The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 251

"Welfare, what kind of welfare? Does Komao Academy have a plot similar to Desire Academy!" Hyoto said with interest!"Or maybe there are maid clubs, imprisonment clubs, beauty clubs..."

"It's really a friend of sex!" Motohama could not help but thumbs up while listening to the endless stream of Hyoudou, and said: "Of course not, I mean, there are more beautiful girls behind!"

"A more beautiful girl?" Hearing this, Hyoudou, who had never been in contact with many women, was stunned. Just now, he saw a group of dazzling beauties talking and laughing passing by him. The breeze followed, and immediately brought a burst of fragrance. Enchanted!

"Yes!" Motohama pushed his glasses, pretending to be calm and said: "I have adjusted the information here before I came here! There are two blatant beauties in Juwang Academy!"

"One is called Lias, and the other is called Zhu Nai. It is said that they are both the daughters of the chairman of Komao Academy and have the title of princess!"

"Ah! Then... then do we have a chance to meet them?" Hyoto asked again, then said with a grinning smile."If you marry these two princesses home, wouldn't it be a winner in life!"

"Opportunities are rare. They have a cold personality, like ice beauties, so so far, boys who have been able to talk to two girls can be counted by one slap!"

"There is no hope at all!" Hyoto said in a depressed mood!

"Brother Houto, how could we give up so easily!" Matsuda grabbed Houtou's palm and said affectionately: "We must deeply touch the goddess in our hearts with our love. One day, Diosi will counterattack!"

"Well, let's fight for the princess!" said the three high-five!

At this time, another family member of Cangna, Patrol Bashin, also entered the Kuwang Academy!

Xun Ba Bing and Chun Ji knew each other, after Chun Ji's explanation, Xun Ba Bing became Cang Na's family member and obtained an artificial artifact!

"Master Cangna, there seem to be many good seedlings among the new students, shall we contact them?" Chun Ji said again!

"Wait first!" Cang Na thought for a while, then shook his head, "Look at what Zhu Nai is doing first!"

"Well then!" Chun Ji nodded too!

At this time, as the president of the student union, Lias did not expand the student union. The student union is still supported by Lias. Now that freshmen are entering the school, Lias also plans to recruit some relatives!

"Sister Liana, don't you go take a look?" Baiyin said with a smile, who was lying on the ground and reading the comic book with his feet up.

"No, Irina has paid attention, there should be news!" Lias waved her hand and said!

And Irina, specially came to a crowded place, silently observing the students in the crowd!

"Hey, how come they are all men!" Irina murmured, and the man Irina said was Hyoudou, because Hyoudou's wretched personality made people feel the bitch exuding from Hyoudou from a distance!

But Hyoudou is a male relationship, so Irina will not consider it!

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"Really, that wretched guy actually has an artifact!" Irina sighed, "Huh? Another boy with an artifact! But this boy is normal, what a pity!" The boy Irina said was naturally Kiba. Now, the blond hair looks very handsome. Because of Qin Zheng's intervention, Kiba is still an ordinary boy without any magic power, but that has attracted the attention of many girls!

Because the appearance of Kiba attracted the attention of the girls, the scene was a little restless, and naturally attracted the attention of the satyr trio!

"Damn it, that guy has robbed us of the limelight!" Matsuda said with an angry look!

"That's right, isn't it just a little white face? Is it necessary to be so popular!" Motohama also said!

"Actually, I look good too!" Hyoto also said angrily. In fact, Hyoto's appearance is not bad, just with that wretched smile, it is much worse!

"Go away!" Matsuda said immediately!

"The winner of life!" Matsuda said angrily as Kiba was surrounded by a crowd of girls!

"By the way, friend wolf, what is your name?" Matsuda has now cited Hyoudou as a confidant!

"My name is Hyoudou, how about you?" Hyoudou said!

"My name is Motohama, and my name is Matsuda. From now on we will be a trio of perverts!" The three said in unison!

"Master Cangna, does that guy have a magical tool, we really don't need to go down and contact her?" Upstairs, the two women looked through the window and saw Houtou playing underneath!

"No need!" Cang Na still shook his head!

"But if this continues, that guy will be snatched away!" Chun Ji tried to persuade!

"Over the past year, from the behavior of Lias and Zhu Nai, it seems that Lias and Zhu Nai are not interested in boys!" Cangna thought for a while and said!

After hearing this, Chun Ji thought for a while, and the truth seems to be this way. For the past year, she hasn't noticed that Rias and Zhu Nai have been too intimate with men, even speaking less!

"But... but this is our guess too!"

"Tsubaki Ji, did you see Irina? She is opposite!" Cangna said again: "Her eyes are full of contempt, so my guess is correct! Now we are going to meet someone!"

"Who is it?" Chun Ji asked!

"Yesterday I received a letter from my uncle, saying that he would send a helper to help me rescue my sister, and the agreed place was the small forest in the back area, named Wali!"

"Then I will meet him!" Chun Ji said!

"Yeah! Go for a run, and you must be careful!" Cang Na exhorted!

Irina looked a little disgusted by looking at these three people. She was already sordid and proud of herself as a pervert. The forest was big and there were all kinds of birds. However, the boy named Hyoudou looked familiar!

"Little white face?" Irina returned her gaze to Kiba's body, remembering that the skin was whiter than Kiba's, and it could be said to be the delicate chairman, Lias' father, he could be called Xiao Bai face!

At this time, Irina once again discovered that a young boy who looked like sunshine had come in, but unlike Hyoudou and Kiba, this boy had magic power, and that magic power seemed to be comparable to her, no, it should be said to be even better than her. To be strong, only Liana and Zhu Nai can steadily beat him!

"What a powerful person!" Irina sighed and said!Not surprisingly, this young man will definitely become a powerhouse at the Demon King level!

"The breath of the devil, I didn't expect the people of the devil clan to send so many excellent seedlings over!" Irina thought again!She really didn't understand what the demons were going to do. No matter how good the seedlings were, they needed time to grow up. They were sent to the enemy's hinterland before they became strong. Isn't it damaging the future of her clan?

The boy is Vali. After he learned Odin’s magic, he stayed in the practice. Then he made a successful move. At the request of Asathier, he entered the Juwang Academy. Of course, Vali entered here to find a companion. , As soon as he came in, he found Kiba and Hyoudou who possessed artifacts!

"It's not bad to let the two of them be my dependents!" Vali Meizi thought!

"But what did the fellow Asachel tell me to come here for?" It was the task that Asachel told me to come here. He said that after entering Kumao Academy, someone would meet him, but I heard that Kumao Academy belongs to the Mystery King. On the site, thinking of the strength that the Mystery King and Odin showed during the battle, coming here to perform the task on his own can be described as a dead end!

Valli was not in a hurry to contact the two Houtou, but walked inside and came to the dense forest!

At this moment, in front of the dense grove, a black long straight girl was waiting!

"You are Vali!" After Vali approached, Chun Ji said lightly!

"Well, you should be the one to meet me!" Valli nodded slightly!

After confirming his identity, Chun Ji said: "It's not convenient to talk here, come with me!"

Soon, Chun Ji brought Vali to Cang Na's residence!

Cang Na was observing Vali first, but after discovering the devilish breath on Valli's body, his alertness relaxed!

"Cang, that's you!" Wa Li said first!

"Hmm! You are the one who helped me?" Cang Na nodded, she could feel the magic in Vali's body, it was very powerful, and it was indeed a great help!

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