The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 224

Item 0040

With Gurefia's suggestion, Qin Zheng naturally wanted to implement this beheading plan!

I just want to imprison Vinylana again. Now Rias has already recognized Vinylana. If Vinylana is missing again, Rias, the little girl, will definitely pester herself. , Ask the whereabouts of Vinylana!Of course, the beheading action suggested by Gurefia is very concealed, Vinylana doesn't know, and it's impossible for Lias to know!

Lias was very active. She was playing with Orpheus in the castle when Sazzex attacked. Naturally, she didn't know that Wei had an older brother Sazzex!

Two months passed in a hurry, and Gurefia's beheading operation was completed, and he could set off at any time!What made Qin Zheng even more delighted was that Zhu Li was pregnant, and that child was undoubtedly his own!

It is estimated that the first shot hit, and she was two months old, so Zhu Li's belly bulged slightly!Qin Zheng didn't expect to be hit by a single shot. From the first world through the blood-devouring raid, to the second world, the god killer, Qin Zheng has many women, and he tried to launch many grandchildren, but there was no one in his arms. Qin Zheng didn’t feel strange about this, because of the zombie physique, it is naturally difficult to get pregnant, but he did not expect to have a child in the third world, and the woman is not a zombie. Make Qin Zhengda puzzled!

The combination of zombies and demons, what kind of children will be born!In addition to being a little excited, Qin Zheng is also a little worried. In a sense, this is a combination of different species!Maybe because of Zhu Li's pregnancy, Zhu Li's body is now changing towards zombies, which Qin Zheng did not expect, that is to say, the child born is most likely a magic star!

Of course, in Qin Zheng's eyes, his unborn child definitely has the potential to become the strongest!

Now, Zhu Li has changed into a looser dress, with a slightly bulging belly, which is even more attractive, and this dress has caused Qin Zheng to become more and more obsessed with Zhu Li's body. Run to Zhu Li for the night!And Zhu Li's demand has grown, even if she is pregnant, she will play with Qin Zheng every night!

This approach also caused dissatisfaction. It was Lias's dissatisfaction. She complained about her elder mother. Seeing Vinylana's gloomy look, Lias felt that Qin Zhengtai preferred her second mother too much!Lias didn’t know. In addition to Qin Zheng’s reasons for Vinylana’s depression, it’s more because she was caught between the man she fell in love with and her son deep in her heart. Make a choice!

She didn't feel anything for that Gremory's husband, but the love for Qin Zheng was earned bit by bit, and it was impossible to forget it easily!

Vinylana stayed in the room, remembering that when she was taken abducted by Qin Zheng, she gritted her teeth with hatred towards Qin Zheng!

She tried to escape, but was unsuccessful. Afterwards, Qin Zheng ignored her opposition and turned her body back to a hundred years ago, and then crudely took possession of herself. Perhaps at that time, Qin Zheng’s domineering approach was in Vinnie’s Lana left an indelible impression in her heart!

For the next four years, she was imprisoned in a secret room, and the only person she met was Qin Zheng. The meeting with Qin Zheng was more of a physical communication!

Day after day, she was trembling severely and was gradually conquered by Qin Zheng's rude movements and domineering look!

It wasn't until this time that she realized that she was entangled between her lover and son!

"Mother, don't be sad, I'll find my father for you!" Lias squeezed her small fist and said with a hum in her small nose!

When Lias came to Qin Zheng, Qin Zhengzheng and Zhu Li finished their exercise. At this time, there was still a crimson aftertaste on Zhu Li's face!

"Father, you are too much!" Lias came over and said when she saw Qin Zheng and Zhu Li sleeping together undressed!

"What's the matter?" Qin Zheng was slightly taken aback!

"The eldest mother is crying!" Lias muttered dissatisfiedly: "You have to treat the two mothers fairly!"

"Okay, Lias, you go back first, your father will pass by in a while!" Zhu Li touched Lias' head and smiled. Just now, Lias suddenly broke in and really frightened her. , If her crazy and bold actions are seen, then she really is dead!

Now this situation is seen by Rias, she is still shy!

"Hmm! Then I'm out!" Lias also obeyed Zhu Li's words very much, nodded, and went out!

Next, Zhu Li naturally did not allow Qin Zheng to stay overnight, instead she withdrew Qin Zheng from the door and asked her to find Vinylana!Zhu Li still doesn't know about Vinylana's situation, so she thinks Qin Zheng is indeed a beautiful woman in the cold during this period of time!

Qin Zheng gave a wry smile and came to Vinylana's room!

"What are you doing here?" Seeing Qin Zheng coming in, a touch of joy flashed in the depths of Vinylana's eyes, then disappeared, and said coldly!

"Look at you here!" Qin Zheng murmured, he could also feel the entanglement in Vinylana's heart, and thought to himself: Since you can't make a choice, then I will help you make a choice, as long as Sze When X died, then Vinylana's heart would definitely be placed on her daughter Lias, and of course her lover, Qin Zheng, but Qin Zheng didn't know that Vinylana loved herself deeply!

Qin Zheng now thinks that Vinylana is entangled between Lias and Sazeks, after all, both are her children!

Coming to Vinylana's room, it is natural to have physical communication, and Vinylana also knows this, so she cooperates with Qin Zheng's behavior!

After spending a night with Vinylana, Qin Zheng found Gurefia, because the day after tomorrow is Gurefia's beheading plan!

Qin Zheng deliberately asked Orpheus to make a snake with a greater increase in energy and give it to Gu Felea, giving Gu Felea a battle!

Item 0041

After receiving Orpheus' snake that Qin Zheng handed over, Gurefia gladly took the order and left the dimensional gap!

In fact, Qin is not optimistic about Gurefia. Although Gurefia has Orpheus's snake, she can raise her power to the level of transcendence, but it is a borrowed power after all. Her own power is only At the level of the Demon King, he is even worse than Gabriel, and has more weaknesses in strength. Qin Zheng just wanted to see Gurefia and Szekes fighting!

The husband and wife files in the original book become enemies. It must be fun!Of course, in order to be safe, Qin Zheng also sent Gabriel to go!

Gurefia is a demon and once lived in the underworld. Naturally, she knew everything about the underworld. Soon Gurefia entered the underworld, but instead of looking for Szekes, she returned to her family!

Her family is a famous family in the demon family. Lucifer has served the demon King Lucifer for generations. As the most outstanding representative of the new generation, Gurefia is naturally the best person to serve Lucifer. It’s just there. In World War I, Gurefia was taken away, and the people in the family sighed!

However, Gurefia doesn't have much loyalty to Lucifer. It is more appropriate to say that she is a woman who dares to love and hate, otherwise, the original book will not betray!

At this time, the underworld has been unified and the reformists have won. Under the distribution of interests, the old demon kings faction has naturally been suppressed. Now, the famous door Lucy Figues cannot become a famous door!

"Gurefia, you... why are you back?" Seeing Gurefia who had been missing for many years came back, the Patriarch's face was taken aback, and then he asked ecstatically: "Where have you been all these years? Reformers It is said that you were taken away by the Mystery King, and we thought you were already dead!"

"The reformists are right. I was taken away by the King of Mystery, and I became his woman. I have been living in the crevice of the dimension for these years!" Gurefia nodded and said!

"Ah! This way! Then... Then why did you come back to the underworld suddenly?" Patriarch asked again: "Did you sneak out?"

"No!" Gurefia shook his head and said, "I sincerely stayed by Mystery King! There is one more thing to do besides visiting you this time!"

"How did Lucy Figues become like this?" Gurefia looked at the depressed family and asked again!

"Hey, now Lucy Figues can't be called a famous door!" The Patriarch sighed and said: "Since the defeat of the old Demon King faction, the interests have been redistributed. Where can we have good fruit to support the old Demon King faction!" "

Hearing this, Gurefia fell silent!When the old demon king was defeated, she also got the news. After all, most of the intelligence collected by the zombies passed through her hands, and then transferred to Qin Zheng's!

"Oh, right, where's your brother?" Gurefia asked again!

"Hey, after you disappeared, your brother became the first candidate to serve the Demon King Lucifer. Now he disappeared with Lezevim, we don't know where he went!" The Patriarch sighed and said, "Also Yes, now Lucy Figues' talent is withered, but it will be fine if you come back. I will immediately give you the position of Patriarch!"

"Patriarch, didn't I say that? I have to return to Mystery King!" Gurefia shook his head and said!

"Since they are all out, why go back?!" The Patriarch said puzzledly!

"Patriarch, I'm here to tell you to let all the people prepare to leave the underworld!" Gurefia said solemnly!

"Leaving the Underworld, where are we going?" The Patriarch was taken aback. The Underworld is their root. Where would he be willing to leave the Underworld. He just looked at Gurefia's solemn face, and the Patriarch still listened to Gulei patiently. Fia goes on!

"Zombie Town, there is the sphere of influence of the Mystery King, go there, with me watching over, Lucy Figues can definitely restore his former glory!"

"We are going to the human world?" At this moment, the Patriarch was stunned!"We want to take refuge in the Mystery King?" This is because the Patriarch did not hesitate. After all, after taking refuge in the Mystery King, he was against the demons. Since the Mystery King made the four original demon kings half dead, there has been this deep hatred between the Mystery King and the demons!

Now Lucy Figues has taken refuge in the past, especially the famous door who has served the Demon King Lucifer for generations. This will be regarded as a shame and shame by the underworld. At that time, Lucy Figues will face revenge from the whole underworld!

"Hey, Patriarch, you don’t know! Even if you take refuge in the Mystery King, you will be an enemy of the demons! But the Mystery King is so powerful that we can’t imagine it. I keep running away in my hands!" Gurefia continued: "The demons continue to oppose the Mystery King, and they will definitely be annihilated. Instead of this, it's better to rely on the Mystery King!"

"Mystery King is really that powerful?" Patriarch asked in a daze!

"Yeah! A few days ago, the Mystery King also captured Leviathan's successor, Seraphim!"

The owner nodded, Seraphim's disappearance was raging in the underworld. Although no news came out, he also knew that it was not that simple at this time, but he did not expect that Seraphim was taken away!

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