The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 215

Seeing Vinylana taking the pills, Qin Zheng's eyes showed the light of the conspiracy, and then he handed Lias to Gabriel, and then sent Gabriel away!

"Vini Lana, do you feel very hot now!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"What the hell did you eat for me!" Although the body is still a girl, her memory still remembers the feeling, and the feeling from her belly reminds Vinylana of a bad idea. The medicine is not a poison at all. , But the silver drug!

"You despicable fellow!" Vinylana gritted her teeth!But soon, the silver stimulant had its effect, and Vinylana's body was already reddened and began to tremble.

"No!" Vinylana's face flushed, as if she wanted to fight the flames in the antibody!

"Hehe, I really didn't expect a mother-daughter double collection, it's really good!" Qin Zheng violently tore the clothes on Vinylana's body, his body suddenly pressed up!

"Ah!" Under Qin Zheng's stimulation, Vinylana couldn't help but screamed!

"Get out!" Qin Zheng's entry made Vinylana's expression instantly refreshed, but Qin Zheng's momentum was like a broken bamboo, and Vinylana was quickly addicted to it!

"There really is a layer of film!" Qin Zheng said with a surprised smile!

After getting Vinylana, at this time, the Governor of the Fallen Angel, Asachel has a new move!

Now that the Fallen Angel faction has lost its former glory, he can be regarded as the highest combat power of the Fallen Angels. In order to be able to strengthen the Fallen Angel's power, Asachel thought about the method!!

Finally, by a coincidence, Asacher came into contact with the artifact created by the gods. At this time, he found that the artifact seemed to contain powerful abilities!

This discovery surprised him. Perhaps he could grow the Fallen Angels by studying the artifact. From the beginning, Asachel began to study the artifact!

Item 0027

Underworld, Lezeweim, who worked with Hades, started to deal with Qin Zheng!

However, while exploring the dimensional gap, Lezevím discovered the existence of a different world. Through the dimensional gap, Lezevím saw the blue sky and white clouds there. It was a different world no different from here. In an instant, Lezewim's ambition to conquer another world was ignited, and he didn't have much interest in this corner of the underworld!

Of course, with Lezevím’s strength, it is naturally impossible to cross the dimensional gap. Let’s not say that there is the guardian of the red dragon in the dimensional gap, but if you get lost in the dimensional gap, it will be very troublesome, but first of all The one to deal with was the Red Dragon God Emperor, but as long as the Beast Emperor sealed by the God of the Bible was awakened, then everything would be no problem!

Now that Lezewim wants to conquer another world with his heart, he doesn't care about the outside world. To the old Demon King faction, it is simply miserable, but for the reformers, naturally everyone is happy, because there is no Lezewim. The old Demon King's faction simply can't stop Suzex's footsteps!

After several years of fighting, most of the Old Demon Faction chose to surrender, and only the Old Demon such as Cruzelay led a small group of demons to resist.However, Cruzere and the others did not even have the strength of the Demon King, so naturally they could not be the opponent of Sazzex. It was only a matter of time before they were eliminated!

"My Lord Demon, the enemy is about to hit here!" At this time, in a palace ruled by the Old Demon Lord faction, a demon hurriedly said to Cruzelay and Shalupa!

"I see!" Kruzere waved his hand, motioning for the demon to go down, then looked at Shalupa!

"Failure is a foregone conclusion!" Sharuba murmured!

"Hey, if Lezeweim-sama were still there, the old demon king's faction would not lose!" Kluzerei murmured!

"Okay, don't say anything, let's run away!" Lezeweim disappeared. After the two pillars of the demon kings escaped again, the old demon kings group immediately fell apart!

"Suzex, we have achieved an all-out victory, and we will soon be able to eliminate the old demon king!" In the reformist camp, Seraphus said happily to Suzex!

"Yeah!" Szekes nodded, just absent-minded. The same battlefield reminded him of what happened a few years ago!

My mother was captured by the Mystery King, and there is no news yet!Because of Hades’s help, Lezewim naturally knew that Qin Zheng was in a dimensional gap, but it was even more difficult to find out his exact location, and Szekes naturally didn’t know Qin Zheng’s position. Hiding place!

At that time, if he had the strength he is now, then he would be able to protect his mother. Suzex squeezed his fist. At this time, Suzex's strength reached the transcendence, and Lezeweim I didn't give up too much!

Although there is no accurate information about her mother, there is news that a little girl with a look similar to her mother has appeared in the world. This can not help but let Szekes a little bit of surprise. The little girl is likely to be her mother’s daughter. Sister.

After the affairs of the underworld were over, he had already planned to go to the human world!

"Lezewim is not in the castle?" Suzex asked softly after returning to his senses!

"No, I disappeared soon after I heard that the battle!" Seraphim shook his head!The disappearance of Lezewim happened when Vinylana was taken away!

"Oh!" Suzex was not surprised by Lezewim's disappearance. The reformists were able to succeed because of the loss of Lezewim's leadership by the old demon king!In other words, if Lezeweim was still there, the reformists would definitely not take the old demon king so easily!

Suzex is very curious, why did the ambitious Lezewim disappear?Is he really going to give up the underworld?

After the victory of the reformist faction, Lot's research also had results!

It is feasible to increase the power of demons by reincarnating demons, especially among human beings who live with artifacts. If these humans are transformed into reincarnated demons, their combat power will definitely be stronger than ordinary demons!

After Lott's research was successful, Qin Zheng also got Lott's research success, the devil chess piece!

The devil chess piece is based on the chess in the real world as a template, and has another function, which is to improve the combat power of the devil!

Queens, castles, knights, bishops, and soldiers are all dependents of the king. The king has the ability to make people a dependent. The fighting ability depends on him. The queen has the ability of all chess pieces except soldiers and kings. The chariot has high attack and high defense. , You can exchange positions with the king, knights have speed, monks have magic power, soldiers have the ability to be promoted to pieces other than the king when the king is identified as the enemy camp. They are lower-level demons at first, and the pieces required to switch demons will also be different , Depending on the abilities of the characters, in the original work, Ise used all eight soldiers' chess pieces due to the god-killing equipment, and some chess pieces will also mutate, such as the pseudonym Gasper in the original book because of the vampire blood and The relationship between the artifact, you can use mutant chess pieces to turn him into a reincarnation demon!

Of course, the object of the devil's chess piece reincarnation is also particular!Lott, who developed this demon chess subsystem, is at the transcendence level. Naturally, it is impossible for Qin Zheng to regenerate a character even more powerful than him into a demon!

Qin Zheng naturally didn't want his women to use these devil chess pieces. After all, they were created by others. God knows if these chess pieces will be a problem!

Qin Zheng also knew that in the near future, angels would also create angel cards similar to devil pieces, with functions similar to those of devil pieces!

For these demon chess pieces, Qin Zheng naturally disdains to use them!The family relationship formed with devil pieces is not very strong, and it is not comparable to the bond between zombies!

Item 0028

"Father, what are you holding in your hand?" At this moment, a petite red figure came in from the crack of the door!What came in was a lovely girl, with waist-length fiery red hair, wearing a black and red Gothic dress, her delicate face with a slight smile made her feel very cute!

Lias is four years old this year. Although she is only four years old, she has already begun to develop. Her chest is slightly raised, bringing out a nice curved line, no wonder she will have such a good figure in the future!Now that she has lived in this ancient castle for four years, the relationship with Qin Zheng is naturally good, and Qin Zheng, who also considers herself a father, is also very good to Lias. Of course, all of this is Qin Zheng going out of ghosts. It's just the first step in the father's way!

"This is the devil chess piece!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly as Lias snatched the chess piece representing the king from her hand!

"Devil chess piece?" Lias said curiously after hearing this!

"Well, something that can improve the strength of demons, and it can also turn humans into demons!" Qin Zheng explained a little bit!

"Turn humans into demons!" Lias murmured with golden light in her eyes upon hearing this!

"Child, do you want human beings to become demons?" Qin Zheng was stunned and asked!

"No, no!" Upon hearing this, Lias shook her head quickly, trying to sneak the chess piece representing the king into her trouser pocket, but she did not expect that the chess piece representing the king melted into her body like water droplets!Even Qin Zheng didn't expect this situation. He didn't expect Rias to become a king after changing her growth environment!

The plot inertia correction force is really strong, but Suzex uses this kind of chess piece, and Lias fused this kind of chess piece, naturally there will be no problem!

"Father, what should I do? The chess piece disappeared!" Seeing the chess piece disappear, Lias suddenly became anxious, and said like a baby!The little hand hurriedly hugged Qin Zheng's palm, and the little, with that little-sized chest, kept rubbing Qin Zheng's arm!

"Haha, child, this chess piece originally belonged to you!" Qin Zheng touched Lias's little head and smiled softly!Now Qin is packaging himself into the image of a loving father!

"Ah! But I don't want it!" Lias lowered her head and said with her small hands together!

"Don't worry! There are chess pieces here!" Qin Zheng couldn't see that Lias wanted a chess piece. Maybe he wanted to turn a certain human into a demon. Qin Zheng also wanted to know who that human was, if it was a male. , I killed it, it was a female, and I kept it, but the human being photographed by Rias should not be an ordinary person!

In the original book, every demon family that Lias received was surprisingly powerful, so Qin Zheng gave her the remaining chess pieces!

"Father, how come there are so many!" Lias said happily!

"Hehe, some of these chess pieces are queens, some are bishops, and they are a set of the king chess piece just given to you!"

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