The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 188

At this time, the Jiufazhong family felt that if they could draw three kings, they might not lose!

At this moment, Yuri received the news from Dongma Amazake!

Because the Jiufazuka family refused to accept it, the five kings were about to gather in Japan!

The five kings gathered in Japan, which stunned Yuri. The current three kings destroyed Tokyo. Now that there are five kings, the Japanese island assembly will not sink!

"How could this happen!" On the other side, Hui Na couldn't believe it after hearing the news!

"You have to find a way!" Yuri and Ena quickly thought of a countermeasure!That is to push the boat along the river and kill the gods, the source of cholera!Just before, they already knew that Qin Zheng had and possessed the god Ansela back. The release of the gods requires three things. The first is the dragon sword, and the second is the witch. Both are easy to find. The last snake god, the god ancestor Ansheila played such a role!

If the monkey god dies, then Qin Zheng will give up, and the useless god ancestor Ansheila will also be handed over to the king in Los Angeles. If the leader Luo Hao has no use for the target, she will go back, and the remaining three kings The grievances between them, but Qin Zheng killed the gods again, his strength was greatly enhanced, and the Sword King and the Demon King were even less rivals!

"How can I get close to the Xitian Temple?!" At this time, Youli looked at his sister, and she was able to skillfully use the power of disaster!The power that a maiden who works in the Xitian Palace must understand, only she can approach the Xitian Palace, as long as she meets the god, she has the opportunity to kill the god!Of course, misfortune is not a power that is difficult to master, and Alice can also use this technique, which is why Qin chose Alice!

"Sister, what do you want me to do?" Guang thought that my sister was weird today, and then asked!"Is there a relationship between Wang and Wang?" As an intern maiden, she already knows some things, such as Qin Zheng's identity, such as the reason for escaping from Tokyo!

"Huang, is the Jiufazhong family still contacting you now?" Yuri asked!

"Yeah! They want me to help!" Guang nodded honestly!

"Then you refused?"

"Yeah!" Guang nodded again and said, "They have been calling for a month. They are really persevering!"

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Killing the god is indeed a good way. Qingqiuyuan and Saya's family have agreed, but can they really kill the god!

"Guang, next time you call from the Jiufa Mound House, don't refuse!" Yuri said in this way!

"Ah! Sister, what's wrong with you? Do you want me to work in the Xitian Temple?" Guang asked strangely!Some things, she still doesn't know!

"Guang, listen to me first. My sister doesn't want you to go to the Xitian Temple. My sister wants you to do another thing!" Yuri said again. She knew that if you went to the Xitian Temple, the time would be in the next few decades. Spent there in the Xitian Temple, so Yuri has always opposed the light going there. The maiden is also a woman, so how many decades there are!

"You can come back after you finish this thing!" Yuri said!She naturally didn't want her sister to be unhappy!

"Then what does my sister want me to do?" Guang said curiously!

"Light, I want you to go to the god of infidelity?" Yuri solemnly said!"A god imprisoned in Xitian Palace!"

"God of infidelity?" Hearing this, Guang was shocked, swallowed, looked at Yuri in surprise, and said, "Sister, don't you push me into the fire pit?" Where is the easy thing in God of infidelity? Killing, even if the power of the god in the Xitian Palace is sealed, it is not something ordinary people can kill. If it can be killed, the Jiufazhong family will not let this opportunity to become a godslayer!

"Don't worry! I already have a detailed plan!" Yuri nodded!!

"You can leave it to your brother-in-law to do things like the god of infidelity!" Kuang already knew that Qin was the god-killer, and his sister, Youli, was his woman!

"Hey, it's not that my sister didn't want to, but the king deliberately released the god of disobedience!"

"Ah? Does the brother-in-law want to kill the incompetent god again?" Guang asked!

"I don't know, but because this incident has caused serious consequences!"

"Serious consequences?" Guang asked again!

"Well, the enemies of the king, the king of swords and the demon king have come to Japan, and the leader Luo Hao of the heavens will also come to Japan, and even the king of Los Angeles will come to Japan. In this way, Japan has five kings. , If they go to war, I am afraid that the whole Japan will be destroyed!" Yuri murmured!There is also a reason why the Jiufa Mound Clan did not give up on the gods. Because of the seal, the Jiufa Mound Clan can use the power of the gods!If it is released, then the Jiufa Mound Family will lose such a powerful force!

"So sister, you want me to kill the god of disobedience, the source of the dispute?"

"Well! In this way, the godslayers will have no reason to come to Japan!"

"Well then!" Guang nodded helplessly!

After just agreeing, You Li immediately took her to meet with Saye Gongxin. In fact, she didn't know much about the Xitian Temple, and she needed Saye Gongxin to explain the next step!

When they entered the study room, the two women saw the woman disguised as a man, but she was still very beautiful Shaye Gongxin!

"This is Ms. Hikari!" Touma Akasu introduced!

"Yeah! Light, if you want to come, you should also know about our four families!" Saye Gongxin said: "The four major families that lead the Japanese incantation world, Saye Palace, Liancheng Family, Qingqiuyuan Family, and Nine Laws The mound family, and the job of the Jiufa mound family is to guard the Rizhao Xitian Palace. The Xitian Palace is guarded by powerful enchantments and sealing incantations. According to the teachings of the Jiufa mound family, let the ladies who can use the evil The witch weakens the seal. If they do this, their family will gain the power of the gods, that is, they can use the power of the gods!" Saye Gongxin slowly said: "And you know the evil, so the Jiufazhong family must I will find you!"

"And you, just take this opportunity to kill the god!"

"But can I kill the prince?" Guang was very puzzled, if he could kill it, the prince would have died early!

"I don't know this, but now in this situation, I can only give it a go! I will give you a weapon that can kill the gods!" Said Gongxin said!

In Nikko, a tall building has appeared, and a teenager and a girl are on standby!

The boy was dressed in white and looked a little sunny, but the girl did not look so friendly. Her fierce eyes seemed to eat people. It was Lu Yinghua and Ansela.

"Let's talk, what are we going to do?" Ansera glared at Lu Yinghua and said!

"There are three keys to release the gods, and now I know one, so I have to ask the other two!"

"So you want to ambush the people of the Jiufa Mound Family!" Anshela asked with a curled lips!"But I am also very curious, what is the key to release the god?"

"The first one is you!" Lu Yinghua smiled and said!

"It turns out that, no wonder the King of Righteous Path will rescue me from the King of Los Angeles!" Ansela said with such a look as expected, "Since King of Righteous Path knows the key, why don't you just ask him!"

"Hey, don't you know! Kings are creatures with abnormal personalities!" Lu Yinghua was helpless to complain, he had deeply experienced the abnormal personality of Lord Luo Hao!

"Is that so! But forget it! He is here!"

"Yes! I finally waited!" Lu Yinghua also smiled slightly!

"First explain, you have to go all out and you can't fail! This is my first mission!" Ansela sneered!

"Hmph, you are, if you cause me to be scolded by the master, I will pay back ten times!" Lu Yinghua said with a curled lips!

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It was about noon on the next day. Two guests were welcomed at Nikko Dongsho Palace, a man and a woman standing at the door. They were Lu Yinghua and Ansela!

"That's it, Rizhao Palace or something!" Lu Yinghua smiled and said to Ansela beside him!Although it was noon at this time, it still attracted the attention of many people, because it is not accessible to ordinary people. In a word, it is not open to the outside world, and in the eyes of the Japanese, the sacred charm here is more intense!So Lu Yinghua's loudly speaking spirit did not get the slightest favor!

"Did you find all three keys before you came here?" The people next to them all cast unkind glances at the two, but how could the two care, one is a celestial man, and the other is the murderous god Anshela!

"No!" Lu Yinghua said after hearing this!

"Then what are you doing here?! Concubine time is precious!" Ansela said coldly!Just last night, they learned the three keys from the staff of the Jiufazhong family. Of course, they didn't use normal means, but used confusing magic to get out their minds!

"You are one of them, and I have reported the other two to the master, she should find a solution!" Lu Yinghua smiled!

"Then what are we doing here?" Ansela asked suspiciously!

"Of course it's here to make trouble!" Lu Yinghua sneered, "Then where should we destroy it!"

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