The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 227

Gurefia's trip to the underworld did not kill Sazex in the end, but killing Sazex's father was not without gain!

In the underworld, Suzex, who was severely injured, returned to the palace, and outside, heavily guarded, even Lot also guarded the door to prevent the enemy from killing him while Suzex was seriously injured!

Gurefia failed, and Qin Zheng had to do it himself. With Orpheus’s ability, Qin Zhengshen appeared in Suzex’s room unknowingly. The people outside didn’t even notice it, even Lott. Also like this!

Lott, who was waiting at the door, felt that Szex's magic power disappeared, his face changed and he pushed the door in, only to find that there was no one in the room, and Szex's was dead!

Chapter 0045

Qin Zheng was very careful when he repaired the knife, and outsiders could not detect it. This was also Qin Zheng's emotion to take care of Vinylana. Otherwise, with his character, he would have killed him in the underworld with a high profile!After Qin Zheng killed Sazzex, the underworld seemed to intentionally conceal the news of Sazzex's death. According to the news Qin Zheng received, most demons in the underworld did not know the news of Sazzex's death!

But no devil came to trouble Qin Zheng, even Lott was the same, everything was as calm as usual, which made Qin Zheng very depressed, even the Demon King Lucifer was killed, they were so indifferent!!

Qin Zheng didn't know that the underworld became even more vulnerable when Szekes died, and from a series of actions, the senior leaders of Lot should also understand Qin Zheng's strength, so if you want to deal with him, you have to weigh it carefully. Just weigh it!

This year, the forces of all parties developed peacefully, and the power of the zombie clan was greatly enhanced, especially after the Lucy Figues family left the underworld and followed Gurefia's orders and came to the zombie town after the zombie clan of the fixed family!And Lucifer’s family has Gurefia's care, and soon has a place in the zombie clan!

And a year later, Qin Zheng’s biological daughter, Zhu Nai, was about to be born, perhaps because of the strong historical inertia. Even if he changed a father, Zhu Li’s first child was still a girl, so Qin Zheng gave her Zhu Nai. Nai's name!However, considering that Zhu Nai’s birth will cause a lot of noise, the dimensional gap space is disordered, and as long as there is a strong impact, it will collapse like a mountain, so for safety, Qin Zheng transferred Zhu Li to a town. A big hospital!

At this time, Zhu Li was pushed into the operating table. Of course, the midwife nurses and doctors are all female, and they are also reincarnated demons. The magic star will be born with powerful energy released. If ordinary humans approach it, it is very likely. Shocked to death by the aftermath of energy!

"Father, is Mother Zhu Li going to have a baby?" At this time, little Lori Lias was still holding Qin Zheng's palm and asked weakly!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng smiled and said, "Your sister Zhu Nai is coming to this world soon!"

"Okay, Lias, you must protect Sister Zhu Nai well in the future, you know!" Vinylana also smiled and hugged Lias!

"I will!" Lias nodded, then hugged Vinylana's neck and whispered: "Lias wants a brother, mother, you should give birth to one too!"

"Uh!" Upon hearing Lias's words, Vinylana's face flushed, and she glanced at Qin Zheng subconsciously, but found that Qin Zheng was also smiling and looking at herself, and suddenly, her flushed face seemed to rise suddenly. Green smoke!

"You kid, you are making fun of your mother!" After a year of getting along, Vinylana seemed to have left Suzex's affairs behind her face, and the smiles on her face gradually increased. At this time, Qin Zheng felt Wei Nilana really accepted herself, accepted Lias!In fact, now Vinylana also enjoys this kind of home feeling!

"Father, tell me, Mother Zhu Li will not want me after she has a child?" Lias turned her head and asked Qin Zheng!

"You child, is it not enough to have a mother?" Vinylana said with a smile!

"Of course it's not enough, I want two mothers! Because Aunt Zhu Li is very good to me!" Lias muttered!

"Am I wrong to you?" Vinylana asked angrily!

"No, it's just that mother, you are usually too strict, I don't have time to play, I practice all day!" Lias said dissatisfied!It turned out that during the four years of Vinylana’s imprisonment, Qin Zheng used a stocking method to educate Lias, and did not teach Lias to use magic power, so the four-year-old Lias just mobilized weak magic power. In Qin Zheng's eyes, it's not that the earlier the child cultivates, the better. Now when Lias is still long, there is nothing to be fun, and it is not too late to educate until she is six!

However, after Vinylana came out, she found this situation and she was extremely dissatisfied with Qin Zheng. Especially when she knew that Lias was almost killed by the fallen angel, she cursed Qin Zheng and taught Lia herself. Silk learns the control of magic power, magic and so on!

And Lias is a child who is used to playing around, and suddenly there is a mother who is extremely controlled. Naturally, she is very uncomfortable, so Lias prefers Zhu Li's mother!

" are really mad at me!" Vinylana snorted again!

"Well, Lias is still a child, so don't blame her!" Qin Zheng smiled. In this small family of three people, Qin Zheng is definitely a kind father, and Vinylana is Yan. mother!

"Yes!" Lias said with a little fragrant tongue!

"Lias, it's not right for you to do this. My mother told you to practice for your own good!" Qin Zheng said with a smile, "Have you forgotten that Aunt Zhu Li almost died to protect you? With strong strength, you can protect Aunt Zhu Li!"

"Well, father, I will become stronger, and then protect my mother and father!" Lias nodded solemnly!

Here, as Qin Zheng’s butler, Gurefia naturally followed, but Gurefia did not go up to interrupt the conversation of the three, but looked at them enviously!

"Hey!" Gurefia touched her belly, and followed Qin Zheng not a day or two, but her belly just disappeared!

"Patriarch, why are you here?" At this time, an old man came over with a gift, of course he was stopped by Gurefia!

"Mystery King is inside?" The Patriarch looked inside curiously!

"Hmm!" Gurefia nodded, "Patriarch, what are you doing here?"

"I heard that Mystery King's child was born, so I bought some gifts!" The owner smiled and said, "Gurefia, when are you also pregnant with Mystery King's child?"

"Patriarch, what are you talking about? I'm just a housekeeper!" Gurefia said shyly!

"Don't lie to me, I can see that you are also the woman of the Mystery King, right!" The Patriarch smiled!

At this moment, Gurefia paused, and then said for a long time: "I don't know why, I just can't get pregnant!"

"Then take your time, the devil's fertility rate is a bit low!" The family owner took out a piece of paper with the formula written on it, and said again: "I bought this from the street. I said it can increase the pregnancy rate. Go back and try it. Give it a try!"

"Ah! Patriarch, how do you believe in this kind of thing!" Although Gurefia said in his mouth, his hand had already accepted the formula!

"Yeah! I see! Come on!" The Patriarch has his own purpose in doing this. If Gurefia can conceive a child, then the Lucy Figues family's position in the zombie clan will be stronger!

During the chatting between the two, Gurefia felt a powerful energy fluctuation, which came from the operating room. When it was high and low, and when it was high, even she felt a sense of oppression. When it was low, it was even normal. Not as good as people!

Gurefia's face changed, she knew that Zhu Nai was about to be born!

Item 0046

"This... is this caused by the Mystery King's children?" Feeling the pressure that radiated from it, the Patriarch shuddered!

"Yeah!" Gurefia said with a concentrated expression, "I didn't expect this child to be so extraordinary, really terrifying!"

"The Mystery King is really a human?" According to the devil's documentary record, although there is no clear record, it is guessed that the Mystery King is a human!

"I don't know!" Hearing this, Gurefia shook her head. In the past four years, she had only seen Qin Zheng make several moves at random, no one could force him to use his true skills!

"I think the Mystery King may come from a higher existence race!" The Patriarch said his guess!

"Yeah!" Gurefia nodded, the power that smashed mountains and rivers in a rage is really terrifying!In fact, she still didn't know that the zombies were the blood of Qin Zheng!

"Gurefia, if you can be pregnant with the child of Mystery King, the child's talent may be stronger than what you see today!" The Patriarch thought for a while and said: "After all, your body is a demon, and she Just reincarnated as a demon!"

And Vinylana inside was also shocked!

What kind of race is this guy? Newborn children have such a powerful talent!

In the operating room, a kind of doctors and nurses have been pushed aside by the coercion of energy, and they cannot get close to Zhu Li at all!

"Boom!" A black beam of light rose to the sky!

The beam of light poured into it, and the entire sky became dark!

"Lias, don't walk away with your mother, I'll go in and take a look!" Zhu Li couldn't bear such a powerful energy. Qin Zheng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Zhu Nai really made her mother so hard to toss!

When Qin Zheng came in, Zhu Li had passed out due to pain!

But Zhu Nai, the child's disposition, may be very excited because he came to the world for the first time, releasing his energy at will, and not caring about the suffering mother below him!

"Settle down for me!" Qin Zheng stopped hesitating, stretched out the palm of his hand, and black energy suddenly burst out. As soon as Qin Zheng was born, Zhu Nai's burst of energy soon calmed down. After the black energy dissipated, Qin Zheng also held it in his hands. A white and chubby child!

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