The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Rage Chapter 300

"How come?" Feeling the super magical power of Kadileya, Asacher was a little surprised!

"Go!" With a wave of his hand, Asachel threw countless light guns at Cadileya, but they all disappeared with a wave of Cadileya's right hand.

"In this case, I can't keep my hand!" Asacher's dagger changed its shape!Released light.

"Hand-free!" All around was surrounded by flashes for an instant. After the light disappeared, a man wearing a gold full-body armor appeared. From behind him, twelve dark wings stretched out, holding a huge light gun in his hand. !

"This is the result of my research on the artifact!" Asacher smiled, "It should be the first time you have seen it!"

Cadileya did not expect that Asscher had such a trump card, and his expression became a lot more solemn. It was originally intended to be a unilateral torture, but unexpectedly turned into the current tug of war between the two sides. At this time, the two exuded momentum. It's almost the same!

"Boom!" The two moved at the speed of light. From a distance, they looked like two lines of yellow and red colliding continuously, then separated, and then collided again!

"You have been around the Mystery King for so long, is this strength?" Asathier sneered!

"I won't lose!" Cadileya turned her hand into a tentacle, entangled Asacher's left hand...

"You know it's useless!" Asacher said with a sigh!

"It's hard to say!" Cadileya sneered. "Although I can't kill you, it's okay to trap you!"

"The tentacles are specially made by absorbing my life. It is constant." Cadileya looked at Asscher's continuous struggle, shrugged and said!

"What's the use of me when you are sleepy!" Asacher sneered, and then, a giant dragon made up of the Bible sprang out of the magic circle!

"This is...!" Asacher was taken aback, the magic burst suddenly, and he wanted to open the bondage, but the dragon was faster, opened its mouth, and countless holy swords flew out!

"Boom!" Countless holy swords penetrated the entire space and hit the forest on the ground, flattening the forest by half!

"Are you dead!" At this moment, Joan walked out of the magic circle and said!

"No!" Cadileya shook her head and said, "He is not so easy to die, but he should be seriously injured!"

Sure enough, Asacher's figure appeared!

There were multiple sword wounds on his body, even a blood hole in his arm, his armor became ragged, and one arm had been broken!

"Unexpectedly, he cut off his palm!" Cadileya was stunned and muttered!

"Unexpectedly, there was another person who was ambushing me. If I hadn't reacted quickly, I would have almost fallen into your hands!" Although Asachel was injured, he still did not die!

Hearing this, Cadileya shook her head and said with a smile: "It is not one person who ambushed you, but two!"

Kadileya said, Asachel was shocked, and then, a holy sword penetrated Asachel's heart from behind!

"You!" Asacher looked at the blood-stained sword tip and suddenly laughed!

"No, he is going to blew himself up, Goerta, hurry up!" Cadileya immediately shouted when he saw this!

Chapter 0152 Gabriel VS Michael

At this time, he was about to support Michael and was stopped!

"Michael, it's been a long time!" Gabriel said lightly after meeting Michael again!The two Seraphs, who were both angel gods in the past, can be regarded as companions fighting together, but they did not expect to become enemies!

"Gabriel, get out of the way!" Michael said coldly!

"No!" Hearing this, Gabriel shook his head and said: "My task is to stop you!"

"Then there is no way!" Michael shook his hand, and a holy sword appeared!

Gabriel glanced at Michael lightly, the pitch-black wings stirred, and he quickly narrowed the distance with Michael. At the same time, Gabriel had an extra long sword in his hand, which was also a holy sword!

"Among the four blazing angels, I am the strongest. Do you think you alone are my opponent?"

"I know!" Michael took a deep breath and said, "I didn't even think about fighting you!"

Hearing that, this time it was Gabriel's turn to be stunned!

"The other two blazing angels have rushed to the underworld, my task now is to deal with you, no, it should be said to wake up your conscience, and stop with the Mystery King!" said Michael!"Don't you remember, you were forcibly taken away by the Mystery King! Now that even God Odin has joined our alliance, you can definitely defeat the Mystery King, you wake up!"

Gabriel shook his head and said, "It is undeniable that at the beginning, I hated Qin Zheng to death, but two hundred years later, Qin Zheng is not only my master, but also my man! I love him. , I will dedicate everything I have to him!"

"Are you lost to the Mystery King?" Michael said in disbelief upon hearing this!

"Yeah!" Gabriel nodded, "but I won't regret it!" After that, Gabriel rushed up like a lightning!

"Let me break with the past!" Gabriel yelled, and the holy sword swung down at Michael!

Michael quickly backed away, and the holy sword in his hand also raised the block. In the other palm, Michael blasted a white beam of light against Gabriel!

"The sword of light!" Gabriel saw Michael completely stretched away, with the holy sword in his hand horizontal, and then stabbed out symbolically. Immediately afterwards, countless swords of light formed, and then blasted at Michael. go with.

When Michael waved his slender hand, the thin line danced like a dance. Then, the thin line destroyed all the swords of light!

"Don't be obsessed with it anymore!" Michael shouted!

"Really ridiculous!" Gabriel was expressionless, and a blue beam of light threw out!

Michael held up the holy sword, and when the beam of light struck, he slashed it down, and then, the beam of light split into two!Afterwards, Michael's body rose with a powerful arrogance, the arrogance hovering around the holy sword, and finally swung out, the arrogance that swung out formed a huge arc of slash!

"Destroy gesture!" Gabriel yelled, and the holy sword in his hand began to change its shape. It was also jet black, but the blade was much thicker!

Gabriel swept across, and a huge whirlwind suddenly formed!

The slash and the whirlwind collide together, like a long-term confrontation, no one can help others, and finally disappear without a trace!

"Take it to death!" Then, Gabriel snorted coldly, the jet black wings gathered, and then launched countless steel feathers!

Michael's holy sword rotates like a circle, and then all the steel feathers are blocked!

Michael's strength is not strong, but with the holy sword in hand, it is difficult for Gabriel to defeat him at once!

In addition, Qin Zheng has faced Lott and Odin alone, but Lot has been seriously injured!

"Odin, I didn't expect you to come out to die!" Qin Zheng smiled lightly!

"I don't know who is dead!" Odin snorted coldly, and countless magic beams blasted towards Qin Zheng!

"Nordic magic!" Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows, and then smiled: "At the beginning, Loki used this kind of useless magic to deal with me!" After speaking, Qin Zheng waved his palm, and countless magical beams blasted towards him. !

"Fireball!" After the magic beam, there were a lot of small red balls around Odin, and he continued to blast towards Qin Zheng!

The flames of Qin Zheng's body emerged from his body, and then spread out his wings like a phoenix, facing the attacking fireball. The phoenix did not dodge and let the fireball hit him. However, the power of the fireball could not stop the phoenix. On the contrary, The fireball strengthened Phoenix's momentum!

The growing Phoenix attacked Odin with a fierce momentum!

Odin frowned and pressed his palm to the ground. Then, the ground turned into a pool of water, which continued to roll up, and finally formed a water dragon, biting together with the phoenix!

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