The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 168

Yuri has entered the state of spiritual vision!

She was searching for her meaning in the whiteness, and suddenly, a pair of faint green eyes stared at herself fiercely!

"Marquis Vauban!" Yuli was terrified, as he was about to withdraw from the state of spiritual vision, a sword cut off the green eyes!

You Li looked up and saw that Qin Zheng was holding that black long sword and piercing the head of the Marquis of Vauban!

"Won!" At this moment, Yuri knew that Qin Zheng had won this battle!

After You Li quit Lingshi, Qin Zheng also appeared in front of the girls!

In this battle, Tony's life and death are unknown, Vauban was killed, and Qin Zheng won. It is conceivable that after this battle, Qin Zheng's reputation in the world will definitely rise!

But now Qin Zheng is too tired. After appearing here, no matter who it is, he leaned forward directly!

When he woke up, Qin Zheng found that he had come to an unfamiliar place with a big bed, and he could see that it was a very high-class bedroom, much like those rich people living in the movie.

"Where is this place?" Qin Zheng murmured. After he slept, all the negative effects disappeared!

"Well, this bed is really comfortable. Sleep a little longer!" After muttering, Qin Zheng turned over and seemed to touch something very soft and elastic!

"Um!" Qin Zheng knew who it was, because only the most daring Erica could do this kind of thing. Then, he opened the quilt and took a look. At the same time, a pair of snow-white arms stretched out from the quilt, and then hugged him. Holding Qin Zheng's neck, he pulled Qin Zheng in!

"Hmm!" With his lips touching, Qin Zheng asked the scent of a girl, the smell of Erica!

After the two separated for a long time, Qin Zheng couldn't suppress his desire anymore, turned Erica underneath, and after a round of conquest, Qin Zhengcai asked: "Erica, where is this place?"

"This is Qingqiuin's house, because Tokyo has been destroyed, so we have to bring you to Kyoto!" Erica explained!

"Oh!" Qin Zheng nodded, as he expected the destruction of Tokyo!

Kyoto is the stronghold of the Qingqiuyuan family, and Qin Zheng is here, and no one else will object!

Item 0053

Kyoto, the capital before Japan was not moved!

Because Tokyo was destroyed, Qin Zheng had to move to Kyoto, but there was a Qingqiuyuan family in Kyoto, and Qin Zheng lived in a good place!

After defeating the two kings, even if Tokyo was destroyed, the Japanese would still worship Qin Zheng as an ancestor!

As for Tokyo, it is really destroyed!

The storm abolished the entire transportation network in Tokyo. The fire also destroyed all the buildings. Tony’s sword has already cut the entire Tokyo city in half. The official explanation is that this is The earthquake, but this earthquake, coupled with the blizzard, fire, and lightning that night, caused nearly nine out of ten deaths and injuries. Today, this tragedy has shocked the world.

The watch world was shocked that Tokyo didn’t know what sin had been committed, and it was so hard. The blizzard and the earthquake did not say hello at all. In short, there were a lot of humanitarian assistance and condolences. In the world, many people are terrified at the combat power of the Three Kings!

Now they are really afraid of the battle between kings!

"Qin Zheng, let's go in!" After speaking, Huina looked at the large courtyard in front of him with satisfaction!The other women also followed, they are now Qin Zheng's women, so naturally they want to be with Qin Zheng!

"Wang, now that you have won, how about the King of Sword and the Demon? Are you dead?" Erica and the others are very concerned about the fate of the King of Sword and the Demon!

"You're not dead!" Qin Zheng thought for a while and said!

"Ah! The Marquis of Vauban is not dead yet?" said Yuri incredulously!She clearly saw that Qin Zheng's black sword had pierced Vauban's head!

"I clearly saw you...!" Yuri said again!

"Godkillers are not so easy to die!" Erica said in a deep voice!Indeed, it goes without saying that the King of Swords, although the breath of death enters the body and sinks to the bottom of the sea, a body comparable to steel should not die so easily, and the Marquis of Vauban needless to say, his power [Underworld Black Dragon] can make his body temporarily enter a state of suspended animation, while the spirit body becomes a black dragon, then travels back and forth to the underworld, and finally consumes a lot of divine power to resurrect!

"That's it!" Yuri murmured a little regretfully!

"King of Righteous Path, why didn't the Demon Lord Vauban be brought to justice? How many people in Tokyo have he killed!" Yuri said seriously again!

"This is to blame for the government's inaction. Knowing that there will be conflicts between King Zhengdo and the Marquis of Vauban, they did not evacuate the population in advance. There are so many deaths in Tokyo, Japan, and the Japanese government has to pay half of the responsibility!" He coughed and said!

And Liliana also left Qin Zheng with the flow!

"Please let the king give orders. We are very sorry for the rude behavior of the King of Swords!" After Qin Zheng won, the Bronze Black Cross immediately formulated a strategy to abandon the King of Swords only and get close to King Zhengdao. stand up!

Soon, a month of easy life passed!

During the period, Jinghua was a kind girl, and felt that Japan was punished due to the number of casualties, so a smile gradually appeared on her face!

And within a month, the sage meeting also figured out the life and death issues of Vauban and the King of Swords, the two will still be in the world!

Five days later, the King of Swords was salvaged from the South Pacific. He was full of black air. It was Qin Zheng’s breath of death. Only half his life remained. He was then taken to Italy by the Red Copper and Black Cross. He has not yet woken up. The Marquis of Vauban is no different from ordinary people, a truly ordinary person!

According to the records of the meeting of the sages, the price for the resurrection of the Marquis of Vauban was that he could not use his divine power for a few months, and now he has returned to Europe!

As for the city of Tokyo, it cannot be inhabited anymore. It is a sequelae left by the Three Kings fighting here. Changes in climate have made it impossible to live here. Now Tokyo City has become the world’s largest spectacle, a large-scale storm composed of several tornadoes. Groups, large-scale intensive thunderstorms, hail that is bigger than a human, and the downpour that fell along with these hail.

Because Qin Zheng's Yemo black sword smashed a big hole in the ground, the big hole now formed a lake, and the lake was divided into two halves by Tony's sword!Half is the half of the fire used by the Marquis of Vauban, the lake is boiling like boiling water, and then rises!On the other side, there is a smooth and clean lake!

These strange phenomena converge to form a spectacle, which has added unexpected income to Japan, because many people come to Japan to travel just to see this spectacle!

However, Japan would rather not have this income, because too many people died in this battle!

Within a month of moving to Kyoto, Qin Zheng also began to get used to life here.

The mansion of Qingqiuyuan is not in the urban area. It is surrounded by mountains and has a good environment. By the way, the surrounding land belongs to Qingqiuyuan.

Of course, during this month, Qin Zheng first discussed life issues with Huina, then Huina, and then Liliana. Anyway, Qin Zheng has engaged with many beautiful women based on the principle of killing mistakes and not letting go. , Including the many beauties in the Qingqiu Courtyard, who have become the winners of life!

Now, Qin Zheng no longer goes to school, but as a god-killer, as a person, he can't stay in Qingqiuyuan's house all day and do nothing, so now Qin Zheng wants to kill the gods!

He asked the people in the Japanese committee to tell the world that they could help get rid of the gods of incompliance, but few people came to him for help, because the horrific and destructive power of Qin Zheng and the two battles horrified them!Disabling the entire city of Tokyo, this is a few major events that have not happened in 200 years!

In their eyes, the King of Righteous Path is a person who doesn't know the severity of the shot. If such an incident happened in the country under their rule, then they would be sinners of the country!!

Item 0054

However, Vauban and the King of Swords are in a coma and have not yet woken up. When the god of disobedience appears, they will always ask for help from Qin Zheng. The god of disobedience is the god. If there is no god killer to kill, Let them go crazy, their destructive power will not be less than Qin Zheng, and it may even be the next Tokyo!!

The bronze black cross is such a one. They have worshipped Qin Zheng as their masters. In other words, not to mention that the Sword King is unconscious. Even if the Sword King is sober, he can only ask Qin Zheng for help. , They could only ask Qin Zheng for help. Two months ago, they found a ruins in Naples. Inside the ruins there was a magical implement, a goddess implement, and a pillar of Hera!

If this problem is not solved, it will attract the gods of incompliance, so they asked Qin Zheng to take action to solve this thing!

On this day, Liliana received a request from the Bronze Black Cross, saying that it was for Qin Zheng to go to Italy and solve the problem. Of course, Liliana didn’t know what the problem was, but knew that her grandfather wanted to meet Qin Zheng. !

In the company of all girls, even if there were no godslayers, Qin Zheng's life was not boring!

"Wang, you... can you go to Italy with me?" Liliana said with a blushing face!

"What are you going to Italy for?" When Liliana said about going to Italy, Qin Zheng remembered the bronze black cross where there is a Hera pillar that has not been resolved. The Hera pillar is a column made of black stone similar to obsidian. The river bed of the underground temple quarry long ago grew like a tree, and the surface was carved with a line drawing similar to a curled serpent. The height was about 20 meters. This stone pillar was found and moved very hard. The people who came to this place were the Naples witch hundreds of years ago, the ancestor of the Bronze Black Cross. The Hera Pillar is a sacred tool for the witches of Europe, and it is also a god!It has something to do with Athena, the god of disobedience!

"My grandfather wants to see you!" Liliana said hesitantly!

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