The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 182

"Well, Liliana is right!" Huina said in agreement!

"I think we have to ask the king personally to know the answer!" Erica said!

At this time, Qin Zheng was still thinking about negotiating with Metis!

"Can you hear me?" Qin Zheng tried to say!

"Ah!!!" In response to Qin Zheng's sharp scream, and the hissing roar of his lungs, Metis struggled to break free from the restraints, using powerful divine power every time, but still did not break free!

"It seems that you have to be sober and sober!" In desperation, Qin Zheng had to use the method of treating women!Say hello to Metis' face!

"You can listen to me!" Finally, Metis calmed down, Qin Zhengcai said!

"You should hate Zeus, right!" Qin Zheng said with a smile!

"Huh!" At this moment, Metis nodded!

"So, it's useless for you to devour the world. This is just a painless loss for Zeus. If you want to avenge Zeus, I will give you a good idea!"

"Kill Zeus!" Qin Zheng continued!

"Kill Zeus?" Hearing this, Metis sneered: "You shouldn't be a lunatic!"

Even the four women who heard Qin Zheng's words were stunned. Zeus is known as the king of the gods, more powerful than any other god!

"I may not be Zeus's opponent now, but it doesn't mean that I won't do it in the future, and Zeus is still in the realm of mythology! I have time to become stronger!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"Now you can win a complete concubine body, it is indeed very strong, but you must not forget that the concubine body is just a god of disobedience, and the real body is still in the realm of mythology!" Metis reminded!

"I know this, but I will definitely become a hundred times stronger than now!" Qin Zheng said firmly!In fact, he felt that with his current strength, he might not be able to fight against Zeus in his true form!However, it is not easy for Qin Zheng to guess something that cannot be verified!

Item 0074

Metis was the first wife of Zeus and the mother of Athena!However, because I resented my husband, I wanted to devour the sky of her husband Zeus. Now, such an ambitious woman was subdued by Qin Zheng. Like Athena, even the four daughters were surprised!

However, Qin Zheng's subduing of Metis was not without consideration. He tried to control Metis with the unique relationship of the zombie level, and finally succeeded. Metis, who became a second-generation zombie, also found his strength greatly increased. Similarly, Athena also accepted Qin Zheng's blood and became a second-generation zombie. The two greatly increased in strength no longer need to swallow each other, nor do they need the Gorgon Stone to become a grown-up girl!

However, when Qin Zheng conquered Metis, something happened in Los Angeles, far away on the ocean side, that they wanted to ask Qin Zheng for help!

"God killer, John Smith, you are really strong. Even if you gather all the magicians in the world, you probably won't be able to beat you, but... everything is too late!" Anzilla on the beach of Venice is amazing She laughed wildly, she was the witch who mastered the sorcerer's association, the god Ansheila!

"Although we have been in your hands many times, we still try to store the essence of water and earth, and absorb the evil hearts and arrogance of fools, now the concubine body can finally be transformed into the Leviathan of the snake god! You feel it now Have you reached the surging divine power in your concubine's body? The concubine's body is now at the same level as you!" After speaking, Ansilla has transformed, and the thin and beautiful girl's body has disappeared. She swells and changes shape. The arms contracted, the legs merged into one, the body stretched, and the neck lengthened. The smooth skin was covered with a layer of scales, and the beautiful face turned into a reptilian face. It took a few dozen seconds. Shera becomes a huge snake-shaped monster, sweeping the beaches of Venice. The monster snake is more than fifty meters long. If it stretches out from the beginning to the end, it can be compared with a twenty-floor high building. The scales are shiny. The silvery white looks very noble!

"God killer, can you fight me!" The god killer mentioned by Ansera is naturally the king of Los Angeles, John Smith. He has an amazing ten years of combat experience and is a terrifying sorcerer. Master, the king of elves who can freely control nature!However, everyone does not know that he is a female and his real name is Annie!

"What a big snake!" Annie smiled, "It's really strong, but I have always beaten you, and this time will be no exception!"

"Can't go there, Smith!" This is, Jack reminded!He is a magic genius, and he has a hunch to say so!

"Don't worry! I'll be fine!" Annie smiled!Annie accepted the challenge of the god ancestor!

But Jack's hunch came true, and Wang did not come back!Although it had the upper hand, the snake chose to blew himself up. In this way, the king died and the evil society was still there!

After three days, in Los Angeles without a king, the people of the evil society became more arrogant!

"We must stop those guys!" Jack thought calmly!"This is Los Angeles where the king is waiting!"

Los Angeles, a melting pot of races, is also a stronghold of economy and industry, a magic capital of crime vortex, a metropolis where degradation and prosperity coexist and compete with each other. In this chaotic city, people who deviate from the principles of the world live in seclusion. , They sell their ethics and conscience to the devil and get supernatural magic power!

And the reason why they use Los Angeles as their base is because they are looking for the skeleton of an angel that was buried here hundreds of years ago. This is a holy relic that can bestow great magic power on the heirs, although this is true and false. It is unknown, but it is an indisputable fact that the magicians here are back home than other cities. Their natural enemies appeared in the second half of the nineties, possessing magic power that no magicians can match, and they can transform into inhuman bodies. Run in the dark, use spells to become an invincible giant, a shooter of magic bullets, and a man who always wins.

Soon, Smith came out, all the sorcerers were afraid of him, and the people respected and admired him.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the Los Feliz area, the California area that was originally drier, was also sunny today.

However, Jack was not in the mood to drive in a clear sky. After parking the car in the parking lot of Samantha University, he walked to the place of the Humanities Department. The goal was foreign language and literature. He entered a certain research building.

"Jack, here you are!" A black old man was talking!

"What's the situation?" Jack asked!

"The situation is not optimistic! There are sorcerers all over Los Angeles. They may have heard the disappearance of Smith's death! Moreover, in a few days, the Lord of the Flies will enter the ceremony to resurrect the ancestors!"

"Then what should we do?" Jack asked!

"Perhaps, we should ask for help from Japan's King of Righteous Path!"

"Ah! This won't work!" Jack shook his head quickly, and said, "Have you forgotten the disaster in Tokyo? If the King of Righteous Way wants to destroy Los Angeles, then Los Angeles will become the next Tokyo!"

"What you said makes sense, but we can't help it now!"

"Professor, I don't understand, the god ancestor has blew himself up, why would he survive!"

"The name of the snake is Leviathan. There are legends and feared sea monsters all over the world. It is a god who has been handed down to bring disasters in the form of a snake, and the goddess of the snake has an immortal god. There are many examples of, who died together with Smith but still survived, probably because of this favor."

"The immortal goddess? How is this possible?" Jack asked!

"Hey, the facts are in front of us. If the ancestor is resurrected, then we will be considered as a loser. So to be on the safe side, we have sent someone to notify the King of Righteousness in Japan!"

"Professor, why don't you discuss it with me!" Jack said angrily!

Chapter 0075

The king of Los Angeles faces many enemies. In addition to the god Ansheira, there is also the god Zul Genivia, one who can become the snake god Leviathan, comparable to the godslayer, and the other as the last descendant of the snake god , A witch who transcends human intelligence, she has powerful power, and most importantly, she has the magic holy grail, which can create the illusion of the gods, and can also use the attributes of the earth mother to summon sea beasts.

The former clearly went against the king of Los Angeles, and although the latter would not go against the king, she was unscrupulous in order to resurrect King Arthur!

The link between the Japan Committee and Qin Zheng is Yuri and Eina!

Qin Zheng learned from Yuri and Huina that the life and death of the king of Los Angeles was uncertain, so he came to ask for help!

However, Qin Zheng knew that the godslayers existed like gods, and although the god Anshela had the name of the god ancestors, he also had the combat power comparable to the godslayers, but he was not a god after all, so naturally it is impossible to kill the godslayers. There is no way to die together!

"Are you sure, the king of Los Angeles is dead?" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"The news that the Japanese committee got is from Los Angeles. Now the magicians in Los Angeles are in chaos!" Yuri is wearing a white witch costume today and looks like a rare beautiful girl!"I heard that a week ago, the king of Los Angeles fought with the god ancestor Anzilla of the Lord of the Flies. The specific situation is not clear, but the final result is that the two died together!"

"So the people in Los Angeles sent someone to ask for help?" Qin Zheng said again!

"Yeah!" Yuri nodded and said, "The Japanese committee begs the king to go to Los Angeles and solve this trouble!"

"And the ancestor Ansheira will be resurrected tomorrow night! At that time, the king of Los Angeles without the protection of the king will be destroyed by the ancestor!" Yuri said again!"If the king finds it troublesome, we can refuse to come to Los Angeles!" When he learned that the ancestors could kill the godslayers, Yuri was also a little worried, especially the real Anzilla could become the immortal snake god Leviathan when!

"No, I'll let Athena go there!" Qin Zheng nodded!Ansilla is the undead snake god, and it is best to let Athena deal with it. Of course, he himself has the spirit of killing the snake, and facing the undead snake god, it is also a very suitable candidate, but Qin Zheng is going to Los Angeles. There is nothing to look forward to!In the original work, without Qin Zheng's intervention, Los Angeles finally put down the rebellion, and the godslayer would naturally not die!

"Is it appropriate to call a god of disobedience?" Yuri asked after a while!

"It's okay, Athena has already obeyed me!" Qin Zheng smiled!

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