The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 288

"Huh, you really don't know what happened?" Zhu Li asked!

"Of course!" Qin Zheng shook his head quickly!

"Then I ask you, what did you do in Kyoto with Zhu Nai these days?" Zhu Li asked!

Qin Zheng said innocently, "I just went to play, and found two family members for Zhu Nai by the way!" Now Zhu Nai's new family members are the Yasaka mother and daughter who have joined!

"Really just this?" Zhu Li frowned and said!

"Of course!" Qin Zheng nodded!

After confirming that Qin Zheng did not do anything with Zhu Nai that was beyond his father-daughter relationship, Zhu Li breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "You have to take care of your daughter!"

"What's the matter?" Qin Zheng pretended not to know!

"Okay, don't pretend it!" Zhu Li gave Qin Zheng a white look and said, "Zhu Nai likes you now, what do you want to do?"

"I think it's pretty good!" Qin Zheng said with a smile, "At least it can prove that I am a good man!"

"That's your daughter!" Zhu Li snorted, "It's all your fault!"

"What? I can't control Zhu Nai's heart!" Qin Zheng murmured!

Hearing this, Zhu Li snorted again with dissatisfaction, "Hmph, you can be a little frustrated in front of Zhu Nai at an appropriate time, who made you excellent as always!"

Qin Zheng was even more speechless, and after leaving this difficult problem to Zhu Li, he left!

In the next few days, Zhu Nai was gloomy, but Qin Zhengzheng and Li Yas didn't care much in their love!!

The summer life passed every minute and every second. At this time, after years of hard work, Vinylana's stomach finally reacted!

At this moment, Qin Zheng was kicked away by Vinylana as if he had completed the task. According to Vinylana, she could not let the fetus suffer any harm, but Qin Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief, and lingered on every day. Between Gurefia and others!

"Hei Ge, what's wrong with you today? You always feel restless?" Qin Zheng and Hei Ge slept in a hug, Qin Zheng asked!

"Master, Miss Zhu Nai, she is very depressed!" Intuitively, she can feel that something seems to have happened between Zhu Nai and Qin Zheng, but she is smart, but she won't say it!

"It's okay!" Qin Zheng gave a wry smile, and it should have passed soon!Qin Zheng could probably feel Zhu Nai's thoughts, but he couldn't be too intimate with Zhu Nai!

"What about the kitten!" It seemed to be a heavy topic. After the two had finished speaking, they fell silent. Finally, Qin Zheng changed the subject, and these days, Qin Zheng had not seen the kitten!

"I heard she went to Lu Fei's house to play!" Hei Ge smiled: "By the way, I forgot to say, Lu Fei and Cat's classmates!"

"Lu Fei, Arthur's sister, it's not good, the kitten is in danger!" Qin Zheng immediately stood up and said!Arthur is still under the banner of the hero faction, so the kitten went to Lu Fei's house, absolutely self-catching!

"Ah! Kittens are in danger!" Hei Ge became nervous too!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded, "Lu Fei is Arthur's younger sister, and Arthur is a descendant of King Arthur, and also a member of the hero faction, that is, the group of the vortex!"

"Master, let's hurry up and save the kitten!" Hei Ge said suddenly when it was the group of vortex!Hei Ge still cares about his sister!

"Okay, go call Zhu Nai, we will leave immediately!" Qin Zheng said!

Hei Ge hurried out, but quickly ran back, and said frustratedly: "Miss Zhu Nai is not in the castle!"

"Zunai is not in the old castle?" Qin Zheng was taken aback after hearing this, this little girl wouldn't be doing stupid things, right!

Qin Zheng thought for a while, and then said, "Well, you, Roseweiser, and Yasaka will go to save people. I will go to Zhu Nai and support you immediately after I find it!"

"Good!" Hei Ge also nodded!

To be on the safe side, Qin Zheng also asked Lias to save people. After all, the kitten is Lias's family!

After hearing the news, Lias also agreed with Qin Zheng’s ideas and asked Qin Zheng to find Zhu Nai. After all, only Qin Zheng could untie Zhu Nai’s knot. As for how to untie it, Lias could also guess. some!

The simplest thing is to follow Zhu Nai's wish.

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Due to the power gap between the two, Qin Zheng quickly determined that Zhu Nai's position was in Kyoto!

When he set foot on Kyoto again, Qin Zheng knew why Zhu Nai appeared here, because this was the place where he and Zhu Nai were alone, and at that time Zhu Nai was the happiest time!

When Zhu Nai came here, she must be reminiscing little by little of those two days!

"Hey!" Qin Zheng sighed, locked Zhu Nai's position, and then came to a beach!

"You are here!" Zhu Nai didn't feel any surprise for Qin Zheng's arrival!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded, then came to Zhu Nai and sat down!

"Come back with me! Your mother is worried about you!" Qin Zheng said softly!

"What about you?" After hearing this, Zhu Nai looked at Qin Zheng with burning eyes!

"Me too!" Qin Zheng said without avoiding Zhu Nai's gaze!

"What I want is not the worry between father and daughter, but the worry between male and female lovers!" Seeing that Qin Zheng's eyes were not mixed with a trace of evil thoughts, Zhu Nai said with a wry smile: "Father, do you understand my heart? ?"

"I understand!" Qin Zhengshen nodded in focus, "But this love is too heavy for us!"

"For my father, I can abandon everything!" Zhu Nai said!"But I know that I can't be so selfish. My father is a world-famous hero with a reputation. If he has a relationship with his daughter, others will laugh at him! These days, I have been thinking about this love. Maybe it was wrong in the beginning!"

Every word of Zhu Nai seemed to hit Qin Zheng's chest, and Qin Zheng couldn't wait to hold his delicate daughter beside him in his arms!

"Father, do you remember this place!" After speaking, Zhu Nai looked at the faint blue sea!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded. He remembered that after walking the Tianlong Temple that day, Zhu Nai brought himself here to play in the water. At that time, Zhu Nai was also very happy!

"I will try my best to forget my father!" Suddenly, Zhu Nai hugged Qin Zheng's arms, crying and said, "But, father, can you give your daughter one night?"

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng carefully wiped away the tears from the corners of Zhu Nai's eyes. After the black air emerged, Qin Zheng and Zhu Nai's figures appeared in a luxurious suite!

"Father, let me wipe my back!" In the bathroom, Zhu Nai handed over the towel in his hand, and then smiled reluctantly!

At this moment, Qin Zheng looked at Zhu Nai's smooth back, but he didn't feel a hint of grace!

He knew that after tonight, he would miss Zhu Nai!

Thinking that Zhu Nai would be with other men in the future, Qin Zheng cut his heart like a knife, gritted his teeth, and Qin Zheng hugged Zhu Nai's body!

Feeling the scorching breath from Qin Zheng's broad chest and nose, Zhu Nai stiffened and dared not make any movements!!

"Father, what are you going to do?" Zhu Nai's voice was shaking, but there was a hint of excitement in her voice!

"Zhu Nai, let's be together!" I was stuck in my throat and didn't dare to say anything. Now after Qin Zheng shouted out loudly, Qin Zheng felt very relaxed!

"Ah!" Zhu Nai was stunned. He didn't expect the peaks to turn around, and there would be another village in the dark!

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