The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 150

Qin Zheng, who has power, can go to any place on the earth in a flash, but Qin Zheng chooses airplanes!

Soon, the plane landed in Japan!

Erica, who walked out holding Qin Zheng’s arm, discovered that there are so many people welcoming the new king, but this is not surprising. Of the almost 10 billion people in the world, only a mere seven people stand at the top of the world. The etiquette of Qin Zheng's arrival can be considered appropriate and reasonable!

Of course, although Qin Zheng knew the dignity of the king's status, he didn't expect so many people to welcome him!

Now the entire airport is full of people, all from government departments, and there are also people from three major families!

"It seems that the Japanese government has helped myself a lot!" Qin Zheng remembered what Erica said to him before leaving!

["Master Qin Zheng, can you tell me the purpose of your coming to Japan?" Erica asked kindly!

"Isn't it for the ordinary high school student!"

"Then you don't have to go to Japan, because the high school called Godou died and was forced to death by the Japanese government!"]

Qin Zheng secretly clapped his hands when he heard Godou's death!

I was still entangled in how to get rid of Godou without causing Jinghua's hatred. I didn't expect Godou to commit suicide directly under the coercion of the Japanese government!Although the Japanese government forced Godou to death because of his own relationship, and Godou's death has a lot to do with him, he did not kill himself after all!

And he didn't declare that he wanted to kill Godou. It was just that the Japanese government made their own claims and forced Godou to death!

Although Godou is dead, he still wants to go to Japan!

After getting off the plane, just as he had expected, a man named Dongma Kanazawa came up!

"Dear King, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Touma Amakusa, and I will be the person in charge of you during your stay in Japan!" Touma Amakusa said respectfully!

"Yeah!" He knew that the middle-aged man in the anime, Touma Amada, is the offspring of a ninja, and his hiding technique is very powerful!

"This is Wanliya Yuri, the maiden we dedicated to you! King, you can enjoy it with confidence!" The meaning in the words of Akasu Dongma is very clear, this woman was given to him!In fact, Touma Kankasu was also helpless in doing so. Yuri Wanliya was a very good witch, but it was also because of her excellence that brought her a lot of trouble. The most obvious is that the Marquis of Vauban used them to summon The god of obedience, the Marquis of Vauban, will surely capture Yuri Wanligu again, and even if the god of failure is summoned, there are very few maidens who can survive. A kind of protection in disguise!

Wanli Gu Yuri didn't speak. Obviously, she knew in advance what Akasu Dongma was going to say, and she also accepted Akasu Dongma's statement!

Qin Zheng looked at the girl behind the Ganseed Dongma. She was wearing a white short sleeve top and a crimson pleated skirt. Her appearance was very beautiful. The color of her hair was not so much black pearly, it was closer to brown. It was not deliberately dyed. It was born with such light-colored hair!

"Dear King!" This time, Yuri Wanligu saw Qin Zheng's appearance up close, with black hair, and smiled slightly. It was very beautiful and evil!

Wanligu Yuri's face turned red involuntarily!

Seeing a woman who looks not inferior to her, Erica has a taste for herself. This Japan is really shameless. In order to keep the king in Japan, she even used the beauties. As everyone knows, she herself appeared next to Qin Zheng. Cross’s beauty strategy is only that Erica positioned herself as Qin Zheng’s first wife, so she didn’t notice it!

Now, Erica is a little bit savory, she doesn't understand, since Godou is dead, there shouldn't be any reason for the king to come to Japan!But why does he come to Japan!

However, in any case, this is the king she is fond of, no matter what, she will not let a woman take Qin Zheng away!

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"Very good, then you stay with me!" Qin Zheng smiled at Wanligu Yuri!

Seeing Qin Zheng accepting Yuri Wanli Gu, Touma Amazak finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he accepts Yuri Wanli, it means that he has accepted the goodwill of Japan!

"Dear King, please forgive us for our incompetence!!" Dongma Kanazawa's tone changed, becoming sincere and fearful!

Hearing this man’s words, Erica knew that he was going to raise Gotang’s suicide. In a sense, this was indeed Japan’s incompetence. Qin Zheng had already decided that Qin Zheng had to deal with Godou’s affairs. However, the Japanese government failed to protect Godou. Before the king came to Japan, Godou committed suicide!

"Can't let them pass this way!" Erica squinted. Now that Qin Zheng has accepted a woman gifted by the Japanese government, Qin Zheng is definitely not accounting for this trivial matter!

"Sweet meal Dongma, right!" Before Qin Zheng could speak, Erica spoke!"What you are talking about is something called the suicide of Godou boy! This is really your Japanese incompetence! Even the people appointed by the king are not good at it!"

"Excuse me, are you...?" Hearing Erica's words, Touma Kanazawa said angrily!

"I am the king's knight, and I agree to be the king's lover!" Erica said proudly!

"It turns out that you are the king's lover! But even if you are the king's lover, do you want to be above the king?" Dongma Akasu said in a hurry!

"You...Where am I going to be above the king, don't you bring me a hat!" Erika said with a blushing face!

"The king didn't express his own opinion, but you spoke, isn't this superior to the king!"

For the first time, Erica learned that these Japanese dwarves are not so friendly, articulate, and the hat is buttoned in an orderly manner!

"Okay, don't make any noise, just forget it!" Qin Zheng waved his hand!

"Well, Wang, although Godou committed suicide, we have captured Godou's sister!" After speaking, two men came up with a 14-year-old girl. Qin Zheng recognized that this girl was Godou’s sister, in the original book, Godou’s sister is a pungent, unreasonable, and very cheerful lord, but now she is taciturn, and knows that Godou’s death has hit her hard!

"What do you mean?" Qin Zheng frowned, question!

"Well, we want to...!" Seeing Qin Zheng frowning and knowing that he is no longer pleased, Akasu Dongma said, "We know that Godou ran into the king, but Godou's younger sister can replace her brother and make atonement for it. !"

In addition, Yuri Wanriya was a little unbearable. Originally, the Japanese government was very unkind when he forced Godou to death. Now it is very wrong to catch his sister again. The Wang hasn't spoken yet, so he's messed up. However, the Japanese government has its own concerns. He is responsible for 100 million people. If the new king angers Japan because of Godou, then 100 million people in Japan will die. In a word, if Godou died In exchange for the safety of 100 million people, then the Japanese government will choose to sacrifice Godou without hesitation!

"Wang, I think the king is a powerful king, Godou is dead, but his sister is innocent!" After thinking about it, Yuri still mustered up his courage and said to Qin Zheng!

"Yuri!" Seeing Yuri expressing his own opinions without authorization, Kanazawa Dongma's face was pale. If the king is dissatisfied because of this, everything he did before is wasted!

"Hehe, what's your name?" Qin Zheng smiled slightly when he looked at Youli!But countless dark clouds have gathered at the airport, and among them are lightning and thunder!

Seeing this situation, Erica curled her lips, thinking in her heart that it deserved it, that a great situation had been destroyed by this witch who did not know the height of the sky!It is estimated that this guy has regretted his intestines!Erica's gaze fell on the Kankasu Dongma. He definitely didn't expect that the maiden he had found would fight the king's grounds in such public places!

"My name is Wanliya Yuri, Wang!" Even though he was scared, Yuri said respectfully!

"What you said makes sense!" Qin Zheng smiled again. Suddenly, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed and the sky cleared again!"I didn't intend to do what about the boy named Godou? It was just that he confronted me in Italy, so I wanted to punish him a little bit. I didn't expect him to die because of it! As for his sister, take her come on!"

"Yeah!" Seeing that the king was no longer angry, Dongma Gansu breathed out!

"Wang!" Yuri exclaimed, thinking that the king didn't want to let go of Godou's sister!

At this time, Gudo's younger sister, Jinghua was brought up by two men in black!

"You two, go down!" Qin Zheng waved his hand and saw the handcuffs in Jinghua's hand. With one finger, the handcuffs were disconnected!

"Are you okay!" Qin Zheng said gently, looking at the haggard Jinghua!

" are the king of their mouths!" Jinghua looked at Qin Zheng and said coldly, with little respect in her tone!

"Huh!" Qin Zheng nodded!

"Wang, although you helped me, but my brother died because of you, I won't be grateful to you!" Jinghua said bluntly!

On the one hand, Dongma Gansu wiped cold sweat, this Nizi dared to talk to Wang like this, really tired of living!

"You are the sister of that suicide high school student!" Qin Zheng smiled, nodded Jinghua's forehead, and said, "You are more unreasonable than the king! I didn't kill your brother!"

"You don't kill Boren, but Boren died because of you!" Jinghua said again: "I know you are telling the truth, but you are the fuse, but what I hate most is the government. They want to please you. I forced my brother to death! Die!" After she finished speaking, Jinghua's face turned hideous, and there was a knife in her hand!

Jinghua turned around and spurred towards the nearest Amkasu Dongma Spurs!

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