The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Rage Chapter 32

"Yo, I didn't expect to meet a superb girl here?!"

"Hey, it looks like it's still a kid." The two men looked at each other and said casually!

"Do you know that we are the demons when you ask? Little girl?"

"In such a place, you can't talk to a man as a joke afterwards." The men surrounded the girl from the left and right and said close.They are both in their twenties, wearing public relations-style black suits with brown hair, exuding rough temperament.

One of the men showed his fangs, revealing his nature as a demon.He is a D vampire.Eighty percent is sexual excitement, which in turn causes the man's blood-sucking impulse to attack, and the other person is also like this!

"It may leave a shadow in your heart, but it will make you very comfortable."

The men glared at the girl with piercing excitement, but the girl's expression remained unchanged, looking up at the two men with a trace of sadness, her eyes rippling like sympathy.

Immediately afterwards, a gentle and sorrowful voice came from behind the two demons."The city that never sleeps for the demons to swagger. This island is simply a cursed and decadent capital."

The strange movement appeared without warning and they turned their heads in fright. Under the shadow of the street tree stood a man in a priestly robe. His hair was extremely short, and his left eye was fitted with a blindfold-like metal monoglass. He is over 190 centimeters tall, and his age looks to be about forty, but the bulging muscles of the shoulders make it hard to feel the aging caused by time.

Strong physique, solid armor, giving people a huge sense of threat.

"Where did you come from? Are you an attacker?" The vampire man asked murderously.

"Astaruti, kill him for me!" At the first meeting, there was nothing to say, and the man gave the order to kill!

Astaruti looked at the man with light blue eyes and dropped her eyes sadly, then her lips trembled and said, "The order is accepted."

The huge arm with pale white light began to move like a malicious beast, and then the screams of the men echoed.

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After Gucheng gave some advice, they went to school together!

"Yase, why are you here?" As soon as the ancient city went out, he saw Yase who was waiting downstairs!

The corners of Yaze's mouth moved, and he spread his hands, and said innocently, "I don't want it either!"

"You don't want to? What do you mean?" Hearing this, the ancient city was taken aback!

"That's what it means on the surface!" Yaze was silent again!

"Oh!" Gucheng nodded. The two are good friends who grew up together. It's normal to go to school together, so Gucheng didn't think much!!

"Naisa, are you there too?" Yaze then said to Naisa!

"It's you!" Seeing Yase, Naisa thought of the bad guy who was watching the yellow plate, and looked at Yase with a bad face, "Why are you looking for my brother?"

"This!" I was trained by Naisa for a few hours before, and now Yase has some phobias. Hearing Nasa's words, his face changed!

"Huh, Brother Gucheng, why are you dealing with this kind of person!" Nasha said in dissatisfaction!

"Naisha, he didn't expect you to think so bad!" Gucheng gave a wry smile!

"Huh!" Nasha still didn't care about the ancient city!

"Let's go!" Then, Gucheng sighed!

The two walked from left to right, the atmosphere was extremely weird, and Nasha who followed behind looked strangely at the two in front!

"Under this circumstance, Brother Gucheng wouldn't be BL!"

"It must be, is it because of the broken relationship between Gucheng brother!"

"Hey, it seems that the blow to Brother Gucheng is too great!"

"No, I want to stop Brother Gucheng!"

"The love between them is wrong!"

"Brother Gucheng!" Nasha, who likes to think, grabbed the clothes of the ancient city, and talked endlessly under the inexplicable eyes of the two!

"What, you mean me and Yaze...!" Gucheng's face changed suddenly when he heard Naisa's words, and quickly said: "Nisa, listen to me, I have nothing to do with Yase!"

"Yeah!" Yaze also hurriedly denied. After hearing Naisa's words with a ghost in his heart, he looked a little embarrassed!

"No need to explain, the explanation is just to cover up!" Nasha definitely said: "You have to cut him off quickly, otherwise, I will tell my mother!"

"I didn't take you to play like this!" Gucheng wanted to cry without tears, "Well, I'll break the relationship with him!"

After the guarantee, Naisa was sent away, and the eyes of the ancient city met Yase!

"Gucheng, it seems that I caused you trouble!" Yase said helplessly!

"It's okay! But we will meet less often in the future, the province's Naisha misunderstands!" Gucheng waved his hand!

"That's not going to work!" Yase shook his head. After Yukana left, Feitao ignored Yase's opposition and arranged Yase to watch him by the ancient city, and he still did not leave the surveillance. Happening!

"Hateful Miss Fei Tao!" Yaze thought through gritted teeth.It's too much to do this kind of thing yourself!

Of course, there is no way to arrange for Yase in the past, because Yase has become the blood servant of the ancient city. Keeping Yase by the ancient city can improve the fit of the lion's golden beasts and better exert the power of the lion's gold. !

"Hateful!" Why did he promise to suck blood for the ancient city at that time!Now I can’t even think about it!

"What do you mean!" Gucheng also looked at Yaze weirdly, and said, "You really don't want to get involved!"

"Your sister's fucking!" Yase cursed!

"Then what do you want to do?" Gucheng Tan Tanshou!

"I said I want to monitor you!" Shen took a deep breath, Yase said!

"Watch me? What do you mean?" The ancient city was taken aback after hearing this!

"Hey, you have to start with Yukina!" Helplessly, Yase sighed again and said, "Do you remember the kidnapped girl!"

"Well, I remember!" Gucheng nodded!

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"It's not good to talk here, let's find a place to talk slowly!" Yase thought for a while and said!

"Yeah!" Gujo nodded, and led Yaze to a restaurant!

"Let's talk about it, what the hell is going on?" Gucheng asked!

"Yosena is back!" After a long time of indulgence, Yaze spoke again!

"What, that guy will release the snow vegetables? This is impossible!" Hearing this, the ancient city was taken aback!

"That's how things are!" Yaze said again: "You should have heard Yukina mention who she is!"

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