"Damn it, you know this kid is not modest at all!" Ti Qi Jia cursed secretly.

"Damn!" Rao also cursed that month, "I really don't know if this guy is ignorant or meaningless! Sure enough, I can't afford to be injured in the second stage!"

"Respected Fifth True Ancestor, don't you want to prove your own combat power?" Mo knew that Qin Zheng's character knew that threats would be useless to this young man with a secondary illness. .

"To prove my combat power, do you want me to kill you all?!" Qin Zheng was already sitting on the flame hoof, touching his chin and thinking!

"Of course not!" Nayue shook his head, pointed at the embarrassed ancient city, and said: "This guy is the fourth true ancestor. He has twelve powerful beasts, but he hasn't recovered his strength yet. If so It would be a shame to be killed by you. Of course, killing a true ancestor whose strength has been greatly reduced would be an insult to such a noble you!"

"Hehe, that's good! I like it very much." Qin Zheng squinted his eyes, laughed, and said, "Now I know you can talk like this that month!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" That month was also full of smiles, and said: "After the ancient city recovers its combat power, it will definitely bring you great fun!"

"That's it! Since the teacher said that, I will reluctantly release the Fourth True Ancestor!"

"However, that Yuechan, I am your student!" Qin Zheng said with squinting eyes again.

"Of course!" Nayue smiled slightly, "Caihai Academy welcomes you, the true ancestor!" After saying that, Nayue's heart is bitter, just now, that month only rejected Qin Zheng, and she would accept it in a blink of an eye. Qin Zheng, a student, felt a sense of powerlessness.

"Hehe! Teacher that month, let me say it, you will accept me!" Qin Zheng said with a smile, his expression even more arrogant.

After that, Qin Zheng came to pick up the fainted Xuecai.

"Qin Zheng, what are you doing?" Seeing Qin Zheng taking away Xuecai, he said again that month.

Item 0018

"Teacher that month, what's the matter?" Qin Zheng frowned upon hearing this, muttering!

"Oh! It's nothing, but you can't take this girl away!" Nayue smiled!

"Teacher that month, you must be content, I can let go of the ancient city, but I will not let this girl go. Of course, you can rest assured that I will not kill her, after all, she is my princess!"

"Haha, no, I just remind you that the identity of this girl is not simple, you have to be careful!" Nayue said: "She is the sword witch of the Lion King institution. If you take her away, the Lion King institution may If you can deal with you, don’t underestimate the Lion King mechanism. Its strength is very powerful!” Although that month knew that this threat would be of no use to him, he still had to say it. After all, he couldn’t stop Qin Zheng from taking Xue Xue away. Dishes, let the Lion King agency worry about it!

"Is the Lion King mechanism, but I'm not afraid!" Qin Zheng muttered. Although he didn't know the internal strength of the Lion King mechanism, he was not afraid!

"That's good!" Nayue nodded.

"You can't take my student away!" At this moment, Ti Qi Cape jumped out and said directly.

"Ti Qi Cape, can you stop me?!" Qin Zheng looked at Ti Qi Cape with a smile!

"Sorry, this guy is nonsense!" Ti Qi Jia really wanted to rush to fight Qin Zheng, and that month he quickly tied Ti Qi with a chain.

"That's good!" Picking up Xuecai, Qin Zheng said: "I live in Scheldt Pharmaceutical Company. If you have this strength, come and find me. If you win, I can take this girl away!" After that, Qin Zheng flew away directly on the flame hoof.

After Qin Zheng walked away, Ti Qijia looked at that month angrily and said, "That month, why did you stop me?!"

"Hey, I did this for your own good, don’t you know the strength of that guy! I was not his opponent when he hadn’t summoned the beasts, and now I’m not anymore. If you rush forward, it’s only Just looking for death!" Nayue sighed and said, "I am doing this for your good!"

"Then I can't look at my student in danger and not save her!" Sai Qi Misaki stubbornly said!

"I also know your mood! But it won't help if you rushed up. Moreover, according to Qin Zheng's secondary 2 character, Xuecai should be fine, and Xuecai is not an ordinary person, and her strength is not weak!"

"It's better to be like this!" Tisaki Misaki nodded.

"Yase is estimated to have received the news! He will report to the Lion King agency, and they will definitely send someone to rescue Xuecai, and we will also take advantage of this time to gather magicians to rescue Xuecai!" That month Say it again!

"Okay! That's the only thing now!" Tisaki Cape nodded.

"What about this guy?" Tiqi Cape pointed to the ancient city that was fainted again, and said!

"Recover his strength, he will be our most powerful combat power! If he still can't, I still have a card in my hand, I will definitely be able to rescue Xue Cai!" That month thought for a while, said!"I also want to go over to collect Qin Zheng's ability information. His strength is very strange. If you know his weaknesses, you should deal with it a lot!"

At this moment, in the classroom, Yaze put down the earphones in his hands, gave a wry smile, and said, "This is troublesome!"

At this time, Qin Zheng has returned to the pharmaceutical company.

"You're back!" Seeing Qin Zheng riding the flame hoof, Miss Bea Torres was taken aback for a while. This guy actually summoned the beast again, and he was still a beast he had never seen before. Yes, but she didn't know that Qin Zheng had already gained a physique stronger than a vampire at this time, and it was only a matter of minutes to summon the beast!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng jumped off his horse, held Xuecai, nodded and said!

"Who is this guy?" Beatoris was taken aback when she saw Xuecai.

"Xucai, the sword witch of the Lion King mechanism!"

"I'm asking you, why are you bringing her back?"

"Such a beautiful girl, it's wasted not to be my princess!" Qin Zheng said domineeringly!

"Um!" Bea Torres didn't speak, he knew that this second-ranked fellow was ill again!

"Aren't you going to pick up Xia Yin?"

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Qin Zheng handed the snow vegetables to Bea Torres and said, "You take care of her, I will pick up Xia Yin!"

"Why should I take care of your lover! I am also a woman!"

"Well, not bad!" Qin Zheng glanced at the fiery Bea Torres after hearing this, and said: "You are a woman, and you are also a woman of good figure!"

"Huh! Then I don't have to do this work!" Beatoris deliberately raised her chest.

"No!" Qin Zheng shook his head, squeezed Beatorice's full chest with both hands, and said, "You have to take care of her!"

"I'm talking to the cow, I was wasting my tongue!" Beatoris murmured.

Chapter 0019

It is night, an empty classroom.

"Miss Fei Tao, what should we do now? Do you want to rescue Yuk Cai?" Yaze said with her trouser pocket in her trouser pocket and her back against the wall, and not far away, a girl with blue eyes and short hair with glasses was meticulous Standing, occasionally pushing the glasses on the bridge of the nose, as if thinking about the problem.

"Of course we must save!" Fei Tao nodded and said, "But our Lion King agency will not make great efforts!"

"What do you mean?" Yase was taken aback after hearing this.

"Hehe, Xuecai is the woman we gave to the fourth true ancestor. This crisis will be used to test the fourth true ancestor's ability. If he can't rescue the snow vegetable, a true ancestor who can't even protect his own woman, then Our Lion King organization needs to be changed!" Fei Tao said calmly.

"But that guy is very strong, and he has never sucked blood in the ancient city, so his strength is very poor!!" Although as a watcher of the ancient city, as a friend, his heart is still biased towards the ancient city.

"Then let him suck blood!" Fei Tao waved his hand and said, "In this battle, the fourth true ancestor must show the power that matches the true ancestor!"

"Hey, that's all we have to do!" Yase sighed slightly after hearing this.

"Of course, in order to protect the safety of Xuecai, I have sent someone to tell Saiyaka that she happens to have a mission to come to Xianjin Island, and she will cooperate with the actions of the ancient city!"

"Are you planning to make Saiyaka the blood medium in the ancient city?"

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