The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 235

At this time, the hero faction has not yet appeared, and the vortex group has not appeared, but the three major forces have joined forces. The reason is that the opponent Qin Zheng and the zombie clan!

On this day, Lina Li, who had been a woman of Qin Zheng for many years, approached Qin Zheng. She was originally to assist Gabriel, but Qin Zheng later saw Lina Li was loyal and tried her best to please herself in bed, so he Give her the piece of intelligence!

"The big thing is not good!" Lina Li was a little panicked at this time!

"What's the matter?" Seeing Linali panicking, Qin Zheng said a little displeased!

"The three major forces are about to unite, and the goal is to deal with our zombie clan!" Lina Li said anxiously!

"That's not a big deal!" Qin Zheng sneered!Even if the three major forces joined forces, they wouldn't be his opponents. Didn't the three major forces join forces to deal with him two hundred years ago, but they still came down!

"But I can add trouble to them!" Qin Zheng smiled and said, "Where should the three powers discuss where to hold a joint meeting?" The conflicts between the three powers have been around for a long time. Completed, there are still many issues to be negotiated and compromised to discuss!

"It's in the underworld!" Lina Li said again!

"Very good! These two are your assistants?" Qin Zheng pointed to the woman and Lolita dressed as a milf with a single ponytail behind!

"Yeah!" Lina Li nodded and said, "They were my subordinates before, so they ran with me!"

"Then you go down!" Qin Zheng waved his hand, letting Linali's two subordinates go down, and Linali stayed!

Linali was naturally what Qin Zheng was going to do. After the two left, she took the initiative to remove her clothes, revealing her fair skin!

"Come up!" Qin Zheng beckoned to Linali, calling for Linali to come up!

Soon, after preparing for the preliminary work, Qin Zheng and Lina Li had another negative distance contact!

Outside, although the two women went out, they did not go far, but stayed at the door waiting for Lina Li to come out!

"Caravana, what do you say to Master Linali and Master Mystery King doing inside?" Mitrudo, who looked like a little Lolita, asked suspiciously!"And it makes such a weird noise!"

"How do I know, maybe there is something to discuss!" Caravana blushed after hearing this, and said!She naturally knew what this sound was all about!

"Then let's take a sneak peek!" Hearing Lina Li's sometimes loud and sometimes low-pitched voice, Mitrudo was curious!

"You are crazy! The Mystery King works, you dare to peek!" Caravana quickly grabbed Mitrudo and said!

Item 0058

Qin Zheng did not expect that the three major forces of the Bible would join forces so quickly. In the original work, the three major forces would join forces more than ten years later!

However, Qin Zheng, as their target to deal with, would naturally send a gift!

According to Linali's situation, the joint meeting was held in the underworld. After Qin Zheng bid farewell to the girls, he came to the underworld. Through breath induction, he quickly locked the meeting place!

The meeting was indeed held in the underworld, but not in the most luxurious palace, but in a sealed basement. It is estimated that they are also afraid that someone will make trouble!

At this time, the people of the three races have arrived. The representative of the angel is naturally Michael, the representative of the fallen angel is Asacher, and the representative of the devil is naturally Lot, a charming man!Of course, there is a crowd behind them!

Michael is a veteran and not a qualified politician. Regarding Lott's proposal to join forces against the Mystery King, she naturally agreed!

But Asacher is an old politician, otherwise he would not sit in the position of governor. Looking at the attending personnel, especially Szekes, who succeeded Lucifer as the devil, did not attend, Asacher knew that , The Underworld seems to have encountered a lot of trouble, the Mystery King is in conflict with the Underworld, and even Thazeks may die in the hands of the Mystery King!And this joint meeting was also brought up by the Devil family!

"Devil Lott, I'm very puzzled, why didn't Devil Szex show up in this meeting? Is he looking down on us?" Asacher thought for a while, then said!

"Suzex was killed by the Mystery King during his battle with the Mystery King!" Lot said in a deep voice. He knew that Asacher was probing, but now is not the time to hide it, and tell the truth. Can make them alert and unite!

"What, Szekes is dead?" At this moment, even Michael was stunned!

"Well, and a few days ago, the Mystery King destroyed one of our cities!" Lott said in a deep voice again!

Lott said that behind him, a certain entourage behind him had an extremely bad complexion. To be precise, the destruction of Devil's City was indirectly related to him. It turned out that he was the one who liked the black song and the white sound. The demon killed by Qin Zheng was only his confidant. He came up with a heroic strategy to save the United States and made the Black Song sisters willingly become his dependents. Unexpectedly, when he was about to go out to be a hero, the Mystery King was killed. If you don't send it, kill your confidant, and finally take away the sisters of the black song and destroy the Castlevania!

While this made him frightened, it was also helpless. He knew the black song sister's body, the strength of the black song, if reincarnated as a demon, it must be a powerful help, as for her sister Baiyin, she is the most powerful cat. The cat's mandrill of the race, but all this has become a flower in the mirror!

"You are all people who have survived from the three battlefields, and you should also know the strength of the Mystery King!" Lott said again!

"We know the strength of the Mystery King, so we don't want to join hands with you!" Asacher said coldly, "Now Mystery King is only targeting you demons!"

"Have you forgotten the truth about your lips and teeth?" Lott smiled and said, "I admit, but the demons cannot compete with the Mystery King. If the demons become extinct, it will be your turn next, you say, Are you sitting here waiting to die, or come forward, unite, and take the initiative!"

"All of these are your guesses. The Mystery King has no plans to deal with fallen angels!" said Asacher!

"Really?!" Lott smiled slightly, "but judging from the information we got, it seems that your friend Baiqiu died in the hands of the mystery king, and even Linali who went to investigate was also caught! If If Asscher doesn't agree to join forces, you can leave this conference room!" Lott said with a smile!

"Huh!" Hearing this, Asachel's pupils shrank. He didn't expect the devil to find out the matter. Originally, Asachel also deliberately joined forces. He said so much just to increase his value. But now being exposed, he is not too pretentious!

"If it weren't for you, how could Baiqiu die? It's not impossible to join forces. You can compensate us for the loss! If I am satisfied, we will join forces!" Asathier said coldly!Baiqiu will be seriously injured and will be reduced to a town directly under the jurisdiction of the Mystery King. Otherwise, Baiqiu will not die!

"Don't think I'm a fool!" Lot, who was originally a breeze and drizzle, became extremely manly, "You can go if you don't join hands!"

"Okay, let's go!" Asacher ordered that he would withdraw from the meeting!

"Governor Asacher, Demon Lord Lot, don't make a noise, and listen to me!" Michael said with a smile: "A few days ago, the Mystery King sent someone to snatch a holy sword envoy from our hands. Originally, I only thought that my family suffered, but I did not expect that you were also persecuted by the King of Mystery!"

"Yes!" Lott snorted, and then said: "Mystery King is aggressive, but your angels are simple, and you suffer much less persecution than us!" The demons have suffered the most severe losses, and the fallen angels are the same. Baiqiu is the only remaining One of the few cadres!

"Hey, you don't know anything!" Michael murmured, "Our investigation found that the leader of the zombie clan is the fallen angel, Gabriel!"

"Fallen Angel, Gabriel? Isn't she a Seraph?" Assasser and Lott were surprised when they heard this!

"In fact, the Mystery King had trouble with angels two hundred years ago. In that battle, God also fell, and even Gabriel was taken away!" Michael sighed!

"Then we have to join forces? Otherwise, if we fight alone, we will be defeated by the Mystery King one by one!" Lott said again!

"Yeah!" Asacher's face also became serious!

The three major forces have all suffered losses to varying degrees, and facing the aggressive Qin Zheng, various reasons have combined to make them join forces!

Item 0059

Soon, the three major powers advocated uniting. After the exchange of information, the three major powers learned more or less about the mystery king!

Asachel and Michael were both people who witnessed Qin Zheng's move two hundred years ago. They knew Qin Zheng's ability and knew that Qin Zheng's strength was above the transcendant!

After the Mystery King came out, he formed a zombie clan. In several contests with the devil clan, Lot and the others also figured out the strength of the zombie clan. There were two dragons, Gabriel and other strong men. Looking back, they were shocked. Out of a cold sweat, unknowingly, the power of the zombie clan is already so big!

"The expansion of the power of the zombies must be curbed!" Asacher said decisively!

"But how do we stop it?" Michael also asked!

"Have you noticed that although the Mystery King is strong, it has a fatal weakness!" Asacher smiled and continued: "When the Mystery King abducted my subordinate Lina Li, I doubted it!"

"What weakness?" Lot also asked curiously!

"As far as I know, Gabriel is the number one beauty in the heavens, right!" Asacher laughed!

"Humph, I didn't expect you to still miss beautiful women!" Hearing this, Michael snorted coldly. At first, Asachel only wanted to have a relationship with a woman to become a fallen angel!

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