asked!

"I don't know this!" Upon hearing this, Xuecai shook her head, but her face was extremely heavy, because the Warcraft Courtyard was the place where she and the people from Taishi Bureau met. If it weren't for Qin at the scene that night, she and Sa Shihua It is estimated that she will die in the hands of that girl, and I believe that I will meet that girl as well!

After all, my purpose here is not to play, but to stop the crazy behavior of Taishi Bureau!

"Those monsters are so pitiful!" Nasha, who was still excited, suddenly complained!

"Ah! Naisha, what are you talking about?" Upon hearing this, Xuecai was taken aback again!

"Look at these seahorses being imprisoned, they must be unhappy!" Like vampires and orcs, Beasts possess the intelligence to communicate with humans and are protected by the Sanctuary Treaty, and the protection of Beasts is very slow. In the world, there are still many monsters that are regarded as dangerous monsters. Poaching and massacres are also happening. Of course, most of the monsters have high fighting ability, and there are many races that will attack humans.

"Naisa, the facilities in this Warcraft courtyard should be to further the study of the ecology of Warcraft. At that time, the symbiosis between humans and them may become easier!" Xuecai thought for a while!

"Yeah!" Naisa nodded, and cheered at the seahorse who played a beach ball between her palms like an acrobat.

"This Nizi is really optimistic!" Xuecai murmured as she stared at Naisa!

"Xue Cai, don't you just come to see it?!" Naosha asked with his head tilted when he noticed Xue Cai's surprise.

Xuecai smiled and shook her head, pointed at the hippocampus, and said, "Naga, aren't you afraid of these monsters!"

Hearing that, Nasha was silent, and finally smiled reluctantly, and said: "Xucai, you must feel that I am terrible, right!"

"No such thing!" Xuecai shook her head quickly. She already knew Nasha's past and knew Nasha was a very capable witch, but it was also true that she was afraid of the demons.

"Although I didn't intend to discriminate against them, I was still a little scared, vampires and orcs." Nasha said in a somewhat lost and unreliable tone.But after seeing Xuecai with a worried look on her face, she immediately smiled brightly.

"But monsters are not a problem. Just like people with male phobia, it’s okay to see male dogs, right. I like animals very much, even reptiles are okay. But insects are a bit bad at it. . Like a sea spider!"

"Insects?" Should we correct the point that spiders are not insects or treat them as not hearing them? Xue Cai wondered a bit!

"Um, didn't the senior follow me?" Naisa asked curiously!

"He! There should be something to deal with!" Upon hearing this, Xuecai shook her head helplessly!Early in the morning, Qin Zheng was taken away by Zhudaolun and Qian Cong!

At this time, Qin Zheng was being "tortured to extract a confession" by Zhudaolun!

Because Zhushimaren came here alone, but after she saw Qin Zheng and Qian Cong appear together, at the same time, she also saw a few beautiful women who came with Qin Zheng. When they met, she was jealous again!

"Qin Zheng, tell me quickly, why did you come with Qian Cong?" said Tsukuba Runyizheng!

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