The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 265

Small millet balls can multiply indefinitely, but Fenrir did not attack indiscriminately like Xenovia, but swallowed millet balls into his stomach!

"Damn it!" Zhu Nai cursed. The millet ball had this weakness. Before breeding, it had almost no offensive power. Now Fenrir did not give the millet ball a chance to proliferate.'

"Losweisse, prepare to support Miss Zhu Nai!" Hei Ge said in a deep voice after seeing Zhu Nai's methods restrained!

Hearing this, Roseweiser shook her head and said: "This is Miss Zhu Nai's battle. If you intervene, I will stop you!" In the eyes of Roseweiser, since it is a challenge, it should be Fight fair!

Hei Ge's face was gloomy, and in her eyes, Rossweisse's snake disease had occurred!

"Rosweisse, do you want Miss Zhu Nai to die?" Hei Ge said coldly!

"I believe in Miss Zhu Nai, and Miss Zhu Nai may not lose!" Rossweiser said lightly!

"I hope you are right, if Miss Zhu Nai has an accident, I will definitely not let you go!" Hei Ge snorted again. Hei Ge is already Qin Zheng's woman, and Qin Zheng's daughter Zhu Nai is in her eyes. Just like my own daughter!

"Don't worry, I will save Miss Zhu Nai then!" Rossweisse nodded!

In Zhu Nai's slim hands, yellow lightning flashed continuously, and then, a giant dragon condensed in his hands, and then Zhu Nai threw it out!

"Little girl, are you capable of this?" Fenrir looked at the distance of the attack, bit his mouth, and directly divided the dragon formed by the thunder into two parts!

Zhu Nai frowned, her sharp teeth seemed to be beyond her expectation, everything was torn to pieces!

"You must be wondering why my teeth are so sharp!" Fenrir snapped!"My teeth are the teeth of Godslayer, I can ignore any defense!"

"Ignore any defense! It really is a good thing!" Hearing this, although Zhu Nai didn't believe it, he was more excited!She thought of Lias’s sacred clothes. The strong defensive power was like a tortoise shell, which made her unable to start. If she could kill the wolf and then use its weapon to make a dagger, it would definitely break open. Lias' defense!

But can this tooth really ignore the defense?Zhu Nai felt it necessary to try it!

"Why, don't you believe it?" Seeing Zhu Nai's face, Fenrir said with a sneer!

"Of course!" Zhu Nai laughed loudly, "Unless you can prove it!"

"I'll prove it, use your life to prove it!" Fenrir roared and leaped forward!

"Not good!" Hei Ge was about to go out to stop, but was stopped by Rossweisse!

"Hei Ge, wait a minute, Miss Zhu Nai has her own plan!" As the saying goes, caring is messy, Roseweiser sees it more clearly than Hei Ge!

Zhu Nai took a deep breath, stretched out her slender palm, and the magic was concentrated in her arm!

"Just use my arm as a bet!" Zhu Nai muttered to herself. As the magic power was injected into the arm, the white skin became black. At this time, Zhu Nai's arm became harder than steel!At the same time, Zhu Nai's other arm, the black thunder quickly turned into a giant dragon, rushing past at any time!

"Puff!" Fenrir bit Zhu Nai's arm, and his teeth broke through the hard skin, reaching the bones!

"Sure enough, what you said was right!" While Zhu Nai was in pain, his face was more excited!Then, a black dragon blasted out against Fenrir's abdomen!

Fenrir clenched Zhu Nai's arm tightly. When he was blown away, his teeth once again dropped deep blood marks on Zhu Nai's arm, which was shocking!

The blood was flowing all the time, which made Zhu Nai frown, and it was also a pleasant surprise. Because of the zombie's physique, Zhu Nai had almost no wounds since childhood. Even if there is a wound, it will heal quickly, but now it is hurt!

This gave her another surprise!

Chapter 0102

"Haha, how? Little girl, you know my teeth are great now!" Fenrir was struck by the dragon-shaped electric current and was not physically harmed, while Zhu Nai's entire white arm became bloody, even You can see the bones inside!

"Sure enough!" Zhu Nai smiled. She could feel that these wounds were attached to the powerful destructive force, constantly destroying the surrounding tissues, making it impossible to heal!"If I can use your teeth to make a weapon, I can definitely abuse Lias!"

"I want to use my Godslayer Tooth to make weapons and find death! Look at it, next time I will bite towards your neck!" Fenrir said fiercely!

"You have no chance!" Zhu Nai sneered, and the dripping blood turned into endless black energy, and then formed the beast, the call of evil beasts!

"This is your trump card!" Fenrir sneered looking at the large number of evil monsters on the field. In his eyes, this group of scums with only five attack power, no matter how many they are, they are not his opponents!

"Evil beasts, attack me!" Zhu Nai gave an order, dozens of evil beasts surrounded Fenrir, and then countless thunders gathered together, and then formed a dragon that fell from the sky, and blasted Fenrir. Go down!

"Roar!" Fenrir opened his mouth to the sky, spraying a black beam of light, and blasted directly at the dragon!

"Boom!" The two behemoths collided with each other, making a loud noise, and Zhu Nai could feel that the number of evil beasts was decreasing!

"The power is really strong!" The evil demon continued to be wiped out, but Zhu Nai didn't look panicked!

"Although my father said that you can't use this power until the level of the devil, but there is no way!" Zhu Nai said to herself, she felt that the evil beast had been wiped out by Fenrir!

"How about? Little girl, it's your turn next!" Fenrir walked out of the billowing smoke!

The blood on Zhu Nai's arm was still flowing, dripping on the ground, but the blood seemed to be given life, wriggling on the ground, and then formed a huge magic circle, reflecting the scarlet light, coquettish and weird!

"Great Illusory Demon King, please follow the call of your new master Zhu Nai, and come to the master quickly!" An obscure spell was read from Zhu Nai's mouth, and the fishy wind followed!

In the magic circle, a red beam of light burst into the sky!

Heige and Losweiser were also horrified. They were also the first time they saw Zhu Nai summon such a monster. The magical power bursting out from the magic circle seemed to surpass the level of the demon king and reached the realm of the legendary transcendence!This is also normal. As Qin Zheng's daughter, Zhu Nai can naturally summon a powerful beast!

Now Zhu Nai is summoning one of the three fantasy monsters, Rabbi Air, and the beast's strength is directly behind Qin Zheng's three fantasy gods. However, because Zhu Nai's power is not up to standard, with the magic power in the red magic circle The more powerful, Zhu Nai's face became paler, and the use of summons that exceeded the limits of his body had a great impact on him!

"It seems that Miss Zhu Nai is very powerful!" Hei Ge sighed!"But this uneasy feeling is...!" The power revealed in the magic circle is really evil!

Qin Zheng, who was watching Zhu Nai's every move closely, shook his head helplessly. He had warned Zhu Nai that he could not summon a summoned beast beyond his own limit, otherwise he would defeat his master. Unexpectedly, Zhu Nai would still be summoned, or the evil three magic demon. In this way, although Fenrir can be killed, it also puts himself in a difficult position!

"Mr. Werewolf, I'm going to fix your teeth!" His face turned pale, but Zhu Nai said happily!

At this time, Fenrir was also anxious. From the magic circle, Fenrir felt the cruel, evil, and destroying will!

"Black Song, pay close attention!" Luosweather could not help but feel the evil will!

"I know!" She didn't know what Zhu Nai was calling, but according to the current situation, it must be a very dangerous beast, and it might hurt the owner himself!

The red beam of light did not last long. When the red beam of light gradually dissipated, a blue claw stretched out, and blue wings appeared as if covering the sky!

"Mr. Werewolf, Illusory Demon King has a special ability, that is, it can superimpose the magic power of dead beasts!" Zhu Nai squinted and said: "You should remember how many evil beasts you killed!"

Hearing that, Fenrir was taken aback for a moment, he didn't care about the number of evil monsters, but there are also two numbers!

From the perspective of the magic power, the magic power of these demons is higher than that of the superior demons. At the beginning, he was also wondering why he killed these evil beasts so easily!Fenrir did not expect Zhu Nai to prepare for this moment!

"Roar!" The Illusory Demon Emperor with his hideous body opened his arms and roared up to the sky, while the evil beast killed by Fenrir turned into a black mist and merged into the Illusory Demon Emperor's body!

After absorbing all of them, the body of the Phantom Demon Emperor suddenly swelled, and after it was fully doubled, then, the surging energy was visible to the naked eye, centered on the body of the Phantom Demon Emperor, rippling away like ripples!

"What a terrible monster!" Hei Ge is already the strength of the highest level demon, but he can't stand the pressure from the Illusory Demon King!

"Illusory Demon King, kill the guy in front of me!" Zhu Nai's face was even paler, barely supporting her body, and gave orders!

After Zhu Nai gave the order, Illusory Demon King opened his eyes. They were furious and evil eyes!

"So powerful!" This was Fenrir's first feeling when facing the Magic Emperor!

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