The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

Blood Devouring Attack: The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 306

"Where is this place?" Mrs. Phoenix asked a little wary when she came to an unfamiliar environment!

"This is my home!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"How is this possible? Why is my daughter at your house? Even if she is not dead, she should be caught by the King of Mystery!" Mrs. Phoenix said here, then thought of a possibility, and then looked at Qin with wide eyes. Zheng, pointed at Qin Zheng, stammered: " are the Mystery King!"

Qin Zheng nodded, and then led Phoenix to Rebel's room!

Although Rebel was released by Qin Zheng, he was still imprisoned in the room by Qin Zheng because of his fierce personality!

"What are you doing in here?" Rebel sneered when Qin Zheng came in!

"Haha, I see, you must vent your animal desires!" After speaking, Rebel took off her clothes and exposed her fair skin, and then said: "Come on, it's not the first time I have experienced this. This kind of thing!" Before that, Qin Zheng had already had a relationship with Leibel. Of course, this relationship was compulsive!

Qin Zheng glanced at Leibel, as if he had no interest in her body, and then said, "I brought someone to see you!"

"Who!" Rebel was about to ask, a familiar figure appeared in front of him!

"Mother, you... why did you come here?" Seeing that it was his mother, Rebel said in shock!

"Child, you have suffered!" Mrs. Phoenix held Rebel in her arms and said!

"When you meet with mother and son, there should be a lot to say, I won't bother you!" After speaking, Qin Zheng left!

"By the way, Rebel, where's your brother?" Mrs. Phoenix put her coat on Rebel, and then asked!

"Brother he is dead!" After speaking with his brother, Rebel said sadly!

"Did the Mystery King killed your brother?" Mrs. Phoenix was dizzy when she heard the news of her son's death, and finally asked!

"Yes, that's the devil!" Rebel gritted his teeth!

"How could you get caught by him?" Hearing that Qin Zheng had killed his son, Mrs. Phoenix gave up the idea of ​​revenge, and said!

"We are ordered to come to rescue Canna!" Rebel said: "I didn't expect to be caught before meeting Canna!"

"Sidi's daughter!" Upon hearing this, Mrs. Phoenix was taken aback again.Then he continued: "Lot asked you two to come and save people, didn't you die?"

"Mother, don't worry, I will avenge my brother!"

Upon hearing this, Phoenix shook his head and said: "You don't need revenge!"

"There is no need for revenge, why?" Leibel asked in confusion!

"Because Mystery King's strength is too strong, you are not his opponent, I have lost a son, and I don't want to lose another daughter!" Mrs. Phoenix sighed!

"Mother, don't worry! Although the strength of the Mystery King is strong, the three major forces have joined forces and will soon be able to eliminate the Mystery King!" Leibel said!

"No chance!" Mrs. Phoenix said with a wry smile: "The demons are dead, and the three major forces are dead! In fact, when I was robbed by the Mystery King, the Mystery King had already captured the Castlevania, and Lord Lott had already We died in the battle, and our Phoenix family also suffered numerous casualties. According to the news, even the supporting Azazel, Ulie and Raphael of the angels were dead!"

" this fake?" Rebel asked with a trembling body after hearing this!

"I also hope this is a nightmare!" Mrs. Phoenix continued to smile wryly!At the same time, Mrs. Phoenix stood up, then looked at everything around her, and said softly: "Maybe we will live here in the future!"

In addition, Cangna also got the news that the demons were beaten to death, which Zhu Nai told her personally!

"Cang Na, you wait for me!" Cang Nazheng and Qin Zheng met, and Zhu Nai called out after they came out!

Cangna frowned. Since Cangna left Zhu Nai's family, Zhu Nai was very unfriendly to Cangna!

"Miss Zhu Nai, are you looking for something to do with me?" Cang Na said lightly!

"Of course!" Zhu Nai said triumphantly: "I kindly told you a piece of news. Just now, my father took us to the underworld and made a big fuss. Lot, as the demon king, is dead! Of course, The so-called three power alliances are also dead in name! Asacher of the fallen angel, Raphael and Ulay of the angels have all been killed by their fathers. Well, I heard that there are also Monkey King and Odin who died. Old man!"

"What!" Cang Na's expression changed, and then she calmed down!

"Thank you for the news!" Cangna smiled faintly, and then walked away, but his footsteps were obviously hurried, he should hurry back and tell his sister what he heard!

Chapter 0160 School Festival

I don't know if it was Mrs. Phoenix's role. Now Rebel has learned a lot, and hasn't clamored for revenge all day long!

At the request of Mrs. Phoenix, Qin Zheng arranged for Rebel to enter the Juwang Academy!

At this time, in the corner of the classroom, the kitten and Lu Fei were talking, but Rebel stayed alone on the other side. She hadn't gotten into this place when she first arrived, but because of her appearance, many students paid attention!

"Student Rebel, do you have a textbook?"

"Rebel is such a rare name, so handsome!"

"I heard that she was a foreign classmate who transferred in. This class is really good!" Rebel was surrounded by girls who said these!

Rebel seemed to have never seen such enthusiastic girls, she was stunned. Basically, when someone asked, she answered!

"My name is Baiyin, you can call me Kitty, get to know it!" At this moment, Kitty came up and said!

"My name is Rebell!" Rebell naturally knew the short-haired girl in front of her!

"She is the roast chicken princess you said?" At this time, Lu Fei came up and said with a smile!

In a moment of silence, the blue veins in Rebel's temple were exposed, and the trembling voice said in a low voice!

"Just...just now, what did you say?"

"Princess Rooster!" Lu Fei said without pause!

"You, you unexpectedly! How dare you say that to Miss Phoenix's me!" Rebel said angrily!

"Are you still a princess?" After hearing this, Lu Fei looked at Rebel in surprise and said, "Isn't your Phoenix home destroyed?"

"Well, Lu Fei, don't you say a few words!" The kitten found that Lu Fei's mouth was really offensive!

"Why! She is no longer a princess!" Lu Fei seemed to be aggrieved!

"Okay, don't say a few words!" At this time, Lias came up. Qin Zheng called her because Qin Zheng was afraid that Leibel would make trouble in the school!

Of course, Lias originally graduated. The reason why she is still here is because before leaving the academy, Qin Zheng will hold a school festival in the academy, so Lias and other students after graduation also come back participate!

The Gakuen Festival was held at Komao Gakuen, and it was the first one, so it was very grand!

As the idol of the students, Lias naturally spoke up!

However, just as Lias gave a passionate speech, Qin Zheng and Zhu Nai were together on the high school building!

"Zhu Nai, you are also one of the representatives, won't you go down to give a speech?" After finishing the work, Qin Zheng held the flushed Zhu Nai and smiled!

"Isn't there a elder sister? Just leave it to her!" Zhu Nai wrapped her hands around Qin Zheng's neck and said with a smile!"I want to stay with my father for a while!"

"Father can't run!" Qin Zheng touched Zhu Nai's soft buttocks and continued!

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