The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 296

"Why, don't you believe it?" Julia sneered. "Do you see her exaggerated figure? Exaggerated than a cow! The master will definitely be tempted!"

"You mean...we want to make the front bigger too!" Mario looked at her breasts, which is not small, but far behind Ubeluna, and said!

"This is not anxious, we still think of ways to increase our strength, and then become the family members of the ladies!" Julia waved!

"But Miss Lias and Miss Zhu Nai look down on us!" Mario was a little frustrated. She also knew herself well and knew that her qualifications were limited!

"It doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future!" Julia said confidently: "The power that the master has given us is very strong. As long as it is fully opened up, it will definitely not be worse than Ubeluna!"

"But in the future, Miss Lias and Miss Zhu Nai are looking for family members!" Mario said worriedly!

"What's the matter!" Julia said disdainfully: "Let's not say that Vinylana has a child in her belly. Even Gurefia's daughter Sakiya is fine!"

"Yeah!" After hearing this, Mario also felt very reasonable!

At this moment, Ubeluna was already at the door, and her face was hot when she heard the voice inside!

"Come in!" Qin Zheng's voice came out when Ubeluna was in a dilemma, and at the same time, the low voice was gone!

Ubeluna opened the door and walked in. At this moment, Qin Zheng and the three were sitting on chairs in neat clothes. If it hadn't been for the scarlet aftertaste of the two women's faces, no one would have thought about that!

But Ubeluna didn't expect Qin to be together with her two daughters, and suddenly thought it was too crazy!

"Lias, Zhu Nai, you should go back first!" Qin Zheng said!

"Um!" The two nodded. They naturally didn't dare to spend the night with Qin Zheng in the castle!

"Thank you just now!" Only Qin Zheng and Ubeluna were left in the room!

"This is what I should do!" Ubeluna was a little fidgety!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng smiled and said: "Whatever you want, I will satisfy you, just as a reward for you!"

"It is right to share the worries for the master!" Ubeluna said solemnly!

"You really don't need anything?" Qin Zheng smiled, suddenly narrowed the distance with Ubeluna, and raised her chin with a smile!

"I...!" Looking at Qin Zheng's fiery eyes, Ubeluna knew what would happen tonight!

Ubeluna closed her eyes shyly and let Qin Zheng ask for it!

Overnight, Ubeluna became Qin Zheng's woman!

Ubeluna didn't expect everything to come so easily, everything is so happy, there is no hesitation and anxiety like before!

"Ubeluna, are you my woman now? Are you going to leave Lias's family?" Qin Zheng said with a smile!

Hearing this, Ubeluna thought for a long time, and finally shook her head and said, "No need!"

"How can it work? Lias is my daughter, and you are my woman. Isn't this a mess!" Qin Zheng shook his head and said!

Ubeluna shook her head and said with a smile: "Although Lias is your daughter, she is also your woman! In a sense, it's not messy!"

Hearing this, Qin Zheng's face blushed, and even his daughter was in a mess, so why bother about this little thing!

The next day, Ubeluna retired, and Qin Zheng also came to the secret room where Joan of Arc was captured!

At this time, Joan of Arc was deprived of her time. From the outside, she was a five-year-old girl!

"What are you doing here?" Seeing Qin Zheng coming in, Jeanne said coldly!

"I'm just curious, why do you, descendants of the soul of the saint, do evil?" Qin Zheng asked with a smile!

"If your answer satisfies me, I will give you the time and let you go!" Qin Zheng said again!

"Evil?" Joan sneered: "What is evil? To oppose you is to do evil?" Joan sneered!

"Um!" Qin Zheng had also forgotten that every power would claim to be a righteous party, and those who acted against it would be named wicked people. Qin Zheng also made such a mistake!

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"I am a descendant of Joan of Arc, and I am also a human being. I explore the limits of mankind and prove that mankind is the strongest. Is there anything wrong with this!" Joan said coldly!"As for what you said about doing evil, I know what it means. It means joining the evil organization of the vortex group, but the evil of the vortex group is relatively speaking. In a word, you are fighting ghosts. In my eyes, as long as it does not harm humans, it is not considered evil!"

Qin Zheng nodded, and from the perspective of a human being, there is nothing wrong with doing so!

"Are you afraid that I will kill you?" Qin Zheng sneered!

"The same is true for killing me, human beings are not vassals of other races!" said Joan!

"I won't kill you!" Qin Zheng looked at the stubborn Joan, seemingly interested, and said, "If you weren't a human anymore? Would you still think so for humans?"

"You want to turn me into a demon?" Jeanne was taken aback again!

"No!" Qin Zheng shook his head: "You remind me of my identity back then. I used to live in this world as a human being!"

"Then why are you abandoning your human identity?" Joan asked curiously!

"Because of strength!" Qin Zheng thought of the days he had lived in the Heavenly Dynasty, and laughed again!"Humans like you have amazing talents and powerful strengths, but ordinary people, they also desire to be strong, and I am an ordinary member. In the end, I got the opportunity, gained strength, and abandoned human beings. identity of!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!" Qin Zheng pointed his finger on Joan of Arc's forehead, and her forehead glowed with blue light. After the light slowly merged into her body, her body also changed!

The most intuitive change is appearance, Jeanne has changed from a five-year-old girl to a mature sister!

However, the first thing Joan did to recover was to make a holy sword, and then cut it at Qin Zheng!

"It's useless, you are too weak!" Qin Zheng shook his head, the black energy spread out from his body, and then enveloped Joan, and at the same time confined Joan!

"Even humans once, I have to admit that the starting point of human beings is too low for other races!" Qin Zheng sighed!

"I believe in humans!" Although imprisoned, Jeanne certainly said!

"Soon you will no longer be human!" After speaking, Qin Zheng showed his long fangs!

"Are you a vampire?" Seeing Qin Zheng's fangs, Joan was stunned and asked!

Qin Zheng shook his head and said, "Similar to a vampire, but not a vampire!" After speaking, Qin Zheng bit down on Joan's neck!

"I hope you can still maintain a human heart!" Qin Zheng laughed loudly, and then shut Joan into the secret room!

There was also a human woman who was fainted!

"You bastard!" Joan subconsciously touched the wound on her neck, only to find that there was no tooth hole in her neck!

"Is it really that kind of monster!" Joan remembered Qin Zheng's long fangs!

"Are you okay!" Before he could think about it, Joan walked up and searched the fainted human woman. He was relieved after discovering that he was only fainted!

Inadvertently, Joan glanced at the white neck of the fainted woman!There was an urge to suck blood in my heart inexplicably!

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