The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 240

Speaking of Orpheus, she stayed in her room like a housemaid at this moment. Unless Qin Zheng called her, she would not come out. Now Orpheus is used to her own life, neither Shouting about returning to his hometown, no, it should be said that the location of the castle is in the hometown. To be precise, it is a space gap far away from the center of the dimensional gap!!

After the two girls returned to their mothers to act like a baby, Gurefia stepped up!

"Why not let Orpheus protect them?" Gurefia asked softly!"With Orpheus' protection, you can rest assured!"

"No!" Qin Zheng shook his head after hearing the words, "You should also be clear that the devil chess piece is created by the transcendant, and the object of action is below the transcended, and it is invalid for Orpheus who has surpassed the transcended!

"That will allow her to protect her in the dark, not necessarily to be a family member!" Gufileya said again: "It is also a good thing not to be a family member, so that the two sisters will not fight!"

"You don't know anything! Although Orpheus has infinite energy, it is not invincible!"

"Ah! Who would be the opponent of Infinite Dragon God?"

"Samael the Dragon Eater!" Qin Zheng said in a deep voice, "He is the nemesis of all dragon races, not only the Infinite Dragon God, but other dragons will also have to hate when they encounter it!"

"Then how strong is his power!" Gurefia sighed!

"It has nothing to do with strength!" Qin Zheng shook his head and said, "He is just the nemesis of the Dragon Race. If you meet Samael, you can defeat him with your strength!"

"Is that so!" Gurefia smiled!

"Um! Samael carries a strong curse to kill the dragon!" Qin Zheng smiled: "Moreover, Hades, the Hades, seems to want Orpheus, so it is the best choice to house Orpheus. !"

Gurefia did not expect that Qin Zheng would like Orpheus, but thinking of Orpheus's cute face, that look is indeed tempting!

The duel between the two girls was over. Qin Zheng asked the two to go to Juwang Academy to enroll in the first grade of junior high school. Their dependent, Hei Ge, became a teacher at Juwang Academy, and Baiyin entered elementary school. Lena and the two girls are in the same class. As early as five years ago, the Koomao Academy was completed long ago. Now Koomao Academy can be said to have a famous school. Many officials and wealthy sons are gathered in it, and Qin Zheng It is the most recent thing to go to Komao Academy as chairman!

The appearance of the female Elias was immediately sought after by the boys after turning in, but the female face was cold and the other males were not close to them!

At this time, Gurefia was already in the hospital, and the Lucifers family sent many servants to wait for Gurefia!

Another silver beam of light rushed into the sky, and the entire town was as bright as the day. The movement this time was greater than before. Then there was a cry, Qin Zheng's second child was born!

"Born!" Patriarch Lucy Fergus murmured, his old face smiling like a chrysanthemum!

Qin Zheng pushed the door in, and saw that Gurefia was already holding her child!

"Master, I'm sorry, it's a girl!" Although his face was pale, there was nothing serious about it!

"Good girl!" Qin Zheng squinted his eyes and smiled, reminiscent of daughter control, and deep down he thought he was a ghost father!

"Yeah!" Hearing that Qin Zheng didn't care about the problems of men and women, Gurefia was very moved. The world is also patriarchal when it comes to having children!

"Master, give the child a name!" Gurefia smiled!

"Then it's called Sakuya!" Qin Zheng looked at Gu Leifia's braided silver hair, thought about it, and said!

Chapter 0066: Lord God Odin

After Gurefia gave birth to her child, she completely put aside her job as a housekeeper and put her heart on her daughter!

Qin Zheng, as always, is looking for milk powder for Sakuya!

On this day, Qin Zheng came to the Nordic realm, the territory of the main Nordic god Odin!

"Oh, Northern Europe!" Qin Zheng looked at the snowy area, smiled slightly, and said to himself: "Although there won't be milk powder here, there is a woman I want!" Qin Zheng thought of the Valkyrie Luosi Viaser, a genius of attacking magic, is very powerful, and I don't know if she has become Odin's bodyguard!

"Found it!" Qin Zheng squinted, feeling the waves of magic in the east, and moved to the east!

To the east, Valli is constantly experimenting with the magic he learned from Odin!

"In this way, my strength will be even higher!" Valli was very satisfied with looking at the pothole that was bombarded by his magic!

"Unexpectedly! You are such a genius! You were able to learn my magic in just one day!" Odin sighed!

"Old man, why are you still here and don't go to the bath room to see beautiful women!"

"Just came back from there!" Odin smiled wryly!

"Sure enough, a lecherous old man! I really don't know how you became so great!" Valli rolled his eyes and said!He has already discussed with Odin, whether before or after learning magic, he was abused into a dead dog by this seemingly thin old man. Soon, he knew the gap between himself and Odin!

"Hey, boy, you can't be lifeless when you do things, you have to have a little energy!"

"Vitality does not include wretchedness!" Valli vomited!

"I mean, you have to integrate your hobbies into the cultivation process, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort!" Odin explained!

"Sorry!" Valli ignored Odin and continued to try the magic he learned!

"Who is it!" Odin originally wanted to provoke this Xiaozheng Tai with a few words. The next moment, Odin's face changed drastically. After a loud shout, a pillar of fire came out from the palm of his hand and hit a rock far away!

"Boom!" The rock collapsed, and Vali was taken aback for a moment. Although he had learned magic, his power was too small compared to Odin!

Snow flakes, white mist evaporates, and in a daze, Vali sees a figure coming out of it!

"Do it without saying a word, it really is a barbaric old man!" The figure walked out, it was Qin Zheng himself!

"Who are you?" Odin looked at Qin Zheng who came out, and asked vigilantly, because Qin Zheng was surrounded by this layer of black energy, and his pillar of fire was blocked by that black energy, and Odin was facing Qin. When you are right, you have a fatal sense of crisis!

"Mystery King!" Qin Zheng looked at Odin with a smile!

"You are the Mystery King! It doesn't look like it's great!" Before Odin could speak, Valli said, "You came just right, I'm looking for you to jump...!" Valli hasn't finished yet, Odin The thick palms pressed Vali's head and let him have an intimate contact with the ground!

"Old man, what are you doing?" Valli said angrily!

"Speak to the adults, don't interrupt the children!" Odin snorted!Vali may not feel the surging magic power in Qin Zheng's body, but Odin knows that the enemy in front of him is very strong!He also heard about the name of the Mystery King. He defeated the three forces joining forces two hundred years ago, and now he is frequently taking action, causing the three forces to suffer. Now Vali doesn’t know if Tiangao Dihou is going to challenge the Mystery King, he is likely to be Killed!

"Mystery King, I have no grudges with you. I don't know what you are doing in Northern Europe?" With the undaunted character of Mystery King that day, Odin is really afraid that he will make trouble in Northern Europe!

"I want to ask you for someone!" Looking at the bad old man in front of him, feeling the powerful magic in his body, but Qin Zheng said in a deep voice without fear!

"Ask me for someone! What a joke!" He is the master of Norse mythology. If he lets people out like this, the world will laugh at him!

"Is that going to do it?!" Qin Zheng squinted his eyes, the magic erupted, and the formed thunder turned into a huge beast!

"Valley, you can see clearly, this is a duel between the strong!" Odin left Valli behind!

"Who is that little guy?" Qin Zhenghu asked when seeing the familiar Zhengtai!

"My apprentice, although very cute, but a boy is here, I don't think Mystery King will be tempted!" Odin sneered!

"The lion's gold!" Qin Zheng also sneered. The lion's gold suddenly turned into a thunder and rushed towards Odin!

"Defensive magic!" Odin veteran, a transparent defensive cover opened from his body!

"Boom!" The mountain shook and the thunder hit the ground. The splashing thunder destroyed everything around him, but Odin stood in the middle unharmed. There was a big ring-shaped pit on the ground, and inside the ring, Ao The place where Ding is standing is intact!

"The lion's gold!" Qin Zheng issued an attack order again, but every time he hits it, he will be resisted by the defensive cover!

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