The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 324

"Would you like me to watch my father being hit by a meteorite?" Zhu Nai said with some pain: "You also saw that Emperor's, he was very powerful but he still fell!"

Hearing that, the women remembered the scene of the death of the Emperor, as powerful as the Emperor of Heaven could not escape the fate of falling!

"Don't worry! Father will come back safely!" Lias comforted: "We are gods now. If we go out, we will be the target of meteorite strikes, and we may become a burden to my father at that time!"

"Come in!" At this time, Orpheus opened the channel and said immediately!

"Yeah!" After Qin Zheng nodded, the two immediately swept into the gap in the dimension!

"Qin Zheng, come with me, maybe you'll be fine when you get there!" Orpheus was very fast, leading the way and said!

"Where?" Qin Zheng was taken aback after hearing this!

"The center of the dimensional gap!" Orpheus said firmly!

"Ah! Are you going to use the power of the True Scarlet Dragon Divine Emperor?" Qin Zheng was taken aback upon hearing this!

"The power of the true Emperor Chilong is very strong, but there is also a limit. It cannot be strong enough to block the dusk of the gods!!" Orpheus shook his head and said!"The center of the dimensional gap, the dimensional gap is a very peculiar existence, there is eternal silence, maybe we can get rid of these meteorites when we get there!"

"Let's go now!" He crushed all the way, and now Qin Zheng himself has nothing to do!

The two of them flew fast, constantly passing through the meteorite group, thinking about swept deep in the dimensional gap!

Although walking in the crevice of the dimension, Qin Zheng seemed to be in an interstellar parade, surrounded by nothingness, and there were sparkling spots in the distance, like twinkling stars!

"Are you there?" There are more and more meteorites, without any decrease!

"Not yet!" Orpheus shook his head!

Qin Zheng was surrounded by black mist, and countless meteorites were destroyed by him!

"Here!" Soon, Qin Zheng saw a bright hole in front, which looked extremely dazzling in the gloomy dimensional gap!

"Finally saved!" Qin Zheng could feel that there was no tyrannical energy in it and everything was very peaceful!

"Not good!" Soon, Orpheus's face changed, because he found that the bright hole seemed to be blocked!

"It's a meteorite!" At this time, Qin Zheng also saw something blocking the entrance of the cave. It was an earth-sized meteorite. They seemed to know that Qin Zheng would be safe after escaping there, so they wanted to prevent Qin Zheng from entering the central area. !

"Orpheus, get out of the way!" Qin Zheng's face was grim, and the black energy continued to condense!

"Crescent moon rushes into the sky!" A huge slash comparable to the planet was thrown out, and it hit the meteorite fiercely!

There was a huge sound, and after the after wave of energy dissipated, Qin Zheng discovered that the huge meteorite was still there, and his power was useless at all!

"In this case, let's play a big one!" Qin Zheng snorted and said to Orpheus: "Orpheus, come back to the Hades!" After speaking, Qin Zheng took the lead in returning to the Hades. Si followed back to the Hades!

As soon as Qin Zheng returned to the Underworld, Zhu Nai hugged Qin Zheng and hurriedly asked, "Father, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Qin Zheng shook his head, and then said: "Everyone return to their positions. I will forcefully break the meteorite in front of me. As long as we escape there, then we will be safe!"

"Yes!" The girls nodded, their expressions extremely solemn!

Qin Zheng failed to destroy this planet-sized meteorite with a single blow with all his strength, showing the strength and hardness of this meteorite!

"Look at you! Underworld God Kingdom!" Qin Zheng murmured as he touched the golden handrail on the god seat, and the magic power of his body began to burst out!

Upon seeing this, the women also began to explode their magic power, and then continuously input into the kingdom of God!

For a time, the entire kingdom of God released amazing light!In an instant, the entire dimensional gap was shaking.

Outside, the dark energy continues to expand. Of course, these attacks have been injected with the dark fruit energy and black mist. The meteorite was originally used to deal with the gods, and Qin Zheng was not so stupid to use the power of the gods to fight the meteorite!

The black brilliance shines extremely, and the underworld gods are hidden in the black brilliance!

The Kingdom of God collided with the meteorite in an instant!Around hundreds of miles around the collision, countless meteorites were shaken into powder by sound waves.

After the extreme explosion, there was a brief silence.

During the collision, Qin Zheng could feel that his kingdom of God was also greatly damaged!

"Kacha!" The voice kept coming, and Qin Zheng saw that the buildings in the Underworld were full of cracks, some even collapsed!

"I can't win!" Looking at the meteorite still in front, Lias spit out blood, regretfully!

"No, we won this time!" Qin Zheng was in a state of despair, but with an uncontrollable smile on his face!

Sure enough, Qin Zheng's voice fell, and the planet-like meteorite split, and finally shattered like a mirror!

"Rush over!" With this opportunity, Qin Zheng took control of the kingdom of God and came to the center of the dimensional gap in one breath!

Sure enough, there was no meteorite attack here, it was a vast expanse of whiteness, and I couldn't see the surroundings clearly, and the surroundings were quiet and quiet!

Orpheus and Qin Zheng walked out of the underworld one after another!

"I'm finally back here!" Orpheus whispered to himself looking at the familiar surroundings!

Chapter 0186 True Red Dragon God Emperor

Unlike the gray world outside, it is very white, very white, and at the same time very quiet!

After Qin Zheng determined that it was safe, the girls also came out of the underworld, looking at the surrounding environment curiously!

"Father, it's great, we survived!" Zhu Nai held Qin Zheng's arm and wept with joy!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded. After arriving in this safe place, Qin Zheng's body magic quickly recovered!

"Daughter, you and Qin Zheng...!" At this time, Zhu Li grabbed Zhu Nai and asked for a while!

"Yeah!" Zhu Nai nodded slightly, and said, "Mother, I really like my father, and now I am my father's woman!" After a series of life and death challenges, Zhu Nai felt that there was no need to hide it. Now, she wants to express her love for her father openly!

"Mother, do you know that when my father is facing the twilight of the gods, I am really afraid, I am afraid that my father will die, and I am afraid that I will lose my father!" Zhu Nai lowered his head, as a declaration, and said: "I know I can't keep flashing like this, and I want to enjoy the love my father has given me with integrity!"

"You...!" Seeing Zhu Nai's firm eyes, Zhu Li moved her lips, but didn't say anything!

"Qin Zheng, you...!" Knowing that Zhu Nai was unable to persuade Zhu Nai, Zhu Li had to look at Qin Zheng, but seeing Qin Zheng and Zhu Nai clasping their fingers together, she finally sighed, which is considered to have acquiesced in their relationship!

After seeing Zhu Nai publicly revealing her relationship, Lias also boldly took Qin Zheng's other arm and announced her relationship with Qin Zheng like many girls!

Vinylana's face was taken aback, then flushed. She knew that Lias was not Qin Zheng's personal daughter, so she didn't have Zhu Li's tangled feelings, but she was a little shy when she thought that she was going to serve a man with her daughter!

"Father, there is nothing here in the vast expanse of whiteness?" Zhu Nai asked suspiciously!

"Not surprising!" Lias thought for a while, and said, "This is the center of the dimensional gap. Apart from the true Red Dragon God Emperor and Orpheus, no one has been here yet. We are considered the number one here. A group of guests!"

"But where is the true Emperor Chilong?" Zhu Nai asked again!

"This center is very big, the true Emperor Chilong won't stay in one place, maybe we haven't met!" Orpheus who spoke this time!

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