The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 333

"That's her!" After speaking, Ling Cai walked towards the girl!

"You are Miss Lina! I'm here to meet you!" The tan-haired girl smiled slightly!"please follow me!"

"Yeah!" Ling Cai nodded, then pulled Qin Zheng up and followed the girl!

"This is also Master Attacker!" The three walked side by side, and the girl's eyes were on Qin Zheng, and she smiled!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded. He recognized the girl in front of him, called Verdiana, but she had only one side, she shouldn't remember herself!She is from the house of Count Caruana, the sister of Liana!

Soon, a few days passed, and the attackers came one after another!

During this period, Verdiana explained the situation on Gozo to Lebanon, including the loss of contact with the first group of people!

Since the invasion of the monsters, Gozo has become an uninhabited island. Of course, some people who are not afraid of death have entered Gozo, but they never saw them come back. Now, Gozo is shrouded in black mist and the satellites are also watching. It was not the situation inside, and the first group of people went in with the people in the Warlord Domain, but in the end the people in the Warlord Domain came out, and their people have not yet come out!

So that month suspected that the people from the Warlord Domain killed them, so they sent a second team, that is, the zero dishes!

"Then what is our specific task?" Leicai asked again!

"Determine the life and death of the first batch of team members, if possible, figure out the purpose of the demons!" Verdiana said solemnly!

With a clear mission, Zerona and others were sitting in a lightly armored military four-wheel drive vehicle. Verdiaana drove it through downtown Victoria, the central area of ​​Gozo, and moved in the opposite direction of the island.

"We are so public, won't it cause the attention of the King of War Realm?" Leicai asked curiously!

"Of course not!" Upon hearing this, Verdiana shook her head, and said: "This is the company's name, so don't worry!"

"Yeah!" Leicai nodded. The Empire of Qin has many companies in the other three empires, both public and secret. Yana can say that this company should be a secret company!

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Soon, Qin Zheng saw the whole picture of Gozo Island. The whole island was shrouded in black mist, and the situation inside could not be seen clearly. However, the tumbling black air remained condensed on Gozo Island, forming a head in the sky. The giant creature looks very strange!

Ling Cai also stared at Gozo Island closely, her brows frowned, and the black anger made her feel very uneasy!

"I will send you here! The rest will be left to you!" The zero dishes and others have already arrived at the entrance of Gozo Island, Yana did not follow in, but put the zero dishes and waited for them to get off the car and said!"By the way, you have to be careful. Gozo Island is covered in black mist, and there must be many crises inside!"

"I see!" Ling Cai waved her hand and said impatiently!The reason that Leicai is impatient is that Verdiana and Qin Zheng have been too close in the past few days, and she is very upset!

Looking at the zero dishes like a jealous girl, Verdiana smiled indifferently, came to Qin Zheng, tidyed Qin Zheng’s collar, smiled, and said: "You have a good relationship with Miss Ling Cai Well!"

"Yeah! He is my captain!" Qin Zheng didn't know what Verdiana was going to do, so he had no choice but to smile!

"Gozo Island is extremely dangerous, then you have to protect your captain!" Verdiana said with a smile!

"Of course, even if I sacrifice my life, I will protect Captain Zero!" Qin Zheng agreed!

Verdiana raised her eyebrows slightly, and stared at Leicai's exquisite and perfect cheeks that even her amazed, and smiled: "Miss Leicai is really beautiful, no wonder she can be protected by a man!"

"You are a vixen, your skills are not bad!" Ling Cai murmured. As a woman, she instinctively thought Verdiana was interesting to Qin Zheng. Thinking of this, somehow she couldn't help frowning in her heart. An inexplicable emotion arose, which made her a little irritable, so her pretty face turned to Qin Zheng, and her voice became much colder: "Let’s go quickly, don’t linger here!"

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded, and followed Ling Cai into the black mist!

Verdiana looked at Qin Zheng's disappearing figure, sighed silently, and finally drove away!

After Qin Zheng and others came in, the lingering black mist kept rolling, seeming to feel Qin Zheng's arrival!

"Be careful, everyone!" The unusual aura made Ling Cai frowned, waved her hand and said!

Many attackers are also watching the surroundings vigilantly, and Qin Zheng also looked at the surroundings. The effect of these black qi seems to isolate the island of Gozo, just like when he was in the High School, he used black qi. The wrapped castle was isolated in a gap in space. Of course, Qin was using Orpheus' power at the time!

The same is true for the island of Gozo now. Although the methods used may be different, they have the same effect, but Qin Zheng can't figure out the effect of Kain's use of so much power to block the island!

"Captain, the map can't be used anymore!" At this moment, the demon attacker beside Leicai said immediately!

"Can't use it?" Hearing this, Leicai frowned: "Could these black mists be able to shield high-tech!"

"Call me the management commune immediately!" Leicai said again!

"Yes!" The man immediately connected to the management commune, and soon, a cute voice came, which was more tender than the zero dish!

"Small dishes, do you have anything to do with me?" The voice was a little lazy, but it was very nice!

"Meng Cong, you help me see the situation here, I have already sent the video!" Leicai said immediately!

"Meng Cong!" Qin Zheng smiled. If he guessed correctly, this girl named Meng Cong is also his own daughter!

"Okay, I'll analyze it for you immediately!" After Meng Cong nodded, but a hoarse voice came, and the communication was cut off!

"Captain, I can't get in touch anymore!" At this moment, the man made some adjustments and said!

"It seems that these black mists can prevent us from contacting the outside world!" Ling Cai looked around, leading everyone to move forward step by step!

"Ohhhhhhh!!!" Before the few people moved forward, there was a cry of wolf!

Everyone's complexion changed, their eyes watched the surrounding situation vigilantly!

"Everyone must be careful!" Leicai also took out his gun gold, and then whispered to Qin Zheng: "Remember, stay here, don't go away!"

The black fog is pervasive, and even with a light source, the visibility is very low, so everyone only hears the sound of wolves running!

"Ah!" Following the screams of a demon attacker, a demon attacker was immediately dragged away, and finally disappeared in the black fog. The action was very fast, and they were too late to save people!

"Don't distract everyone, gather together!" Ling Cai yelled, and suddenly noticed a fishy wind rushing forward. He looked forward and found that a wolf had opened his blood basin and pounced on himself, aiming at his neck!

The gold of the gun in the hands of Lebanese swept out, knocked it to the ground with a stick, and then stabbed it out!

"Ohhhhh!" After the huge hungry wolf was stabbed by Leicai, he did not leave a corpse, but turned into a black mist!

"It turned out to be Black Mist!" Soon, Leicai knew the body of the pack of wolves!

"If that's the case, then...!" Ling Cai sneered and jumped up, the gold of the gun in her hand was raised high, and finally flew out like an arrow, with golden brilliance, everyone's eyes Placed above the sky, in the sky, as the light bursts out, the visibility gradually increases!

And below, the visibility has also increased. At this time, the pack of wolves launched a general attack on Qin Zheng and others, and dozens of wolves rushed forward!

"Go to hell!" Ling Cai yelled. Sure enough, after the wolves encountered the golden light, they suddenly turned into a cloud of black mist, which was finally dispersed by the golden light!

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After solving the pack of wolves, Leicai also breathed a sigh of relief, and the black mist was also dispersed a lot, so everyone could see the surrounding places clearly!

Not far away, a fellow attacker who was bitten beyond recognition by a pack of wolves was lying in a pool of blood covered in blood!

Everyone was in a heavy mood, and a companion died not long after they entered. There will definitely be more crises later, so how many people will die!

Ling Cai has come to the companion's corpse, feeling a little depressed!

With a wave of Ling Cai's palm, a large pit was formed on the ground. After the others buried the corpse of the attacker, "I will avenge you!" Leaving this sentence, Ling Cai took everyone forward!

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