The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack-Chapter 170

Item 0056

This daily routine lasted for four consecutive days. Four days later, Liliana who got in touch with the Bronze Black Cross came back!

"Wang, I'm back!" There was an old man in a cyan uniform who came with Liliana. It was Liliana's grandfather and the old man who had spoken to Qin Zheng on the phone!

"Wang, hello, I'm Liliana's grandfather!" After speaking, the old man said respectfully!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng smiled, and after looking at Liliana, said, "Let's talk about it, what do you want me to do?"

"Let the king visit Italy in his busy schedule, please forgive the rudeness!" The grandfather bowed again before he said: "That's it. We found a ruins in Naples two months ago. Hera Pillar!"

Sure enough, listening to the old man's words quietly, Qin Zheng was basically determined, and the bronze black cross asked him to come and solve the trouble!

"I think the king should also have the impression that since the birth of the Gorgon Stone, the two gods seem to interact with each other and are activated! Now there are a lot of divine powers stored in the Hera Pillar, I am worried that it will attract the gods of incompliance!"

"So you came to me to solve the Hera Pillar?" Qin Zheng said with a smile!

"Well! Please help from Wang!" The old man said again!

"No problem!" Qin Zheng nodded, he could also feel the powerful divine power emanating from Napoli here, it should be the Hera Pillar!

"Then I will go with Liliana!" Qin Zheng finished speaking, picked up Liliana, a tornado rose under his feet, turned into a gust of breeze, protected Liliana, and drove away to Naples!

"Qin Zheng, wait for me!" At this moment, Hui Na drove out with the Sky Cloud Sword, just seeing Qin Zheng Yufeng coming out, she couldn't help but shout!

"Really! Why only bring Liliana! Too cunning!" Hui Na muttered dissatisfied!

"Ena, hurry up! Let's drive over!" I don't know when, Erica has already driven the red car that Arianna drove before!"I know that Qin went to Naples, and it is too late for us to rush over now!"

"Naples, across the sea, it will take a long time!" Huina muttered, but still got in the car. As the king's woman, she must fight side by side with the king!

"Well! It's really far away, it would be nice if Eliana was there, her speed is very fast!" Erica said with a little nostalgia for Eliana's speed!

After the four women got in the car, the red car brought a shadow and drove out!

Qin Zheng and Liliana are now at the entrance of the ruins!

"Let's go!" Standing at the entrance of the ruins, Qin Zheng smiled slightly!On the uncovered ground, a four-corner cave was suddenly opened, and the stone stairs extended to the ground. Even in the dark, Liliyana and Qin Zheng could be seen clearly, without a flashlight. I went down the stairs.

This is a long and slender underground path like a waste tunnel. If it goes back to BC, it was originally a quarry, so it is quite natural to resemble the waste tunnel, but there are a lot of murals carved on the wall. It's one thing, it's all simple and plain line drawings. If they were carved by humans in the Stone Age, some people might believe it.

"This is a snake!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly, because there are many snake-like creatures painted on the wall. There are large snakes that entangle their long bodies, and there are several Hydras with heads. Snakes with wings like bream bats are painted with various snakes on the wall. Of course, you can also see some line drawings of other animals!

"Well! The snake is a symbol of the mother god!" Liliana explained that during the Roman reign, the witches at the time came here to drew these line drawings in order to escape hunting, because snakes are their belief, but Europe With the popularization of Christianity, the loss of faith since ancient times can also be said to be suppressed and boycotted. In this process, the supposedly sacred maidens are persecuted and become feared and taboo.

Athena, the Goddess of the Four Seasons, Metis, etc. are all famous Mother Earth Gods, symbolized by snakes, so the snake is a symbol of Mother Earth Gods and guardians of the witches.

"Here!" Soon, Qin Zheng and Liliana came to the Hera Pillar!

Here, Qin Zheng could feel the huge divine power in the Hera Pillar!

In Greek mythology, Hera was the wife of the god-king Zeus. However, this goddess was originally the mother god of the Peloponnesian Peninsula. After being invaded and conquered by the Indo-European people who worshipped the sky god, He Ra was forced to become the goddess of Zeus, and this dark stone pillar is naturally related to Hera!

"Meeting for the first time, King of Righteous Path!" At this time, Qin Zheng discovered that someone had already come to the site, a very young woman.

"My name is Diana!"

"Yeah!" For such a stern woman, Qin Zheng knew who it was, Liliana's teacher, and the head of the Napoli branch!

"So what will the king do with this stone pillar?" Diana asked curiously!

"The god of incompliance attracted by the Hera Pillar should have sensed this divine power. I mean to release this divine power and then solve the god of incompliance!" Qin Zheng thought for a while and suggested!

"This... this is impossible! How could it be possible to break the Hera Pillar!" Liliana said in disbelief!

"Leave it to me!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"Come out! Yemo Black Sword!" Qin Zheng's powerful magic power surged out of him and suddenly formed a normal-sized black sword!

"Look at you, Yemo Black Sword!" Qin Zheng smiled. In the original work, Tony exploded this magical tool after using his power. Now, strictly speaking, Qin Zheng's Yemo Black Sword is not Qin Zheng had no idea whether he could break this stone pillar in terms of power!

Chapter 0057

The Hera Pillar, as a sacred tool, belongs to Hera, so the people with the bronze black cross are afraid that Hera will come!In Greek mythology, Hera was the wife of the god-king Zeus. However, this goddess was originally the mother god of the Peloponnesian Peninsula. After being invaded and conquered by the Indo-European people who worshipped the sky god, He Ra was forced to become the goddess of subordinate Zeus!

"How can it be possible to cut off the goddess of the earth mother!" Liliana couldn't help shouting. Even Diana, who was usually calm, changed her face. She was worried that if the Hera pillar was really cut, then Everything is terrible, the Hera Pillar has stored a large amount of divine power, if it erupts here, the accumulated divine power may be able to blow up the entire Naples!

"Wang, this...this is too dangerous!" Diana said euphemistically!

"But are you going to wait here for the change of Hera Pillar?" Qin Zheng asked back!

"This...this requires the wisdom of the king!" Diana said again!

"Haha!" Qin Zheng smiled, expressing his disdain. So many people died in Tokyo World War I, and it is normal for Napoli to die. Moreover, in the original work, the result of the explosion of divine power seems to be the formation of a giant dragon. And this dragon is still the companion of the witch, after all, the witch serves the earth mother god!

In addition, Athena and the Witch also have a great relationship!

Speaking of Athena, Hera Pillar is related to her, and she should be nearby too, Qin Zheng thought!

The black breath continued to surround the Yemo Black Sword, and Qin Zheng's whole body began to be covered with a faint black mist!

"Wang, what are you doing?" Liliana noticed the strong magic power gushing out of Qin Zheng, and when she wanted to rush to stop it, she was bounced off!

"Liliana, don't waste your time!" Diana knew that Qin Zheng decided to destroy this thing!

With the blessing of divine power, the black sword flashed a dazzling black light. Then, Qin Zheng swung his sword and slashed towards the black column. The Hera pillar was cut in two neatly cut into two neat sections.

"Cut it off!" Liliana murmured. She had already seen that from the Hera pillar that was split by the magic sword, there was an extremely large amount of divine power sprayed out like magma, and the divine power surrounded the dazzling brilliance. The black flash rushed to the ground, and the curse force smashed the ceiling of the underground ruins and shot upward.

Although the surroundings were covered by the darkness of night, huge divine power rushed to the sky, bringing out flashes and illuminating the entire sky!

The jet of black magical power and formed a new shape, and then gathered the essence of earth, water, fire and wind to refine the huge dragon-shaped life energy.

There is no less than the length of the basilisk that I defeated in the myth—the sea beasts. People who look up will probably be frightened and screamed by the huge terrifying faces, and then there are wings like bats that grow on their backs. Geely’s huge wings, and then the body grows out of the short limbs that remind people of a lizard, the head is shaped like a crocodile, and the mouth of the blood basin has sharp teeth arranged like a sword!

Above the seaside city, a huge dragon spread its wings and whirled leisurely.

"Is it a divine beast?" After the flash of light from the Hera pillar rushed away from the earth, the ceiling of the underground ruins began to collapse, probably due to a rather fierce impact, but with Qin Zheng's protection, the two women basically had nothing to do!

"Wang, what should we do now?" Liliana asked again!

"This thing is the formation of divine power and the essence of this land, and cannot be killed casually!" Diana explained!She was afraid that Qin Zheng would kill the dragon happily again. If he knocked it down, Napolei would lose the lifeblood of the city and become a barren land and the Dead Sea. This must be avoided.

"But... can you just let it go?" Liliana asked!

Now, Long Zheng proudly looks at the city in the lower realm. Its wings are 30 meters long, and its scales shine like black gems!

"Actually, you witch can control this dragon!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

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