The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

Blood Devouring Attack: The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 24

"What should the Fourth True Ancestor do?" Xuecai has not forgotten her mission!

"Don't worry about this, I will arrange for others! You can complete this task with peace of mind. Of course, you should also inform Saiya Hua and let her gain Qin Zheng's trust!" Fei Tao's original intention is to give Four true ancestors gave her a partner, but Xuecai has lost her virgin body and is no longer suitable for being a partner in the ancient city. Moreover, with Qin Zheng’s lawless temperament, if she knows that her woman has been given away, it’s fine. , Qin Zhenghui's fourth true ancestor did not stop dying, but the Lion King institution must also be destroyed!

Upon hearing this, Xuecai frowned. Obviously, she still didn't know the true intentions of the Lion King mechanism!

"Okay then!" She didn't have much contact with the ancient city, but she felt that the ancient city should be a rare good person to come!"But can the task of monitoring be done by me alone?"

"Can you do it alone?"

"I can!" Xue Cai nodded firmly!To gain Qin Zheng’s trust, what you will give must be chastity, because Qin is a lecherous person, she is different, she has become Qin Zheng’s woman, and she doesn’t care about the difference between once and several times, while Saayahua is different. Now, she hasn't fallen into Qin Zheng's devil's claws, and she has also worked hard to rescue Sayahua. If Sayahua accepts such a task, wouldn't her efforts be in vain!

"That's good!" The crow's voice did not fluctuate emotionally, and said: "But you have to pay attention, if you can't complete the task, I will still send Saayaka over!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Xuecai nodded hard!

"Very good!" The crow nodded in satisfaction!

On the other side, Qin Zheng had already appeared in the office that month!

"That month sauce, I'm here to report!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly as he watched the calm month!

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to come to class!" said the month coldly!

"Why don't you come to class?" Qin asked positively!"It took a lot of work for me to come here for class!"

"You appear here swaggeringly, so you are not afraid of me attacking you!"

"Whatever!" Qin Zheng nodded, "I am confident of my strength!"

"Hmph, with your strength, you shouldn't come to Haicai Academy for class! What is your purpose for coming here?"

"I heard that there are the most women here and can enrich my harem!"

"Harem, are you really honest!" Qin Zheng's words made Na Yue unable to complain!

"Of course, as the fifth true ancestor, how can there be only a few people in the harem!" Qin Zheng said again: "The moon sauce, you are also a good beauty, well, it should be said that Loli, are you interested in becoming My woman!"

"Not interested!" Hearing this, said that month, waving his hand!

"No, Loli loves the most. I decided that you must be my woman!" Qin Zheng said boldly!

"Hehe, although your strength is strong, if you force it, I believe you will not feel good, maybe even my body can't get it!"

"So hard!" Qin Zheng sneered, "That month, although I can't get your heart, I still have a way to capture your body!"

"You can try!"

"Really?" Qin Zheng continued to sneer, "If I destroy the barrier of Xian Shendao Prison, can I get your body!"

"Kacha!" The month who was thinking about taking a sip of fragrant tea watched Qin Zheng vigilantly, the cup in his hand burst open, and the tea was flowing on the table!

"I believe you won't do this!"

"It depends on the situation!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly and said, "Who told you to be the woman I like? I believe you are also like feeling the warmth of the sun in person, instead of having boring dreams like this!"

"You don't understand, everyone has their own responsibilities, and guarding the prison is my responsibility!"

"Whatever you want!" Qin Zheng murmured: "I'm wondering, as long as you kill all the people in the prison, it's OK, it's so troublesome!"

"You want to kill all the people in the prison, it's really shameful!" Hearing this, that month said sarcastically, "If I hadn't heard Kensheng Ye Se, I would have banished you to prison!"

"Yes Xiansheng is not dead yet?! It seems that he has made a mistake!"

"Hmph, I don't care what your purpose is for you to come to Haicai Academy, but if you act recklessly, I will definitely not be polite to you!" Nayue said, holding back his anger!

"Oh, then don't be polite to me, I am a person, I am most afraid of others being polite!"

Item 0038

Only now that month I discovered that the person who was stunned by the second disease was so terrible that there was no possibility of compromise or retreat. If you say something, he will say it. If it is not good enough, then she will definitely be mad!After dismissing Qin Zheng, Qin Zheng has already come to his own classroom, and it is in the same class as Gucheng. Because he was afraid that Qin Zheng would destroy him that month, he was specially assigned to the same class as Gucheng. The strength of the ancient city was good and it was to stop him. Qin Zheng is the best candidate, but this is in line with Qin Zheng’s original intention, because Qian Cong and Tsukuba Ren are here, needless to say, Qian Cong is the squad leader and a friend of Qian Cong. I heard that he is still a tall man. A mature student with a wonderful body, although not very kind and a little harsh in speaking, surprisingly there are many boys who think she is also good.

Caihai Academy is a co-educational junior high school for six years, with a total of approximately 1,200 students.As far as the nature of the city is concerned, schools of this size are common in Xianshen City, which has a large population of young people. There are already more than 50 classes in the ancient city, and Qin Zheng is not too many!

"Kara!" Qin Zheng pushed open the door of the classroom.

"It should be here!" Qin Zheng muttered while looking at the note in his hand!However, everyone in the class was attracted by Qin Zheng's movement!

"Who is this person?"

"Wearing Haicai Academy's uniform, it should be a student of our school!"

"Isn't it the wrong classroom!"

"do not know!"

"I heard from the teacher that month that a transfer student would be transferred to our school. This should not be a transfer student!"

"It's really possible. I didn't expect this transfer student to transfer to our class!"

Compared to other people's comments, Gucheng was completely stunned!

"How could it be you?" Gucheng stood up first, pointing to Qin Zheng and said.He did not expect that Qin Zheng would be placed in this class that month!

"Why can't it be me!" Hearing this, Qin Zheng squinted his eyes, finished speaking, strode forward, squeezing the teacher away, and came to the podium!

"Hello everyone, my name is Qin Zheng, and I am a newly transferred student! Please advise!"

Wow, applause!

"No, you can't transfer here!" Gucheng immediately objected!

"The objection is invalid! I got the approval of that Yuechan!"

"Hmph, that month sauce must be crazy! I will find her now!" Gucheng is going to find that month!

"What the hell did Teacher Nayue think!" Yaze rubbed his forehead, murmured helplessly, and then grabbed the ancient city!

"Gucheng, sit down quickly, are you going to make a big noise in class?" Yase whispered!

"Huh!" Hearing this, Gucheng was very unwilling to sit down!

"Hehe, since it was introduced that month, you should find a place to sit down!" The teacher is still very afraid of that month!

"Then I'm welcome!" That month came to a girl beside Qian Cong!

"Sorry, can you give me a favor!" Qin Zheng smiled kindly!

"Ah?!" That girl probably saw such a man for the first time. She stood up stupidly, unable to speak a word, like a puppet line made by Qin Zheng with momentum. He moved his limbs and moved away mechanically.

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