The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 178

"I want your life this time!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"It's not in line with the rumors! I didn't expect the King of Righteous Way to be so rough!" It was a hoarse voice, which was different from the steady voice of Susanoo!

In the corner of the hut, I don’t know when the second figure was sitting, wearing a black monk’s clothes, but it didn’t look like a human at all. His skin was very dry and there was no real meat, as if it was completely peeled off. The flesh becomes a Buddha, like a mummy!

"Who are you? Are you also the god of disobedience?! That's just right, you guys go together!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"Master Raksha, you misunderstood!" The person who was talking was that there was a peerless beauty sitting upright, wearing a noble princess costume from the Heian period, and twelve single kimonos in bright colors.The pupil is clear glass, has dark brown hair, and the skin is smooth and delicate ivory.

Item 0068

Familiar with the plot, Qin Zheng knows the seclusion of the secluded world in front of him!Except for the big man, one of them is a mage and the other is a princess. In a word, they are just monitors above the Japanese committee!

"That said, what do you want to do with me?" Qin Zheng asked again!

"We hope that King Zhengdao can leave Japan. In fact, Japan is under our care and there will be no major problems!" The princess laughed!

"Leaving Japan? The Japan Committee let me stay in Japan at the beginning! You are letting me leave Japan now? Where is such a good thing!" Qin Zheng sneered, "At least let me see. God, um, or do you have the power to let me leave Japan!"

"I'm sorry, Lord Raksha, I'm not good at fighting! Let Hayuso Sanoyo be your opponent!"

"That's great!" Qin Zheng lost the Ye Mo black sword in his hand, and the Ye Mo black sword flew into the sky!

"Youshi is very big, but it should be enough to destroy this place!" At this time, the Yemo Black Sword had grown bigger!Soon, the blade was over a hundred meters large!

"This is the thing that destroyed Tokyo in the first place!" The big man smiled, "Then I have to show my true ability!" After speaking, the big man raised the Sky Cong Yun Sword, and suddenly, the divine power burst from the Sky Cong Yun Sword continued to spread. Come down, until it covers his whole body, and what changes with it is the body of the big man!

The normal skin color began to change!Become a black iron color!

"Become steel!" Qin Zheng remembered that this guy only became a hero of steel after he got this sword!

Soon, the arm of the big man with the sword also changed. Tentacles spread out, and then wrapped around the arm of the big man. Finally, the sky cloud sword seemed to merge with the big man's body, and then, the sky cloud cloud sword took the big man. The whole body is going to be swallowed!

"Is it fusion?" Qin Zheng murmured. Then, the merged Sky Cong Yun Sword exuded powerful divine power, and finally suddenly began to become huge. The one-meter-long sword kept swelling and began to deform.

The black sword turned into a body, formed hands, and feet. The Sky Cloud Sword has now become a giant. It was originally a thick sword like a hatchet, and its blade formed a vertical body against the sky.There are two knives connected to both sides of the body, that is, the arms. At about the elbow, there are even the joints that can bend the hands. Then there are the feet. The feet are made of steel and are stronger than the body and the arms. It should be thick and heavy. Compared with the length of the body, the feet are quite short. Its appearance is not good-looking, because it was originally a mutated giant, but the whole gives a very sharp feeling, and it is equivalent to the right shoulder. The body of the big man was embedded there.

"Well, you are satisfied with my form!" Soon, the big man opened his eyes!

"Fusion with Tiancong Yunjian! It is indeed a good skill!" He has seen this skill, and he himself has it. He can merge with being a winged dragon!

"But wait until you block my sword!" The Yemo Black Sword has already fallen, being dragged by gravity, speeding down!

"It's a powerful blow, but I didn't want to take him next!" The big man smiled and said: "You two should leave quickly too, after a while, this place will be destroyed!" After that, the big man moved first.

When Qin Zheng reacted, the huge long blade approached the top of his head. Soon, it was obviously that big man, but he had an unusually sharp sword technique. However, Qin Zheng could naturally avoid it, using Feng's power, except Apart from myself, everything around this world has slowed down!

"[Mountain Boar]" After avoiding, Qin Zheng began to summon the spirit of [Mountain Boar]!

"Smash his back, dig out bones, bones, hair, and brain, and trample on blood and dirt together. If I am a person with sharp teeth and difficult to get close, I will give you destruction in accordance with the Lord's words!"

Suddenly, a burly-looking, pitch-black "boar" emerged from the ground!

"It's useless!" shouting, using the heavy blade, to cut the thick skin and muscles of the pitch black beast!

"Look!" [Mountain Boar] was wounded and was bleeding with blue-black blood, but still insisted on charging. It will sprint towards the opponent with the fangs of the opponent's blade, hitting, kicking, and kicking with his body weight. trample.Finally, a roar mixed with ultrasonic waves came from his mouth.

"We have entered the attack range of the Yemo Black Sword!" The giant was hit, and the Yemo Black Sword also came in an instant, hitting it directly!

"Boom!" Everything around was destroyed by Ye Mo's black sword!

"It's really dangerous!" At this moment, in the smoke and dust, the Yemo Black Sword and [Mountain Boar] disappeared, and only the giant formed by the big man's fusion of the sky cloud sword came out!

"Not dead yet!" Qin Zheng frowned, and the man's resistance to fight was beyond Qin Zheng's expectations!

At this time, in this world, when the girls are looking for a way to go to the secluded world, Luculazia has to be there to dissuade!

"The secluded world is different from the present world. Their open space is not suitable for ordinary people to survive, and you witches can't stay there for a long time. Let's wait for his return here!"

A little change has also appeared in the sky!

In the sky, a silver-haired girl with blue brains and black stockings is holding a sickle in her hands, fighting an indistinct enemy!

"This seems difficult!" Athena frowned!After avoiding the attack of the dark shadow, Athena's face changed slightly!

The enemy in front of her has a great relationship with her, no, it should be said that it is a part of her body that feels the power of the Gorgon Stone!

Both of them use the same weapon, and because of the dispute, Athena wants to continue to return her to her body, and the enemy also wants to swallow Athena and give her powerful power!

However, according to the current situation, the enemy's strength seems to be better. At this time, Athena is already exhausted, and it should be said that she is divinely exhausted!

Item 0069

"The power of the godslayer and the god of disobedience is really terrifying!" At this time, the princess and the mage appeared on the hill, looked at the broken ground in the distance, and murmured!

"Yes! This kind of power is really scary!" The mage also said!

"What do you think of the King of Righteous Path?" the mage continued to ask!

"King of Righteous Path, he shouldn't have this title!" The princess thought for a while and said: "His personality is like the demon king of Europe, but I heard that the king of swords and the demon king were defeated by him, and the price is very high. Seriously, the entire city of Tokyo has been destroyed!"

"You mean, you don't agree that King Masaru stayed in Japan!"

"Yeah! The King of Righteous Path has a very simple temperament, that is to do whatever he wants, and do whatever he wants, so the downtown area of ​​Tokyo will be so severely damaged!"

"But I heard that King Jeongdo was very dissatisfied with the devil's actions, so he wanted to kill him! This caused the tragedy in Tokyo!"

"Even if it is dissatisfied with the devil's actions, shouldn't it ruin Tokyo?"

"Oh, where do you think he should destroy it? The battle between the king and the king, destroying a city is considered good!" The mage said in a deep voice!The princess is also a good person, but she is definitely not a selfless person. She loves Japan, so she doesn't want Japan to suffer any disasters, but Tokyo will not suffer, and other places will suffer too!But in the heart of the princess, Japan will not be troubled!

"Hey, this!" The princess also sighed, her eyes still too narrow, "Then you are saying that the King of Righteous Path is right!"

"No, there is nothing wrong with what he did, but there is a problem with his thinking!" said the mage!

"From his thoughts, we can know that the King of Righteous Path is definitely not the one with us!"

"That was the right decision to drive him out of Japan!" The princess said again!

"But you see now that if you win, you can be expelled, but if you lose, we are in danger! It is all to blame for the guys in the Japan Committee for bringing such a troublesome king back to China!"

"Actually, you can't blame them!" The princess thought for a while, and said: "Their power is limited, and the Heavenly Lord Luo Hao wants to release the imprisoned gods! If Monkey King comes out, then his grievances will vent. When it comes to Japan, then Japan will face another disaster!"

Among them, neither of the two of them would say that imprisoning the Great Sage Qitian is also selfish, wanting to let a god of incompliance become a help!

"The plan of the Japanese committee is to let the King of Righteous Path block the leader Luo Hao!"

"But this plan seems to outweigh the gains!"

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