The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Attack-Chapter 257

"Boom!" The two collided together, and there was a loud noise immediately!

Item 0090

Qin Zheng's own moves are naturally not weak, but Irina, who is still very naive in controlling magic, uses it, and the power is not so ideal!Xenovia’s destruction mode is what God left behind. It can be said that Xenovia has carried forward what God left behind!Therefore, Irina's Crescent Moon Sky Chong was quickly defeated!A white slash flicked from Irina's side. Although she didn't hit it, she seemed to have a wisp of white smoke coming out of her body!

"It seems that you are also very strong!" Not being hit by the Holy Light, this injury can only bring Irina a little bit of discomfort, such as a cold!

"Mimicry!" The three major forces joined forces in advance to cause Xenovia's holy sword to be able to use the seven abilities of the original holy sword!

Seeing the change of the holy sword in Xenovia's hand, Irina rushed up first, as fast as lightning!

"What is the magic sword in your hand?" Xenovia asked after a while, and said, "But how do I feel that there is a holy sword on it!"

"You don't need to know this!" Irina sneered!

"You are not my opponent!" Xenovia sneered!

Irina gave a cold snort, squeezed the other palm slightly, and held another magic sword in her hand, and the magic sword in her hand began to produce a vortex of karma fire, and the other magic sword released air-conditioning while also producing ice. fog.

"It's very fast!" Irina was originally a knight, but Xenovia resisted the attacks from Irina from all directions with minimal movement.

"Smash it for me!" Xenovia finished, and the magic sword condensed with magic power was immediately broken by the holy sword!

"Now my sword is strengthened in terms of destruction, and there is no continuous cutting." Xenovia dexterously swung the long sword, raised it to the sky, and lowered it to the ground.

Suddenly, the ground shook violently, and there was a loud noise!There was dust around!

Now the place where Xenovia swung the holy sword was greatly sunken, like a crater!

"Then try to see if it can interrupt your sword too!" The magic sword in Irina's hand was made by Qin Zheng himself. It is a top-notch artifact, naturally no worse than the holy sword!

The holy sword wrapped around the blue and white spirit of the gods was swung down again!

"So!" Irina looked solemn, and then inserted the magic sword on the ground. Then, there were sword blades around, and various forms of magic blades appeared in various places.

While Xenovia cut off the attacking magic blade, Irina moved, body like the wind, and the magic sword flew towards Xenovia with the sound of cutting the wind!

"My holy sword has seven abilities. If it is faster than the speed, my holy sword will not sleep!" The front end of the holy sword that Xenovia was holding was shaking and finally disappeared!

"Fast speed!" Irina just saw Xenovia disappear, and she appeared in front of Irina the next moment, Irina could only passively block it!But Irina's speed is not bad, and then the two engaged in a tug of war of high-speed movement!

Xenovia and Irina are the closest in strength, so it is difficult to tell the difference between the two of them, and Sona, with the patrol handle and Lias, met!

"Sure enough, it's you!" Lias didn't feel any surprise when she saw Cangna appear!

"Hmph, get out of here!" Cang Na yelled!

"I'm very surprised, what do you want to do when you enter your father's office in such a hurry? Is there any important information in your father's office!" Lias frowned and asked!

"No comment!" Cangna sneered, "Tunba handle, can you block Rias?"

"I will try my best!" The Xunba handle looked solemn, and then called out the artificial artifact Long Jue Dao!

"Since you don't say anything, then I can't let you pass!" Seeing Canna and thinking about going ahead, Lias stopped Canna and said!

"Your opponent is me!" At this time, the patrol bail slashed over. With this gap, Cang Na had already thought of Qin Zheng's office to set off!

Lias was not in a hurry, but looked at Xunba handle, and her eyes fell on the Dragon Jue sword in Xunba handle's hand!

"You are an artifact?" This knife gave him a special feeling, similar to an artifact, but not an artifact!

"Forget it, let's wait until you beat you!" Lias waved her hand, and the robes were put on her plump figure, looking heroic!

"Drink!" The patrol handle jumped up, and then chopped it down!

Lias did not evade in the slightest, letting that shot fall on her god's clothes, and sure enough, the patrol handle could not break through the defense of Lias!

"This... how is this possible?" But Xunba Bing was very surprised, even his own divine weapon could not hurt her at all, so there is no need to fight in this battle!

Xunba handle only saw the double-stranded fork in Lias's hand slowly drew down, a light attack, she felt heavy eyelids, and finally closed her eyes unwillingly!

After defeating the patrol handle, Lias chased in the direction of Sona, but Lias searched the entire building and saw no trace of Sona!

"Where did you go?" Lias's face was gloomy, she didn't expect Cang Na to disappear under her nose like this!

"Lias, how is the situation here?" After Zhu Nai defeated Chun Ji, she had already joined Lias!

"Cang Na ran away!" After thinking for a long time, Lias spoke!

"This... how could she run away?" Zhu Nai was also stunned!

"This is where I am puzzled!" Lias sighed and said, "Cangna clearly entered this building, but now I can't feel her breath!"

They didn't know that Cang Na had been connected by Qin Zheng to the passage leading to the basement, and even helped Cang Na hide her aura!

Chapter 0091 Domineering Qin Zheng

Cang Na didn't know when he entered this tunnel!Although it felt bad, Cangna walked down the passage carefully!

"I should be here now!" Cang Na took out the map and murmured!Follow the direction indicated by the map, Cang Na goes deeper step by step!

As he got closer and closer to the basement, Cangna heard a low voice like a cat calling Chun!

"What's the matter?" Cang Na frowned, but this voice sounded familiar, just like that, Cang Na stepped closer!

On the other side, Qin Zheng, who was busy with Seraphim, naturally knew that Cang Na was approaching!

"Seraph, your sister will come to rescue you soon!" Qin Zheng said with a smile!

Seraphim's face was flushed, his mouth hummed, and his watery eyes looked at Qin Zheng sadly, making people feel pity!

"Don't worry, your sister will be like you soon!" Qin Zheng sneered!

"Please... please don't hurt my sister!" Seraful is stubborn, but when it comes to her sister, she will subdue!

"Then it depends on whether you can be a human being!" Qin Zheng sneered!

"What do you need me to do?" In order to prevent her sister from being harmed, Seraphim's strength gap is too great. She can subdue her to please Qin Zheng!

"You will know this!" Qin Zheng smiled!

Cang Na continued to deepen, and soon recognized that the voice was that of her sister!

"Oh my God! This is my sister's voice!" Cang Na didn't expect to meet her sister like this, but Cang Na still held back his anger and wanted to see if her sister had already surrendered!

"Say, what do you need me to do?" Seraful gritted his teeth!

"I want you two sisters!" Qin Zheng snorted coldly, somewhat dissatisfied with Seraphim's tone!

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