The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

Blood Devouring Attack: The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 199

Their angels are the strongest, and they can certainly eliminate demons and fallen angels, but now a young man has appeared and asked him to throw a rat!

"No, do you want to solve that guy first?" Thinking of this, God hesitated again, because he instinctively felt that the boy was very strong, very strong, even stronger than him, and he couldn't beat that boy if he shot. Annoyed that young man, what should he do with the devil's side!

The Central Organization of Fallen Angels, the Governor of the Watcher of the Son of God, Asacher, came to serve as the commander of this battle!

"That guy is so strong!" Asacher murmured, his wings stretched out from behind, beware of this young man!

Qin Zheng, who everyone was on guard, did not move. Qin Zheng was sitting on a hill in the distance, watching the three-way battle with gusto. At this moment, the sound of booming from far to near was the sound of energy!

"Dragon Yin, is it because the fourth force failed?" Qin Zheng had already heard the loud dragon Yin!

Qin Zheng stood up and saw two dragons chasing and fighting each other in the distance!One is red and the other is white!

"There are only two dragons, it should not be one power!" Qin Zheng murmured, he could feel that the strength of these two dragons is also very strong, stronger than most of the people present, and the strength is almost the same as the four demon kings. If you put it in the world of the godslayer, it is also a monster!

"Boom!" A white beam of light sprayed out of the mouth of the white dragon, and the red dragon also emitted a red beam of light!

The two beams of light collided, and the aftermath of the power burst out immediately, and even the battlefield of the three major forces was also affected, causing a guarantee that many lower-level demons, angels, and fallen angels would be involved!

"These two dragons really have character!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly, and planned to swallow them in his heart!

The two dragons have flown over, and they have completely entered the battlefield of the three major forces, and if there is no one else to fight, every beam of light is emitted. Whether it is an angel or a lower-level demon, they have all suffered different degrees of damage. With the intervention of the two dragons, the casualties of the angels and other parties intensified!

"Haha, White Dragon Emperor, go and die!" Chilong Emperor shook his huge tail and vomited!

"Emperor Chilong, you must be killed this time!" The White Dragon Emperor is also very excited!

"White Dragon Emperor, Chilong Emperor!" Qin Zheng was stunned. Hearing these two names, he knew which dimension it was, the Devil's High School DXD, but according to the current situation, the god is not dead yet. The arrival time is a bit early. The two dragons have not been made by the gods, but after this time they will be defeated by the three major forces, and then sealed by the gods in the cage hand of the red dragon emperor and the light of the white dragon emperor. In the wing!

But even so, Er Tianlong is still fighting, of course, this is also the case, the story can unfold!

After knowing the identities of the two dragons, Qin Zheng became more interested in them, and even wanted to swallow them. As for the plot, who cares!Hyoto Issei is better than Chiryu Emperor, and it's not bad to be an ordinary person!

"Emperor Chilong, Emperor White Dragon, have you enough trouble? Get me back!" Lucifer said coldly, watching the lower-level demons being affected by their battle!

"You just got out of me, trash!" Chilong Emperor laughed and said!A beam of light spurted from the mouth, immediately destroying dozens of angels!

"That is, this is where we are fighting!" The White Dragon Emperor did not show weakness, destroying a large swath of demons again!

"Damn it, you two bastards, really will pick a time, when we fight, you will come out to make trouble!" God also said in a deep voice!

"You are the so-called god! It seems that there is nothing remarkable!" Chilong Emperor hummed!

"The same is true for you, it's all a bunch of rubbish!" White Dragon Sovereign said!

Even Qin Zheng was taken aback by the words of the White Dragon Emperor, what a death!Originally, the strength was not top-notch, but now the three major forces are being scolded like a map cannon. This time, they are full of hatred, no wonder they will be sealed!

"Would you like to swallow them?" Qin Zheng smiled at the corner of his mouth, the black energy on his body had already escaped from his body, but in this gray world, the people of the three major forces did not care too much!

However, the gods, the Four Great Demon Kings and others immediately felt the terrifying power of Qin Zheng!

"So powerful!" Lucifer had a lingering fear!God also feels!

However, it disappeared in the next instant. For this reason, everyone was puzzled, is there something wrong with their perception!Of course, Qin Zheng didn't give up swallowing the White Dragon Emperor and Chilong Emperor, but the beast in his body was about to move!

As the trump card, the sky dragon sent himself an emotion, a happy emotion!

"Don't worry! I will swallow these two dragons!" Qin Zheng murmured!

The three powers were very upset with the two dragons' personalities. When they looked at each other, their wills had reached a consensus. That was to unite first to solve the two dragons, and then fight!

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The contradiction between the three powers has a long history, starting from ancient times, the world war fought for world hegemony is similar to the situation of the three kingdoms. It is easy to fall into the quagmire of war, because neither side is willing to dispatch all of them. Power and let third-party forces profit.

All naturally, the war later fell into a stalemate and turned into a war of attrition. The three powers were wiped out because of the war. In the war, countless angels died, as did the devil, and the fallen angels were even worse!

At this time, they have not yet fought the final battle, so their respective forces still have considerable reservations. However, after this war, the three major forces will suffer countless deaths and injuries. Even God, Lucifer and others will die in this war. !Of course, if they can't predict the future results, they will naturally not give up easily. Even Asachel, who is the first to withdraw from the battle, is still ambitiously thinking about how to conquer the other two forces!

Facing the provocation of the two dragons, the three forces rarely thought of one thing: they all unite, first defeat the two dragons, and then come to a decisive battle!

With the decision, angels, demons, and fallen angels surrounded the two dragons faintly!

"A group of ants, do you want to stop me Chilong Emperor?" The red beam of light sprayed from Chilong Emperor's mouth immediately killed a group of demons and angels, opening a channel in the dense encirclement!

"The White Dragon Emperor, there are so many people here that the fight is not happy, let's go to a place where no one is there!" Chilong Emperor said again when he flew out along the channel opened by him!

"Emperor Chilong, as you wish!" With another move, the Fallen Angel died a large part, and then the White Dragon Emperor also chased it out!

"Kill me so many angels, I want to leave!" The Emperor Chilong was thinking about leaving, but the Jinpao Man appeared above the Emperor Chilong, the golden wings behind him spread out, and the golden light made people unable to look directly. The golden circle on the head also exudes layers of golden light, and then punched the dragon's head with a punch, directly hitting the Red Dragon Emperor on the ground!

The huge body fell from the sky and hit the ground, raising billowing smoke and dust!

"Emperor Chilong, it's so ugly!" The White Dragon Emperor said happily when he saw Emperor Chilong being beaten!

"Don't even want to leave!" At this time, the four demon kings of Lucifer also stopped the White Dragon Emperor!

"Do the four demon kings want to stop me too?" The White Dragon Emperor said coldly!If you want to explain it seriously, it and the Chiryu Emperor are a bit stronger than these four demon kings, otherwise, the Chiryu Emperor's cage hand who sealed the Chiryu Emperor would not be called a godslayer!God destroyer, as the name suggests, can destroy the devil and the god!

However, in Qin Zheng’s eyes, although the hierarchy of the Devil’s High School is clearly divided, there is no gap between the middle-end strength and the high-end strength of the godslayer and the blood raid. The gods of this world are equivalent to transcendors. Lucifer and others are still demon kings. If the god is a god of disobedience, then the demon king is equivalent to the level of the god beast. Among the godslayers, the god of disobedience can kill countless beasts, and the sword saint Raphael can simultaneously Killing seven or eight sacred beasts can't match the gods, but here, their gap is only the gap between the energy side, and the level of life is the same. Therefore, plural demon kings can still kill the transcendence!

"Then give it a try!" Lucifer sneered. He knew that the White Dragon Emperor was very strong, but the four great demon kings joined forces, even if the gods are also temporarily avoiding the edge, let alone you!

"Come on then!" The White Dragon Emperor twitched his tail, and then dispersed the four of them. Then, a white beam of light shot out, and the target was Leviathan!

"Leviathan, be careful!" Lucifer was the first to notice this situation and reminded!

However, the white beam of light came with lightning, and it was too late when Leviathan noticed, so he could only protect his head with his hands and eat it!

boom!Leviathan was blasted into the air, Lucifer leaned close and was about to punch the dragon, but the white dragon scales stood up!

"Not good!" Lucifer immediately avoided, and sure enough, the sharp white scales came out of his body, attacking Lucifer like a flying knife!

"Give me down!" At this time, Bezebu had already caught the dragon's tail of the White Dragon Emperor. It was hard to imagine that Bezebu, who had a huge contrast in body shape, would shake the White Dragon Emperor!

"Die!" Beelzebub turned it a few times before throwing it away!

Boom!The entire body of the White Dragon Emperor hit the big rock below!

Attack me!Lucifer immediately issued an attack order, and immediately, countless demons, whether they were lower-level demons or advanced ones, all attacked towards the White Dragon Emperor!

At the same time, Emperor Chilong and God also fought!

"You fellow, don't think it's a great god!" Chilong Emperor shook the dragon's head and glared at the angel god in the sky!

"Attack!" Asacher issued an attack command to the Emperor Chilong. Soon, countless fallen angels attacked the Emperor Chilong!

"Exterminate Dragon Tooth!" Chilong Emperor roared, his wings were taken out, the scales were rolled up, and two barrels were formed!

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