The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 211

"Boom!" With a trembling sound, the yellow beam of light shook, but it was not broken yet!

At this moment, Lezeweim was desperate, but the clicking voice made him overjoyed!

It turned out that the yellow beam of light was finally smashed by Lezeweim, but Erlong had returned to the crack in the space with the spoils, and disappeared!

Reluctantly, Szekes turned his gaze on the Light Wing Seal he saved. He hoped that it was his mother!

But let him down, it was not his mother who was sealed inside, but Seraphim!

"Damn it!" Szekes' face was gloomy, and then ordered the reformers to retreat!Lezeweim also beat the drum to retreat, he did not expect that the battle between the two sides was disturbed by two dragons!

At this time, the two dragons had already brought their trophies to Qin Zheng's castle!

"White Dragon Emperor, you will lose! You only have one mother in your hand, and I have two!" Draig sneered!

"Hmph, you just lost. You didn't say yes, whoever is faster will win, I am faster than you!" Arubion said with a hum!

"Don't count you! The person we designated to be caught doesn't seem to be the one with a big belly!"

"Then your mother's was picked up easily, not counting!"

"White, do you want to fight?" Draig said angrily!

"Fight and fight, who is afraid of whom!"

"Have you all completed the task?" At this time, the beautiful young woman walked out of the castle, with a delicate face, and every move was full of incomparable temptation. It was Gabriel!

"Yeah! I caught this!" Draig released Gurefia and Cadileya out!

"Well, very good!" Gabriel nodded. "Arubion, what about yours?"

"Mine is here!" After speaking, the White Dragon Emperor released Vinylana!

"Pregnant woman?" Gabriel was slightly taken aback when seeing Vinylana's pregnant belly, and immediately looked at the White Dragon Emperor with dissatisfaction!

"White Dragon Emperor, what are you doing? Bring this kind of thing back!" Gabriel said dissatisfied!

"I'm sorry, I'm going to catch another mother right now!" The White Dragon Emperor also knew that he had messed up the matter and promised immediately, and then glanced at Vinylana in disgust. The tail was about to shoot Vinylana. dead!

"Wait! Gabriel, you can bring them all in!" Qin Zheng's majestic voice came from the castle: "Arubion, Draig, your work is perfect and worthy of praise. Go and rest first. Come on!!!"

Item 0021

Since the moment the two dragons entered the castle, Qin Zheng had already noticed. To be precise, he had noticed the three women brought by the two dragons!

To be honest, Qin Zheng didn't expect Erlong to bring him so many surprises, not to mention Gurefia, also brought Lias' mother, and at the same time picked up the old demon king's card. Delya!Through the original book, he remembered the appearance of these women in his heart. Needless to say, Kadileya, and Lias’ mother, Vinylana, is the same as Lias, except for the hair color!

Unfortunately, Qin Zheng didn't see the girl who likes cosplay, Seraphim!

At this time, Gabriel had brought the three daughters in. In fact, Gabriel was very puzzled. The other two were okay to say, but this is a pregnant woman. What is the master coming for!Since Gabriel fell into a fallen angel, Gabriel has always called Qin Zheng as his master!

"Master, I have brought people here!" Gabriel said with a smile on Qin Zheng who was sitting on the throne!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded, "Wake her up first!" Qin Zheng pointed to Gurefia and said!Qin Zheng has been coveting Gurefia for a long time. In the original book, she appeared on the screen with meticulous attention. Thinking about how she was meticulous in her daily life, but tried her best to please herself in bed, Qin Zheng was very excited!

Gabriel nodded, walked up to Gurefia's forehead and lightly nodded!

Soon, Gurefia woke up from it!

"Here is...!" As soon as Gurefia opened her eyes, she found that she was in a palace similar to a palace. She shook her dizzy head, and Gurefia looked around, she looked around. Gabriel next to him and Qin Zheng sitting on the throne!

At this time, after Gurefia's gaze stayed on Gabriel for a while, his gaze shifted to Qin Zheng!

"You are the Mystery King!" Gurefia asked calmly!Although she has not seen Qin Zheng, it is not difficult to guess the identity of Qin Zheng, because she knows that she was captured by the Emperor Chilong, and Emperor Chilong was acting on the orders of the Mystery King, so she sat on the throne. The teenager is very likely to be the Mystery King!

"Mystery King! What do you mean?" Qin Zheng was stunned after hearing this!

"Master, the Mystery King refers to you!" Seeing Qin Zheng's doubts, Gabriel explained!Since Qin Zheng established his strength, Qin Zheng has never come forward to take care of it, and Orpheus, the naive little Lolita, naturally can’t manage it, so all management is on Gabriel, and she knows that Qin Zheng Known as the king of mystery by the three major forces, it means the king of mystery!

Because Qin Zheng's record was so shocking and mundane, he was named king by everyone!!

"Oh, it turned out to be like this!" Qin Zheng nodded to Gurefia and said, "Yes, I am the king!"

"Then king, what do you mean by catching me here?" Gurefia asked again!As for the two women lying on the ground, she ignored them!

"Possess you!" After saying that, Qin Zheng looked at Gu Lefia with uncontrollable scorching heat!

"You...!" Gurefia didn't expect this person to have such a thick face, and that expression seemed to be taken for granted. Originally, she thought this guy would come with him!

"Okay, Gabriel, you go down! Well, take these two women down too, I want to enjoy this woman!" Qin Zheng said with a smile!

"Yes! Master!" Gabriel nodded and waved his hand to take the two unconscious women away!

"Gabriel, she... didn't she come from the seraph of the heavens? How did she stay with you?" Gurefia was stunned when Qin Zheng called out that the woman was Gabriel just now!

"You are right, but your information network is too backward. I snatched Gabriel from the gods two hundred years ago!" Qin Zheng continued, "There is one more thing to tell you now. Gabriel is not a blazing angel, but a fallen angel. As for the reason, you know since she called my master!!"

This can’t be blamed on Gurefia. It’s all because the heavenly world’s confidential work is done too well, so she can’t receive any news. Of course, it’s also possible that she hasn’t been in contact with the leadership of the demon, so she can’t. Such important news!

As for the heavens, such a shameful thing must be kept secret. It is impossible to say whether it can be completely kept secret!

"This...!" Gurefia really did not expect that the Mystery King would go to the heavens to grab people!It also caused the Seraphim who was second only to God to fall into a fallen angel!

Two hundred years ago, the Mystery King went to the heavens to snatch people. Now, he assigns Erlong to the underworld to snatch people. Unfortunately, he has become a target, so is it possible for him to leave!Gurefia is worried about her fate!

While thinking about it, Gurefia saw the Mystery King step down from the throne!

"Don't come here!" Gurefia stepped back involuntarily!At this time, Gurefia was like an ordinary girl, without the strength to resist. It was not that she did not want to use magic, but after entering this castle, she found that she could not mobilize the magic in the body!

I was so shocked that I was already at the level of the Demon King, and how powerful it would take to confine my strength!

"Come here!" Qin Zheng stretched out his palm, and a strong suction burst out of his palm, sucking Gurefia's body!

Gurefia exclaimed, and her body flew over involuntarily!

And Qin Zheng put a hand on Gurefia's waist and kept touching!

"No, don't be like this!" Being touched like this by Qin Zheng, his meticulous face revealed a rare crimson color!

Item 0022

In the original book, Gurefia was the strong woman who took the seat of the strongest female demon, but in front of Qin, she was a little white rabbit who could not resist!

At this time, Qin Zheng and Gurefia were very close, and Gurefia could feel the scorching breath of Qin Zheng's breath as soon as she raised her head!

"What are you going to do?" Gurefia put his hands on Qin Zheng's chest, trying to push Qin Zheng away!

"Of course it's coming!" Qin Zheng said without hesitation!

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