"You despicable fellow!" Xue Cai said through gritted teeth.

"Despicable is the best compliment to me!" Qin Zheng said with a smile, "Enjoy it!" At this time Xuecai's body was reddened slightly and began to tremble.

"No!" Xue Cai said through gritted teeth, her face flushed, as if she wanted to resist the growing evil fire within the antibody.

"Okay, it's time for me to enjoy it!" Qin Zheng sneered, tearing Xuecai's clothes with both hands, then pressed it up!

Item 0024

After the two had been lingering for almost two hours, Beatorice walked in with a cry.

"Bea Torres, you just came here!" Qin Zheng was sitting on the side of the bed, and when he saw Bea Torres walk in, he waved.

"Okay!" Seeing Qin Zheng's little buddy who was still holding up her head, Bea Torres took off her clothes and wanted to fight Qin Zheng for hundreds of rounds.

"What are you doing?" Qin Zheng was stunned as he watched Beatoris's movements.

"Don't you want me?" Bea Torres stopped and looked at Qin Zheng in confusion.

"Haha, you lewd woman!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly and said, "But who said I'm going to fuck you, a guest is coming, you go to meet her, bring her to me, remember, the means Don't be so gentle and make her suffer, otherwise, I will have a headache!"

"Who!" After hearing this, Bea Torres's face flushed. She didn't expect that she would really take the initiative to ask for favor, but it was so cool to do that, she can't be blamed!

"It's just a guy who can't help it! Go, use the power I gave you, and take her down!" Qin Zheng waved his hand.

"You bastard! I'm going to kill you!" At this time, after venting, the medicinal effect of Xuecai's body has disappeared, and the sober Xuecai immediately noticed his strangeness, and suppressed Qin Zheng like a wolf. He bit Qin Zheng's shoulder with his teeth viciously.

"What a bad boy!" Qin Zheng turned over and pressed Xue Cai underneath again.

At this time, the two were still naked, and found that Xuecai's face was flushed, and suddenly pushed Qin Zheng away, wrapping the bed sheet stained with blood plum blossoms around him!

"Huh!" Xuecai snorted coldly, trying to stand up, only to find that white liquid was flowing from underneath herself, flowing down the roots of her thighs!

"Damn, my body has been stained by something so disgusting!" Xuecai flushed and looked at Qin Zheng angrily.

Seeing Xuecai's angry gaze, Qin Zheng didn't care much and said, "Someone is here to save you!"

"Who?" Xuecai asked. Although I don't know who it is, it must be someone from the Lion King's organization to save herself!

"Your good friend, Saaya!" Qin Zheng said lightly!

"This...this!" Upon hearing this, Xue Cai's pupils shrank, "Don't hurt her!"

"She is so beautiful, how could I hurt her!" Qin Zheng smiled and said: "She will be my princess just like you. I believe you two can get along well!"

"You bastard, never want to tarnish Saayaka's innocence!" Yukina was even more furious.Saya has saved herself and fell into the hands of this demon, and she has to be taken by him. She is really sorry for her good friend!

"Why? You were not very excited just now!"

"Because you used despicable means to me, that's why I am like this!"

"Are you sure you don't have any enthusiasm and desire in your heart?!" Qin Zheng seemed to smile!

"Of course!" Xuecai turned her face to meet Qin Zheng's eyes and said!

"Don't dare to look at me, be guilty! It doesn't matter if you don't dare, you see my ability, you can definitely make your good friend live and die!" Qin Zheng smiled faintly.

While Qin Zheng was mocking and stimulating Xuecai, Saiya Hua approached the Scheldt Pharmaceutical Company at a superb speed.

"Yucai, don't have an accident! I'm here to save you!" Saiya Hua was very anxious, and soon came to the pharmaceutical company.

"It seems that there really is an intruder, and a beautiful girl!"

"Who are you? Get out of here!" When the voice came out, Saiya Hua immediately drew out the broad sword Huang Hualin, vigilantly.

"My name is Bea Torres, and I am now the person in charge of Skelter Pharmaceutical Company!" Bea Torres stepped on high heels and walked out gracefully, her delicate smile pouting a smile."and who are you?"

"Saya Hua! Get out of me quickly, I'm going to save Yukuna!" Saya Hua shouted!

"Sure enough, I came to save that little girl!" Bea Torres smiled, "but you are late, the little girl is receiving the favor of the master!"

"What!" After hearing the words, Saaya Hua was suddenly anxious and walked over immediately, but was stopped by Beatoris!

"Hurry up and get out of here!"

"That's not good, you have to pass my level if you want to see the master!"

"Then I have no choice but to knock you down!" After saying that, Saaya leaped and jumped on top of Beatoris's head, and slashed with the knife.

Item 0025

"Very good power!" Now Bea Torres has become a second-generation zombie, and her response speed is first-rate. She easily avoided Saya Ka's blow, and Saya Ka's big knife slashed on the ground!With a "boom", the surface cracked.

"I heard that your Lion King mechanism has weapons to kill the true ancestors. Is this true?" Bea Torres said lightly.

"Of course, the energy of the Lion King's mechanism is not what you can imagine, so if you know it, let's put the snow vegetables!" Sai Yahua frowned and said!"Otherwise, the Lion King agency will kill you all, including your idiotic arrogant master!"

"Haha, I'm sorry, I really can't be the master of this!" Bea Torres smiled, "But you are right, I also think Qin Zheng is a bit arrogant, but he has arrogant capital, because He is the fifth true ancestor!"

"The Fifth True Ancestor, it's a real laugh, who would admit this title!" Saaya Hua sneered.The movement in his hands did not slow down.

"They'll admit it!" Beatoris continued to dodge, saying with certainty.

"A joke! When you are resolved, I will kill your master too!" Saya Hua coldly snorted!

"I don't know how high the sky is!" Bea Torres was murderous."You have such confidence, it should come from the big knife in your hand. Indeed, it cuts iron like mud and is extremely sharp. This knife should be a weapon that can kill the true ancestor!"

"So what!" Saiya Hua also sneered.

"It's a pity, this knife was wasted for you!"

"I will prove to you that this knife can kill you!"

"It's really crazy talk. How can you kill me if you can't even touch the corner of my clothes!" Bea Torres smiled, "But in order to let you know the difference in strength, I will take your cut. Up!"

"That's what you said, don't regret it if you die!" From the previous encounter, this woman was extremely fast, and she could not cut her at all. Now she actually said that she would take her own knife and kill herself. That's no wonder the others, Saiya Hua still has confidence in Huang Hualin!

Saya began to accumulate energy, and looked at Beatrice, who was still motionless, and knew what the woman was saying was true.

"What a stupid woman!" Saya Hua was funny and angry at the same time, kicking her feet on the ground. With a very fast speed, Saya Hua slashed at Beatorice's head with a single knife. The woman must be dead.

Beatrice's drooping eyes were closed, her pupils turned green, her fangs were exposed, and her outstretched palm slowly blocked the front.

"Bump!" With a dull voice, Huang Hualin looked at Beatoris's palm, and the electric current formed by energy splashed away.Saya Hua, who believed slowly, saw that Huang Hualin was really blocked, and was shocked.

"This, how is this possible!" Saiya Hua muttered in disbelief.

"It's really a weapon that can kill the ancestors, and my palm is a bit painful!!" Beatorice shook her palm and laughed!

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