The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 123

The sea surface was calm again, and the red water gradually faded away!

Suddenly, Saiya Hua saw a huge black shadow pouring up from the bottom of the sea!

"Yucai, something is coming up!" A huge shadow appeared on the bottom of the sea, and Saiya Hua said with a deep face!

"Yeah!" Xuecai nodded. This dark shadow is definitely not the senior, but a monster fighting against the senior, and when the monster appears, then the senior is... horrible, thinking of this, Xuecai pales!

"It's Leviathan!" Wuye laughed at himself, seeming to laugh at Qin Zheng's overpowering just now!

"Bump!" Leviathan broke through the water, revealing his mainland-like back!

"It's so big!" Seeing such a huge Leviathan like a crocodile, Xue Cai was shocked!

"Do you want to fight?" Xuecai's face was ugly, she couldn't win against such a huge monster!!

"Blue-eyed white dragon!" Xuecai looked at the behemoth that was still, but exerting great pressure, and immediately ordered the blue-eyed white dragon!!

"Xucai, you are here!" Leviathan opened his mouth, and Qin Zheng walked out of it!

Seeing Qin Zheng come out safe and sound, Xuecai and the others were stunned!

"You...didn't you get eaten by Leviathan? How could you still come out?" Wuye stammered and asked!

"Oh! You said it! It's my mount now!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!"This guy is a cheap bone, I'm convinced!"

"What, you... you subdued Leviathan?" Wuye and Liliu looked surprised after hearing this. Even the two daughters with Xuecai were extremely surprised. Then Xuecai recovered and murmured: "Senior, Although I do not object to you having a mount, it is too big!"

"Isn't it big enough!" Qin Zheng smiled upon hearing this, and continued!"I am going to build a palace on it, a palace that can be moved, which fits the identity of my fifth true ancestor!"

"Palace?" Xuecai was taken aback after hearing this, "Could it be that it is true?"

"Of course!" Qin Zheng nodded!

"Sister Wuye, what's the matter?" Liliu looked at the Wuye next to her, and asked curiously!

"A few days ago, Qin Zheng issued a notice to the Japanese government, saying that he wanted to make Xianjindao self-government. I didn't expect it to be true!" Wuye sighed and said: "But unfortunately, the Japanese government seems to be in its own right He did not agree to Qin Zheng's autonomy for Xian Shendao. Now you see, it is impossible for Qin Zheng to obey the words of the Japanese government. At that time, war will be inevitable!"

"Ah! Doesn't that mean Big Brother is going to fight the whole Japan!"

"Yeah! That's right, when the time comes, the Lion King organization and the Taishi Bureau will all regard Qin Zheng as an enemy!"

"That's the best! Sister Wuye, you must have taken refuge in the past, anyway, Big Brother and Taishi Bureau are enemies!"

"You Nizi, you figure it out, Qin is going to be an enemy of the whole of Japan!" Regarding Liliu's naivety, Wuye said helplessly!

"It's okay! Didn't you see it?" Liliu looked very excited and said, "Qin Zheng is able to subdue Leviathan, so it's no problem to deal with the Japanese government!"

"Yes!" At this time, Wuye wanted to go. The man in front of him swallowed the power of the Fourth True Ancestor, and he was definitely the strongest man in the world!

"Xucai, what should we do now?" It is not a joke to set up a country, and Saiya asked Xucai for her opinion!

"What do you mean?" Xue Cai asked rhetorically after hearing this!

"I...!" After hearing this, Saya Hua thought for a while, and with his heart, Saya Hua said: "I decided to stand beside Qin Zheng. If I want to fight against the Lion King mechanism, I will do my best. Do everything you can to clean up the enemy for Qin Zheng!"

"Then me too!" Xuecai smiled and nodded!

"Wuye, Liliu, now invite you to join my kingdom, please choose!" Qin Zheng said with a smile!

"Great, big brother, I'll join!" Liliu nodded excitedly!

"Huh, is this the tone of the inviter?" Wuye snorted coldly, but nodded!

"Very well, since you agreed to Wuye, then I will give you a gift!" After speaking, Qin Zheng suddenly appeared beside Wuye, and then bit the smooth neck!

In the distance, Cape Tiqi, and Fei Tao that month were still watching the situation here!

"Which continent came out?" Tiqi Misaki was surprised!

"It's Leviathan? How did it come out? Did Qin Zheng fail?" Following Ti Qi Cape's gaze, Leviathan was discovered that month!

"No!" Upon hearing this, Fei Tao shook his head, "I can still feel Qin Zheng's enormous magic power!"

"Then this is...?"

"It is estimated that I have subdued Leviathan!" Fei Tao said lightly: "That fellow Qin Zheng is much stronger than he thought!"

"Miss Fei Tao, how do you deal with the autonomy given by Qin Zheng?" Hearing that, that month looked at Fei Tao with deep meaning and said, "If you disagree, the relationship with Qin Zheng will decline. When it's freezing point, no, if you say to hinder Qin Zheng, you will become the enemy of Qin Zheng. In this case, it is very irrational to be an enemy of Qin Zheng!"

"If the Lion King mechanism and Qin Zheng were enemies, where would you stand as the witch of the gap?" Fei Tao asked lightly!

"I used to serve the management commune of Xian Shendao, but now I was rescued by Qin Zheng from the endless cage. Of course I have to return Qin Zheng's kindness!"

"That's it! Then I know!" Fei Tao nodded and said, "After I go back, I will persuade the Japanese government to agree to the independence of Xianjin Island!"

"The best! As a country attacker before, in a sense, we are also colleagues, and I really don't want to fight with you!" Nayue smiled faintly!

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It's night, the tomb of the ocean!

"What, Qin Zheng, what you said is true? You really want to build a country!" Qian Cong was surprised when he heard Qin Zheng's words!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded and said: "The address of the palace is ready! And Xian Shen Island is my territory!"

"It always feels a bit unreal!" Qian Cong murmured: "If you become a king, then... then am I... the princess!"

"Unexpectedly, I will have the day of becoming a princess!" Qian Cong thought with joy in her heart!

"Then I am a princess!" Xia Yin murmured after hearing this, thinking in his heart!!

"I'm Qin Zheng and half a woman! When the time comes to establish a country, I'll be a princess too!" Beatoris thought not sure!

"Qin Zheng, are you really going to be an enemy of the Japanese government and the Lion King agency?" That month asked seriously!

"It's okay!" Qin Zheng smiled and said, "I heard that the Japanese government will hold a special meeting to discuss this matter. Why don't I send you there!"

"What am I doing in the past?"

"Kill all the high-levels to avoid future troubles!" Qin Zheng said with awe-inspiring murder!"Also, you take this!"

"Kill them all? Qin Zheng, are you kidding?"

"Do you think I am joking?" Qin Zhengzheng asked and said seriously!

"Hey, then I will do my best! I am not Fei Tao's opponent!" Nayue nodded and left with space magic!

"Hmph, Fei Tao's wife is against me everywhere, sooner or later I will let her be my slave girl!" Qin Zheng sneered in his heart!

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