The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Strike Chapter 130

"You have thought about it!" Xuecai interrupted Freya's guess ruthlessly, and said: "It's possible in the future, not now!"

"Oh!" After hearing this, Fulia breathed a sigh of relief. If the third true ancestor also became Qin Zheng's woman, then there is no place for these women!But Xuecai also said that it will be possible in the future, it seems that I have to guard against it!But what Flya did not expect was that although the third true ancestor had not become Qin Zheng's woman, the fourth true ancestor had already become Qin Zheng's woman!

"What are you looking for Qin Zheng?" Then, Saiya Hua asked curiously!

"You don't want to give up your status as a queen and come here to be a princess!" Xuecai guessed!

"No!" Upon hearing this, Fulia nodded and said: "I am here this time to make the Kingdom of Aldikia a subject of the Qin Empire!"

"That's it!" Upon hearing this, Xuecai nodded and did not speak!

"But I don't think you need to report privately!" Xuecai thought for a while, and then said: "The ceremony is about to begin soon, I think you can wait until then to say it!"

"Well then!" Freya naturally knew the political intention of doing so!On the first day the Empire of Qin was established, there was a kingdom attached to it, and it was still a powerful kingdom. This undoubtedly increased the prestige of the Empire of Qin, which was extremely beneficial to the later development!

The time for the ceremony is getting closer, and people from all over the world are sent to attend the ceremony. Among them, the Japanese government and the Lion King agency also sent people to participate!

When they saw Agurola next to Qin Zheng, they were not surprised. Obviously, they should also know that Agurola has been resurrected!

However, the addition to the field has aroused their endless reverie!

The third true ancestor appeared here, could it be united with the fifth true ancestor, plus a former fourth true ancestor, that is to say, the three true ancestors are on the united front, this is absolutely nothing to them good news!

"Dear Fifth True Ancestor, take the liberty to interrupt!"

"Let's talk!" Qin Zheng said, waving his hand like the middle-aged man below!

"Just the day before yesterday, the true ancestor caught Miss Feitao, the Three Sages of our Lion King agency, and I want to redeem her!"

"Redemption?" Qin Zheng was taken aback upon hearing this!He did not expect that the group of people from the Lion King agency had not given up on Feitao. The silence of the Japanese government and the Lion King agency made Qin Zheng think that the Lion King agency had given up on Feitao. Now it seems that it is not the same thing!

What are these guys doing?Qin Zheng sneered. Although he didn't know the purpose of the Lion King's mechanism, there was news from Bea Torres just now that the training had been successful!

Qin Zheng didn't mind taking this opportunity to slap the Lion King's organ!

"Well then!" Qin Zheng smiled and nodded, and ordered Bea Torres to bring Fei Tao!

The person in the Lion King's office was taken aback. He didn't expect Qin Zhenghui to agree to it so simply, but seeing the smile on Qin Zheng's mouth, the middle-aged man was very disturbed!

Soon, Fei Tao was brought up, but it was not the noble Three Sages they imagined, but the one who took the dog pen and crawled up, his face was extremely ashamed of Fei Tao!

"Hurry up and call Master!" Bea Torres said after bringing Fei Tao to Qin Zheng's side!

"Master...Master!" Facing so many people below, Fei Tao felt the sky spin, and really wanted to die. Finally, seeing the whip drawn by Bea Torres, he stammered and shouted out!

Item 0190

The forest in the middle of summer, a tropical rain forest with unbearable heat.

The air was so humid that it was breathless, the sun was also very strong, the ground was thick with trees, blocking foreign invaders, and colorful birds were flying in the air, crawling around on the ground covered with leaves, looking for The corpse insects, the air is filled with the aroma of ripe fruits and unknown gorgeous flowers, as well as the smell of gunpowder and flames, the breath of life and death is clearly distinguishable, and the entire forest is dyed with strong colors. .

A small temple is hidden in the depths of the forest. A young girl is standing on the altar in the center of the temple. She has delicate brown skin and honey-colored hair. Her beautiful face is still tender and decorated with pure Jin's luxurious clothes make people think that she is the ruler of the temple.

However, now the girl's face is full of despair and fear!The priests who were supposed to guard the temple, all turned into miserable corpses piled up around the girl, full of blood and dead corpses!

"What to do? Those people are still killing?" The girl saw a soldier in military uniform again tortured and killed a priest!

The soldiers suppressed the temple in an organized way and swarmed into the altar where the girl was.

Although the remaining priests were still fighting desperately, it was obviously just a dying struggle. The priests were beaten helplessly by only a few soldiers equipped with powerful guns and magic.

"I want to run away!" However, the girl couldn't move. Her whole body was stiff as a stone. She couldn't move a finger freely, and she couldn't close her eyes. She could only watch what happened before her. Tragedy.

Finally, after another priest fell, a soldier began to pay attention to him. The soldier took an indecent attack on the demons and used it to re-arm the gun, and approached the altar. Then, the soldier pointed the rifle at her chest.

Then, an agile figure with golden hair roared and rushed.

"Hugh is rude!" The shot was a leopard-headed orc dressed in a priest's clothing. After fierce battle, the orc's hands are now covered with blood sprayed from the enemy, and he has left countless Scars.

"You invaders never want to touch this adult's hair!"

"Go to hell!" The soldier who noticed the orc approaching suddenly set up the rifle again, but the orc attacked faster. He gave full play to his overwhelming arms and slapped the soldier's head against the altar wall.

With a sound, the helmet worn by the soldier broke!After receiving this strong blow, it would be no surprise even if the skull was shattered. After a blow from the whole body of an orc, it would be impossible for an otherwise unusual human to survive.

However, the soldier's movements did not stop. Instead, he smiled nonchalantly. The soldier tore off the broken goggles, and his blood-stained face continued to smile grimly.

The expression of the orc who noticed this froze, and the soldier shot the rifle in his hand at the distance where the two were close together.

"Puff!" The blood clot was spit out from the orc's mouth, and the soldiers mercilessly fired bullets at the orc who had been shot and flew near the altar. The orc who could not continue to maintain the animalized state turned into a devastated old man.

After confirming that the orc was dead, the soldier slowly stood up, and then aimed at the girl on the altar again.

"Awaken!" The soldier twisted his broken face and said strange words. The girl was as stiff as a doll, only looking at this unrealistic sight.

"Awaken, the Dark King!" The soldier's finger squeezed the trigger forcefully.

"What a tragic battle!" Suddenly, an abrupt voice sounded, and the soldier found that the gun in his hand had failed!

"How is this possible?" Before the soldiers had time to make a surprised voice, the black air swept across like a sky, and then, the black air swallowed all the soldiers!The visitor was naturally Qin Zheng. At this time, it had been more than half a month since he left the National Grand Ceremony. At the founding ceremony, Qin Zheng severely lost the face of the Lion King's organization. Facing the guidance of others, the Lion King's organization finally gave up Rescue Fei Tao, a shameless woman!

Subsequently, the relationship between the Qin Empire and the Lion King's institutions became tense, but Aldikia's becoming a subject country greatly increased the prestige of the Qin Empire, not afraid of the Japanese blockade economically, but in terms of strength, Needless to say, Qin Zheng came to the tropical deep forest to rescue the bride of the Dark God King after sitting in town for half a month, and added a favor!

The girl's stiff body was relaxed, and she fell on the altar.

"It seems that it is not too late!" Then she heard the sound of leisurely and graceful footsteps.

Soon, the girl saw an elegant boy with black hair and black suit appearing in front of her!

The young man looked down at the old man in a priest's uniform who fell in a pool of blood, and laughed pityingly.

"Who are you? Why do you want to save us?" The old man said softly while breathing in pain.

"The fifth true ancestor!" Qin Zheng smiled lightly!

"I didn't expect you to come in person!"

The battle around the temple ended unknowingly.The gunfire was no longer heard, only the smell of corpses floating in the air became stronger.

"Where are they?" the old man asked intermittently.

Looking at the outside of the temple, Qin Zhengman smiled casually, "Don't worry, I have killed all the people outside, but unfortunately, all of you who guarded the sanctuary have been wiped out!"

"Really?!" The old man coughed up blood from his throat.His life has come to an end.

Exhausting his last bit of strength, the old man stretched out his hand unreasonably, pointed at the girl on the altar, and said, "Fifth True Ancestor, please take that adult away!"

"Don't worry about this, my purpose is her!" Qin Zheng smiled, and after seeing the old man had died, he looked at the girl on the altar!

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