The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

Blood Devouring Attack: The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 180

"Starless night!" Yuri, who was the first to perceive the darkness, was holding the sky gradually darkening, and couldn't help muttering!

The blackened sky not only includes Italy, but also Los Angeles, the sky, etc. In other words, the world is plunged into darkness!

"Night! Is the goddess of darkness Athena playing tricks?" Erica asked in confusion too!

"I don't know, but Alice predicted that!" Yuri nodded!

"Then we have to go back to Japan quickly and see what the hell Athena is doing!"

"Yeah!" Liliana also nodded!

"Without a king, will we be Athena's opponents?" Yuri was a little worried!

"Don't worry, we are not going to conflict with Athena!" Erica smiled, "We are just going to find out the situation!"

Item 0071

Kyoto, Bancho Sara Compound, located in Bancho area in Chiyoda District, has been regarded as a residence for high-ranking people such as direct tribes and daimyo since the Edo period. It is a very high-class residential street, owned by the Saya Palace. The residence is in Sanbancho, very close to the Imperial Palace. Among the houses where many offices and high-end apartments are lined up, the Saya Palace residence is hidden in a very inconspicuous place by the road. It was built in the Taisho era. Foreign mansion!

The four girls of Erica did not wait for Qin Zheng. After returning overnight, they were drove by Touma Kanazawa to pick up the Qingqiuyuan resident. They went to attend the meeting. Of course, after the destruction of Tokyo, the strength of the Saye Palace was greatly reduced. This meeting is also dominated by the Qingqiuyuan, and the Shaye Palace will also attend. After all, it is the head of the four big families, and its background can be considered very profound!

Youli's mind is very disturbed, as if an unknown breath is brewing in the sky!

Soon, Erica's four daughters have arrived at the station!

"The house is smaller than expected! It's too small!" Erica looked around the house and muttered dissatisfied. "After all, this is the place where the committee meets!" If you guess right, this meeting must be. It is related to the Starless Night!

"Hehe, in fact, the main reason is that the house prices here are cheap, and we have bigger houses!" Dongma Kanazawa smiled indifferently, and walked in with the four girls!

The young man who came out to greet him was wearing a formal butler's uniform. This man with the skills of a skilled hotel waiter, after whispering to Akasu, Akasu walked inside.

Erica and the others followed Amazuke to a place like a study.

At this time, the study room was full of people, among them, there was also the Patriarch of the Qingqiuyuan Family!

"Huina, you are back!" an old man said with a smile!"Wang didn't come back with you!"

"Hmm! The king went to You Shi's place!"

"I went to You World, I remember that there was a god who didn't follow You World. Did Qin Zheng go to kill the gods?" Upon hearing this, the Patriarch of Qing Qiu Yuan was taken aback!

"Hina doesn't know, but Wang didn't go there voluntarily. Grandpa took him down!" Hui Na smiled!The so-called grandfather is Susano, the god of disobedience. Of course, it is not a kind act for Susano to give the sky cluster cloud sword to Keina. In the original book, he just used Ena to test the king's qualifications!

"Killing the gods is also good!" The gods of disobedience have existed for thousands of years. Over the past thousand years, they have all hoped that the gods of disobedience can become Buddhas earlier, but that is impossible. Now Qin Zheng has reached the quiet world, He was able to kill Susano, of course, his wish has been fulfilled!

"Okay, let's get to the point!" Said Shaye Palace, who was disguised as a man, coughed a few times!

"Yeah! What do you think about this starless night?" Saye Gongxin said first!

"I think it has something to do with Athena, after all, Alice predicted it!"

"Ena, what do you think?"

"I think so too!"

"Then Miss Erica, you are the same!"

"Well, my maid Ariana called me yesterday, saying that Athena has arrived at the king's villa!"

"Athena is in Japan?" Hearing this, the four masters were stunned. If it was Athena, then Japan without a king might suffer a greater loss than the destruction of Tokyo!

"Yeah!" Erica nodded!However, Yuri's brows are still tight!

"Miss Youli, what do you think differently?" The Patriarch of Qingqiuyuan asked again!

"Well! My spiritual vision seems to have seen something related to Athena, but it is not what Athena did!"

"It wasn't by Athena, who was that?"

"It's not clear yet, but a god who knows that it is closely related to Athena!" Yuri murmured!

"That's it! Then let's prepare for evacuation, and there must be no more incidents like Tokyo!"

"Also, if the king doesn't come back, Huina, you will go to You Shi and bring the king back!"

At this moment, Qin Zheng, who was about to leave, was going around like a lost one, still in a secluded world!

Suddenly, Qin Zheng suddenly moved to the beach. There was a beautiful blue ocean in front of him, and the waves hit him quietly.

"How could this happen? Who left him behind?" Qin Zheng was a little confused!Qin Zheng moved again, but it was a bare barren mountain, brown rocks, dry wind, and blue sky!

"Try again!" Qin Zheng inserted the sword into the ground again. After being swallowed by darkness, it was already the third time to move, but this time it was not in nature. The white space was all white all around, and the white stretched to the horizon. On the other side of the space, ticking, ticking, and strange sounds, the sound of the clock hand moving.

"It looks like I'm going to get lost!" Qin Zheng was a bit distressed!

"There is no way, then destroy the entire Youshi!" Qin Zheng murmured, the magic power has been released to the maximum!

"Dark...!" Qin Zheng was about to summon his strongest beast, but the world seemed to change again, becoming a vast expanse of whiteness!

A little loli appeared in front of her!

"Pandora, it's you!" Seeing Pandora, Qin Zheng was taken aback!He naturally knew that when every mortal became a godslayer, Pandora would meet his son in Youshi, but he did not expect that it would be Pandora that would keep him behind!

"Huh, I want to call my mother!" Little Lori said with her arms crossed!

"You left me?" Qin Zheng asked curiously!

"Yes, who told you not to see me for so long!" Pandora said with a smile!

"Meet you?" Qin Zheng was a bit spit on hearing this. In the original work, he can only meet Pandora when he is seriously injured and fainted. Who wants to see such a mother!

Chapter 0072 Pandora

Pandora, with a lovely face and physique, with long blond hair separated from left to right, wearing a thin white dress, short in height, and his first impression is more like a child!But she is not the same as the god of disobedience, she is a real god, and her strength is also a question mark!She was created by the gods and claimed to be a woman with all the gifts, and also the wife of Epimetheus!

"Then what is it that you came to see me?" Qin Zheng frowned and said!

"Of course I want to see my son!" Pandora smiled again!

"Want to see me?" Qin Zheng was stunned after hearing this!

"That's right!" Pandora nodded, "I thought you were here to see me, but I didn't expect you to leave after defeating the god of incompliance here, so I left you, but now it seems , You have more and more power in your body, you deserve to be my son!!"

"You have a son's fantasy, right!" Qin Zhengbai gave Pandora a look!

"You can't say that, but you didn't seem to kill Athena?" Pandora still had a faint smile on his face, but Qin Zheng knew that Athena was by no means as calm on the surface, after all, Athena refused to give Pandora wisdom. Let Pandora open the magic box and release the doom!

"Huh!" Qin Zheng nodded!

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