Afterwards, Vatra looked at the huge blue body torn into the void and flashed out in astonishment.

"What a huge beast! Is this the power Qin Zheng possesses?" On Yanhoof, looking at the blue body, Xuecai was also shocked!

"You really have the power to become the true ancestor!" The beasts you summoned all tremble. Such a powerful beast cannot be summoned by the demons other than the true ancestor. This also shows that it is called Qin Zheng. The young man really has the power to become a true ancestor, no wonder he is so arrogant!

Although the giant soldier has not fully revealed from the ground, it is enough to match and surpass the three-headed giant snake beast of Vatola!

Qin Zheng leaped forward and jumped onto the shoulder of the giant soldier.

"Kill him for me!" The giant soldier already threw his fist, and his fierce fist directly rushed out Vatola with the beast in one go.

"Well, how is it possible!" Vatra ordered the flame snake's head to spray flames at the giant soldier!

"It's useless! The strength of the giant soldier is not what you can imagine!" Sure enough, facing the hot flame that was jetting over, the giant soldier also shook his fist and broke the flame with one punch!Destroyed, the fist of the giant soldier pierced the flame, directly blasted into the mouth of the three-headed giant snake, and then directly beat the three-headed giant snake into a round cake like a high-pressure impact forming!

"Monas, Ubhara, Nanda, Vananda..." This time, Vatra's five giant snakes summoned together and directly merged!Having slaughtered several elders and surpassing most vampires, Vatola has achieved the strength that is infinitely close to the true ancestor by merging the beasts.

But today, he has to face a monster even more terrifying than his beast!

"Snake charmer, tell you, my giant soldier can send a deadly punch!" After speaking, the giant soldier has raised his fist, and the blue light shines!

"Block it! My beast!" The five-headed snake wrapped its slender neck and entangled it like a shield!

In the fierce frontal collision, the fist of the giant soldier had already blasted on the shield!

Still ruined, the synthesized giant snake was ruined again!

The fist of the giant soldier tore his body frantically, destroying it!

As Qin Zheng said, within a moment, all of Vatola's beasts were defeated!

This battle established the status and strength of Qin Zheng's fifth true ancestor!

Item 0045

"Snake charmer, what should I do with you?" The next moment, Vatra's whole body was hit by an invisible impact, and the blood in his whole body boiled due to the pressure increase and atmospheric friction, and the right half of the body was barely left. The prototype, not half of the bones are intact.Ordinary humans or demons don't mention it, and even ordinary vampires are killed on the spot.

It has to be said that Vatra, a vampire who is infinitely close to the true ancestor, has a life like a small strong. Even so, he still has not lost consciousness. Blood clots gushing from his throat, which has been smiling, and boiling body fluid fills the wounds all over his body. Out.Even so, he continued to laugh, making people feel crazy and cheerful. The broken bones all over his body began to recover, and the lost internal organs and right body began to regenerate.

"It's so happy!" Vatra laughed wildly!

Qin Zheng frowned, walked up slowly, and stepped on his head!

"I'm going to trample you to death!" Qin Zheng kept stepping on Vatra's head, and the ground began to sink!

"Bump! Bump!" the voice remembered in the ruins!

"It's useless, I'm an immortal vampire, you can't kill me!"

"Really?" Vatra was telling the truth, this stepping would not cause any real harm to Vatra!

"What about this!" After speaking, black enveloped Qin Zheng's whole body. Behind him, a black air stretched out, wrapped around Vatra's neck, and directly lifted Vatra whose head had been trampled by Qin Zheng!

"This is...!" Vatra was taken aback!

"Swallow!" Qin Zheng smiled, and the black air spread to Vatra's arm, and all of a sudden, Vatra's arm shrivelled like a lack of water!

"How?" Qin Zheng sneered. He had swallowed part of Vatra's blood just now. If he swallowed all of it, Vatra would really die!

"I didn't expect you to have these other methods!" Vatra did not forget. It was by swallowing that he gained the power to approach the true ancestor infinitely, but even this power is also vulnerable to this man, this guy, maybe More powerful than any real ancestor!

"Come on, what do you want?" Vatra said lightly, not panicking!

"Do you think I am dealing with you?"

"Isn't it? Or you would have killed me! Why bother talking nonsense with me here!"

"It's really smart, but I don't like smart men. Originally, I didn't want to kill you, but I have changed my mind now!" Qin Zheng can't stand the self-righteous guys the most. The black air gradually spread, as if to be enveloped. Vatra whole body!

Seeing the spreading black energy, Vatra, who felt the blood flow in his body, began to panic. He didn't expect this man to really dare to kill him. You know, he is a nobleman in the domain of the King of War. Killing him is like the number one. The true ancestor is at war!Of course, Vatra did not say what was in his heart, otherwise, he would die faster!

"It looks like I'm really going to die here!" Vatra muttered bitterly.When the man in front of you also has a true ancestor, why be afraid to go to war with the first true ancestor!

"Dear Fifth Real Ancestor, please stop!" The month that caught up in time immediately complimented and discouraged. She knew Qin Zheng's second-year character, and he must like this name!

"Oh! It's the moon sauce! Are you looking for something to do with me?" Qin Zheng smiled slightly, and the spreading black air stopped naturally!

"Huh!" Seeing that Qin Zheng stopped making moves, that month he was relieved!

"The Fifth Real Ancestor, killing Vatra will be a lot of trouble!!"

"Haha, that's just right, I'm so idle right now, I'm trying to make some trouble!" Qin Zheng laughed!

"Sure enough!" Nayue sighed, and got a deeper understanding of this second-year junior!

"Don't get me wrong, the fifth true ancestor! I mean it's better to kill Vatra than to release Vatra!"

"Benefits?" Qin Zheng seemed to be interested, and said with a smile: "Then tell me!"

"Vatra has a luxurious ship called the Tomb of the Ocean. Just as you let him go, he will definitely let it go to you. In addition, he has many beautiful women under his banner, and I believe he will also give it to you! "Nayue said with a sigh.She did not expect that she would still have a day of pimping!

"Beauty Legion!" Upon hearing this, Qin Zheng remembered that there were really five nice beauties on the Tomb of the Ocean, all of whom were the daughters of ministers from the Warlord's Domain. More importantly, Vatra's sexual orientation seemed to be problematic. They are still here now!

"I know what you said!" Qin Zheng smiled weirdly, "but what I want to say is, if I kill him, all this will belong to me!"

"You!" Hearing this, that month was another stunned.Indeed, with Qin Zheng's current strength, there is nothing else he can't get!

"Brother!" At this time, Xia Yin and Xuecai ran back on the flame hoof!

"Xia Yin, why are you here?" Seeing Xia Yin, the black energy on Qin Zheng's body dissipated, because under the black energy, Qin Zheng's handsome appearance will become hideous, and Qin Zheng does not want to leave Xia Yin The bad impression, the black air dissipated, Vatra naturally saved his life!

"Huh!" That month delivered another breath. It seems that the decision to bring Xia Yin here was not wrong, and Vatra's life was temporarily saved!

"Xia Yin, can you let that person go!" Xia Yin pointed to Vatra who fainted due to excessive blood loss!

"No problem!" Although I don't know why Xia Yin appeared here, Qin Zheng didn't even have the idea of ​​killing Vatra, "But I want that Yuechan, those ocean tombs and beauties, besides, Please take him out of my territory, and, today’s matter, I don’t want to have a second time!!"

Qin Zheng is warning that month not to be bored to test him!

"Yeah!" That month nodded!After verifying Qin Zheng's strength, that month did not have the thought of opposing Qin Zheng!

Item 0046

The life of the vampire is still very strong, and soon Vatra recovered, but the strength of Vatra, who had been sucked at least half of his blood by Qin Zheng, was also greatly reduced. To restore to the peak state, only after a long wait, or rather , Draw the blood from other vampires!

Vatra also knew that he had escaped from the dead, so naturally he did not dare not obey Qin Zheng's conditions. Soon, the Tomb of the Ocean and the five beautiful women of Yinggeyanwu were transferred to Qin Zheng, and Vatra, who lost the Tomb of the Ocean, naturally did not return. There is a means of transportation, but this is exactly what he meant, because his original intention of coming here was to obtain the blood of the fourth true ancestor, thereby gaining more powerful strength, but now a little accident has occurred, causing his strength to plummet!

"Brother, this place is really big!" On the deck, Xia Yin turned and said excitedly!

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