The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 176

"Of course, I will not allow others to enter here. I have to protect this land and wait for the gods to come again!"

"I originally wanted to seize your power, but your power is of no use to me, but forget it, I'm here, just fight with you! This is your home court, but you have to use your greatest strength. , Don't let me down!!"

"Wind, rain, thunder, everything in the sky, roar..." In just a moment, bright lightning pierced the night sky, heavy rain poured down, and the air began to flow. Soon, a storm, It has descended on the entire ancient city, if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid it will blow directly to the sky.

"What is the power of climate!" Qin Zheng stood there quietly!"Then I will come too, wind! Snow! Let everything in the world sleep!" Qin Zheng also uses the power of climate!

"Is it the same power as me?" The big man laughed wildly, he turned into a whirlwind and merged into the storm.

"The sky, let it become even colder." The storm became more and more violent, and the rain in the wind began to turn into snowflakes and hail!

The sky roared, a giant axe, a giant stick, volleyed, and there was a terrible power condensed on it.

Item 0065

There is a certain similarity in the law of development of things. Looking at the flying axe and wooden sticks, Qin Zheng remembered the battle with the god-king Mekar. He also had two wooden sticks at the time, and he also had the power of the sky. , How similar to the current situation!However, even the god king Mekar at that time failed to defeat him, and this land god was naturally impossible!

"Pluto suit!" In an instant, when the black gold god's clothing was put on Qin Zheng, the double-stranded fork appeared in Qin Zheng's hand!

Qin Zheng lightly blocked, and the giant axe and stick flew out!

In the sky, lightning and thunder, the huge figure walks in the sky, holding the giant axe and wooden stick in his hand again!

"Excellent! Your strength is really not weak!" The big man laughed, his voice was not difficult to hear, he was very happy!!

"Wind! Snow! Bring the cold to my enemy!" After speaking, there was a strong wind on the earth, which seemed to be a storm and frost. The temperature had dropped to more than 100 degrees under the order. Under this temperature, layer by layer The ice layer is constantly condensing on the ground below, and the scarce plants are broken like ice under this kind of force!!

"It's useless, are you just this kind of power?" The earth turned white, but there was one place that still looked like spring all year round. That was where Qin Zheng stood, not affected by the surrounding ice at all!

"Flash thunder! Come and kill my enemy!" Then, a thick thunder struck down!Thunder and lightning, crawling in the sky like a dragon and snake!

"Have you forgotten that I also have the power of the sky!" Qin Zheng sneered. Suddenly, another flash of thunder struck down the sky on the other side. Two flashes of thunder collided together, creating a huge spark!

"If you only have this capability, you are in danger!" Qin Zheng smiled, turning his palms, and black energy kept pouring out!

"What! This is...!" The black air continued to spread, forming a closed space instantly!

"You can't get out of here!"

"Then try it! This sky is my sky, no one can block my eyes!" Soon, the dark space began to collapse, the figure of the big man kept moving, and the stars began to tremble!

"Since you are the god of this land, you should dedicate everything to this land, so I will give you two choices!!" Qin Zheng smiled."Come on, Ye Mo's black sword!" After speaking, the black air swayed twisted the space, and soon formed a sword shape in the void.

The land god was breaking through the space, and he discovered a sword appeared in the sky. It was a large and exaggerated sword with a sword body far more than 100 meters.

"Come down! Destroy this land!" Qin Zheng smiled!

Responding to Qin Zheng's call, the huge sharp sword began to fall, and the blade accelerated by gravity was wrapped in hot flames. His body was like a meteorite falling from the sky. The atmosphere vibrated loudly, and the sky seemed to appear. A new sun generally becomes brighter.

"Yeah!" The land god's expression changed, but he couldn't avoid it. This land is the source of his power. If there is no such land, then he is not a god. So how can I say, he will take it. Such a blow!

"Then I will pick you up with this sword!" In an instant, the big man turned into a sky-supporting giant!

"Bigger! Bigger, bigger!" Seeing that the land god also grew bigger, Qin Zheng also called the Ye Mo black sword to grow bigger!

"Fall!" Qin Zheng yelled. In an instant, Ye Mo's black sword increased countless times. At the same time, the black sword accelerated its falling speed. Its ability as a beast is controlled by gravity, which is several times larger than normal gravity. The huge sword accelerated by the great gravity turned into a supersonic cannonball and flew down!

"Ah!" The land god waved the giant axe in his hand and greeted him!

"Boom!" A huge light flashed at the collision!

Destroyed, powerful divine power poured down, cracks appeared on the giant axe, and finally broke apart!

And the land god, was also divided into two halves by the Yemo Black Sword, returning to the realm of myth!

On the other side, Erica stared at the black sword in the sky. She had seen this situation once in Tokyo. She didn't expect Qin Zheng to use Yemo's black sword here!Afterwards, she saw a giant holding the sky, holding an axe, and facing such a black sword, Erica knew that this giant was the god of disobedience and the one who fought with Qin Zheng!

Erica originally thought that Qin had encountered an opponent!But the Yemo Black Sword is in no way disadvantages and directly defeated the giant!

"The king has successfully killed the gods again!" Erica sighed. In just a few months, Qin Zheng's killing of the gods was about to catch up with the double digits!

But when Erica thought that the Yemo Black Sword would destroy everything here, the Yemo Black Sword suddenly disappeared!The violent storm group suddenly began to shrink quickly inward, and within a minute, the storm group disappeared, except for the gloomy sky full of dark clouds, on the ground, it has been visible again.

The remains of the ancient city have long since disappeared, and even the entire steep slope has been smoothed!

"Boom!!!" At this moment, there was a thunder in the sky, and suddenly a bright white thunder appeared in the gloomy clouds, piercing the sky and illuminating the ground below.

Soon, the brilliance came directly to Erica, and after Erica did not react, the brilliance formed a human form!

It is Qin Zheng!

"Wang, did you win?" Erica asked dumbfounded!Of course, this is a question for nothing!

"Huh!" Qin Zheng nodded, "Erica, let's go!"

"Oh!" After Erica finished speaking, she was picked up by Qin Zheng's breeze, and then left!

Chapter 0066

Qin Zheng also gained the power of that land god, but this was just a tasteless to him, he might not use it in his entire life, and now the travel is still going on!

At this time, the four women gathered together as usual!

"Huina, what's the matter with your sword?" Erica looked at Huina holding the Sky Cloud Sword, with some doubts!

"Grandpa gave it to me! Grandpa is a terrible person. Needless to say, the witches, even the people of the Official History Compilation Committee have to look at his face tremblingly." Ena explained, and then drew the knife from the scabbard. .

The blade is lodged with a sacred silver-white light, full of the majesty of the emperor.

"Erica, let's have a fight!" Huina said suddenly with interest!

"Alright!" Erica suddenly showed the heart of the Demon Sword Lion King. She could feel the extraordinaryness of the Heavenly Cloud Sword, so she wanted to know the secret!

"Hehe, then let's decide who is the king's strongest knight!" Hui Na smiled, and when he finished speaking, he kicked the ground with his feet.

Ena took a big step forward and slammed it with a magnificent sword.

Elika dodges the attack with a side jump, and in turn stabs back with the heart of the lion king.But Keina gently twisted her body like a bat to avoid the attack. In the next instant, the swords of both sides began to collide fiercely. Erica waved the thin heart of the lion king, and released spurs without interruption, unfolding like a bullet screen. 'S continuous attacks, but the blade of Ena Ether Sword bounced all the attacks off by gently shaking it from side to side.

"Okay, stop making trouble!" Qin Zheng stepped up, grabbed the Sky Cloud Sword, and then separated the two!The Sky Cong Yun Sword was originally a subordinate god, and the original holder was Hayashi Sao's fate, and then he awarded the sword to Ena.

"This sword comes from a subordinate god!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"Ah! Wang, do you want to kill the gods?" Hearing this, he looked at Qin Zheng's smiling Huina, and looked at Qin Zheng nervously!

"That's right!" Qin Zheng nodded, "It is too dangerous to control the demigod by the human body. If you are not careful, you will be backlashed!"

"But... but this sword was given to me by Grandpa!" Hui Na was a little embarrassed!

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