The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 191

Therefore, in the face of the god ancestor Ansheila, who is comparable to the incomparable god, there is no way for the Jiufa Tome Family!

It's almost a one-sided situation, until someone shows up, he is the king of Los Angeles, a godslayer!

"You are finally here!" After being easily defeated by the king of Los Angeles, she was a bit of a misnomer as a perverse snake god. The power of the godslayer was not comparable to her half-hearted and disobedient god, but it is different now. , She got the power bestowed by King of Righteous Path Qin Zheng, so when Annie arrived, she was already eager to try, she was shameful!

"Unexpectedly, you came to Japan, and you still behave so nonsense!" The man who was speaking was wearing a black cloak, with a head, with the style of a western cowboy, and he could not tell whether it was a man or a woman!

"Hmph, the path of the snake god is destined to be a bloody road!" Ansela coldly snorted!

"No, I'm just wondering how the King of Righteous Path would allow you to kill people wantonly in his territory!"

"Anyone who opposes the King of Righteous Path will be destroyed!"

"It seems that your ancestor has been subdued!"

"The King of Righteous Path healed my injuries, gave me rebirth, and at the same time gave me strength, I will naturally repay him!" Hearing this, Ansela thought of the domineering young man and hummed!

"That's it! Then let me see your power! No, it should be the power bestowed on you by the King of Righteous Path!"

"Wait, Wang, we didn't mean to offend!" Lu Yinghua said with a wry smile at this moment!

"Who are you?" Looking at Lu Yinghua, Annie asked in confusion!

"My name is Lu Yinghua, I come from the heavens!" Lu Yinghua said!

"Then why do you want to be with such a cruel person?" Annie frowned: "Are you accomplices with her?"

"Sister with you!" Lu Yinghua, who has been squeezed by Luo Hao, once again appreciates the strange thoughts of the godslayer!

"No way!" Lu Yinghua sighed, and said, "My master is the leader of Luo Hao. This woman is of great help to her, so I ask you to be accommodating and let us finish the next thing!"

"Let you continue to kill people?" After hearing this, Annie sneered and said: "Although this is not Los Angeles, I can't let you go crazy!"

"God-killers really can't communicate with words!" Seeing Annie's posture about to fight, Lu Yinghua couldn't help but complain!

"Lu Yinghua, go and destroy the Xitian Temple! I'll stop him!"

"Can you do it? You know, you are a very important part of it!" Lu Yinghua asked slowly!

"Hmph, don't underestimate me, I now have enough confidence to defeat this kid who has killed God for less than a year!"

"Then I wish you success!" Lu Yinghua didn't ask to stay to help either. He didn't have that kind of power to intervene in the battle between God of Faction and God Killer!

Just like going first, Ansela has transformed. The skinny and beautiful girl's body disappeared. She expanded and changed her shape. Her arms contracted, her legs merged into one, her body stretched, and her neck became longer and smooth. Her skin was covered with a layer of scales, and her beautiful face turned into a reptilian face. After a few tens of seconds, the witch Anzilla became a huge snake-shaped monster, sweeping the beaches of Venice, a monster with a length of more than fifty meters. If the snake is stretched straight from the beginning to the end, it can be compared with a twenty-floor high building. The scales are shiny silver-white, and it looks very noble!

But unlike before, behind the snake, wings full of gems spread out!

"Sure enough!" Annie frowned. Although she only had more wings, she could feel that the enemy in front of her was at least three times stronger than before!

"Let you feel it!" Ansela grinned grimly, and then rushed forward!!

Item 0089

Ansela and Annie became a ball, and Qin Zheng was thrown up and down by Luo Cuilian in front of a sandbag!

It's not too much to call Luo Cuilian a strange girl!

However, Qin Zheng's face is definitely not painful, and this is also due to the super defensive power of Qin Zheng's black gold god clothes!

"It's really different to have good equipment!" Qin Zheng couldn't help but sigh!

"How is it? King of Righteous Paths, are you just like this without any power!" Luo Cuilian sarcastically vigorously aside!

"...!" I don't know why, Qin Zheng remembered the characters in "Dragon Ball". The more powerful people would be beaten and pretended to be forced when they appeared on the stage. He used to be stupid, but now he has not done it!

"Look at it!" Qin Zheng felt that it was time to crack down on this arrogant secondary school girl!Speaking of strength, Luo Cuilian would not be on the front line with the Marquis of Vauban, so naturally she would not be his opponent!

Qin Zheng had released the double-stranded fork at this time, and the black gold halberd body turned into a shadow, and the sky was filled with black mist. For a moment, Luo Cuilian's sight was blocked.

"Only this kind of thing wants to restrain me?" Seeing these black mist consciously spread to her, and then linger around her, restraining her actions, Luo Cuilian was taken aback while she was surprised!

"I am the owner of the sky, no matter whether it is the weather or the starry sky, I must be driven by me!" Qin Zheng finished, Luo Cuilian felt that she had entered a world of no one, the sky and the earth were all white, and then, The sky collapsed, of course, to the outside world, Luo Cuilian's eyes were dull, and she was floating in the air!

"Lightning and thunder, destroy the enemy in front of my eyes!" Qin Zheng condensed a thunderball in his hand. While Luo Cuilian was stunned, his right hand gently stretched forward, and the thunderball seemed to be caught by an invisible thread. Pulled by her hand, she floated towards Luo Cuilian!

But Luo Cuilian's mind was firm, and the sky collapsed in her mind, and she walked out like this!

"I, Luo Cuilian, are as brave as the emperor from the past and present, how could I lose to a younger generation!" Luo Cuilian clenched her fist and exploded the thunderball with one punch!

"Boom!" With a deafening sound and a loud explosion, Qin Zheng's hard-working large hall was swept away, and even the top of the mountain was cracked!

The things on the ground can't withstand the toss of the godslayers!

The Erika women who have already quit, looked at the fight in the sky and were very worried!

"What's the matter? Don't Lord Luo Hao and Wang have a common purpose? Why did they fight?" You Li asked!

"This has nothing to do with the purpose. Both are extremely overbearing kings. It's normal to fight as soon as they meet!" Erica sighed and said!

"Is this really no problem?" Liliana also said!

"Yes! You know, the King of Swords and the Marquis of Vauban are coming to deal with the king, and even the King of Los Angeles has rushed over!"

"If this continues, the king may have to face the four kings alone!"

"Don't worry!" Erica murmured, "Didn't the king still have two gods who do not follow? Their power is also very powerful!"

There was continuous thunder in the sky, Erica's face changed and said: "Liliana, let's get out of here quickly!"

"Yeah!" Liliana nodded, but she couldn't help but froze when she didn't find the two gods of Athena and Metis who were not obeyed!

"I am the strongest person who holds victorious hands. Whether demons or humans, the enemies I face will surely thwart their hostility, and I will defeat any enemies that stand in front of me!" Qin Zheng began to speak and activate his own. power!

"It's useless!" Luo Cuilian approached Qin Zheng again with a very clever posture!

"My fists and palms can destroy millions of troops!" Luo Cuilian is confident in her martial arts!

"Stop talking nonsense!" Qin Zheng sneered, and the black air filled once again, and continued to envelope Luo Cuilian. Then, the black clouds in the sky were also suppressed!

"Wind! Snow! Let everything fall to sleep!" Suddenly, snowflakes fell, the temperature plummeted, and the whole mountain became frost!

Howling from the sky!, A large hail fell, and countless lightning strikes toward the leader like an army. The wind was wrapped in ice and snow and blew towards the leader.

"Very well, King of Righteous Path, then I also use my power!" Luo Cuilian stood in the storm, not moving, and began to speak!

"I still look at Tai Baixue, I like to meet the martial arts heaven!"

"Yingjing Qianguanli, in front of Xinsu Seventh School!"

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