The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

Blood Devouring Attack: The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 218

"Oh! That Zhu Li is now a demon, she can live with you!" Qin Zheng smiled, and hugged Zhu Li who was still in a daze!

No matter, Zhu Li and Zhu Nai are now the same, and even the fullness of the figure is about the same, if they insist on separating, it is a difference in temperament!

"Baby, do you actually have a mother?" After picking up Zhu Li, Qin Zheng said again!

"Ah! Didn't my mother go to a far place?" Lias said puzzledly: "I know what that means. Going to a far place means death!"

"Your mother is fine!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"Then father, why don't you take me to see my mother?" Lias asked again!

"Because your mother hates her father and doesn't want to see him!"

"Then why does the mother hate his father?" Lias said again!

"Children don't care about things between adults!"

"Hmph, I know the reason, it must be that my father is too bothered!" Lias said proudly!

"I said, do you know what Huaxin means?" Qin Zheng didn't expect Lias to be so precocious!

"Of course, Aunt Gulefia told me, father, you have Aunt Gabriel, Aunt Cadileya, and Aunt Gufreya. This is called Huaxin, so my mother will leave you. , Right?!" Lias said proudly!

Upon hearing this, Qin Zheng was taken aback again. She didn't expect that Gurefia would instill such weird thoughts into Lias!

"Father, you come with me to get my mother back!" Lias said again!

"What about Zhu Li?" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"In this case, then I have two mothers!" Lias raised her middle and index fingers and said with a smile!

"Well, in a few days, I will take you to find your mother!" Qin Zheng smiled and nodded!

Chapter 0032-Building Juwang Academy

I don’t know how long it took, after Zhu Li woke up, she found herself in a strange room, a huge room, luxurious furniture, pink mosquito nets and bed sheets, noble and elegant!

"Where is this place?" Zhu Li saw at a glance that this is not her simple and clean room!

Shaking her head, Zhu Li saw that a petite figure was crawling beside her, it was Lias!

"Lias, are you okay!" Zhu Li shook Lias's body gently. She remembered what happened before she became fainted. A fallen angel wanted to attack Lias, and she blocked Lias. That shot!

"Isn't he dead?" Zhu Li murmured, and then looked at his abdomen, his skin was crystal clear, as good as before, and he didn't seem to have been hurt!

"Mother, you are awake!" At this time, Lias, who woke up, called Zhu Li intimately!

"Lias, where is this place?" Lias is safe, and she can be saved, which shows that someone has saved her!

"This is my home!" Lias said with a smile!

"Ah! This is the underworld?" After hearing this, Zhu Li's face was taken aback, and then she felt wrong, but she lived in the underworld as a human!

"What is the underworld?" Since she was young, Lias has no concept of underworld, so she doesn't know what the underworld is!

"The underworld is where the demons live!" Zhu Li explained a little!

Hearing this, Lias thought for a while, then nodded and responded!

"Well, Lias, who saved us?!" Zhu Li touched Lias' head and laughed!

"It's father!" Lias seemed to enjoy the feeling of Zhu Li touching her head, and she took the initiative to rub her palm a few times, and said with joy, "Father, he is a very powerful person!" Even Lias didn't realize it, she would get excited when she talked about her father, and she wished to tell the world about her father's powerful side, and let the world share her joy!

Little Lias, there are signs of parental control!

"So! Where is your father now?" Zhu Li asked again!

"Ah! Mother, do you want to see my father?" Lias squinted her eyes and smiled upon hearing this!

"Yeah!" After hearing this, Zhu Li nodded, with a smile on his mouth, and said: "Zhu Li has been bothering here for a long time, so I am going to leave here and return to the world!"

"Didn't you say you are going to be together? Why did your mother leave!" Lias pursed her mouth when she heard that, and said with dissatisfaction!

"Mother is always human!" Zhu Li sighed!

"Then mother doesn't need to be separated from Lias!" Rias became even more excited when she heard Zhu Li's reason. "Mother is no longer human. Like Lias, her mother is a demon!"

"Ah!" At this moment, Zhu Li was stunned, with a rather bad tone, staring at Lias, and said every word: "Lias, did you use a chess piece against me?"

"I...!" Seeing Zhu Li's unkind gaze, Lias's eyes flickered a little!

"Miss Zhu Li, this is the chess piece I gave you!" At this moment, Qin Zheng came up with a pouting smile and said!"The situation was critical at the time. If you don't turn Miss Zhu Li into a devil, you will be in danger of Miss Zhu Li's life, so I decided without authorization to turn Miss Zhu Li into a demon!"

Hearing that, Zhu Li was silent for a moment. In this way, Lias turned herself into a demon entirely to save herself, and she had no reason to blame others!

"Sorry!" Zhu Li held Lias in her arms!

"Can mother be with me?" Lias asked again!And Zhu Li’s gaze was on Qin Zheng. Since she became a demon due to irresistible factors, she could only accept this identity, and Zhu Li did not reject the demon itself very much. When she accepted the demon identity, Too much tangled!

And Zhu Li's gaze on Qin Zheng's body is obvious, that is to ask Qin Zheng if she agrees to live with her!

"Miss Zhu Li, please rest assured, this girl has always lacked a mother, so I trouble you to take care of her! My name is Qin Zheng!"

"No, Master Qin Zheng, I interrupted!" Zhu Li also said!

In this way, Zhu Li settled down in the castle!

After solving the matter, Qin Zheng returned to his room!

"Qin Zheng, I have already produced it!" At this time, a girl with the same petite figure walked up!

"Orpheus, show me quickly!" Qin Zheng said with a smile!

"Yeah!" Orpheus nodded, and then took out a small snake-like pendant-like item!"As long as you swallow this thing, you can get a part of my power!" Orpheus created the snake-shaped object with a little energy of his own!

"Very good!" Qin Zheng nodded, he could see that this thing contained powerful energy!

Qin Zheng plans to start the construction of Juwang Academy in the town of the human world after the things to enhance his strength are made!

In the original book, Kumao Academy is the starting point of the story, and now, if I take the lead in establishing a Kumao Academy, I might be able to kill those female partners in one go!

Thinking of this, Qin Zheng immediately called Gabriel and told her his thoughts!

Gabriel was surprised at first when he heard Qin Zheng's thoughts!

In her words, although this kind of thinking is good, it is somewhat unrealistic. After the construction of the Koo Academy, it is a question of whether the demons and angels will enter the school!

It is estimated that the enrollment scope of Komao Academy can only be human!After all, Qin Zheng fought against the three major forces in his early years, and the relationship with the three major forces was hostile!

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