The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Attack-Chapter 342

"Okay!" Qin Zheng nodded directly, there was a big gap between the two in strength, and Qin Zheng could not care about Jiada's tricks!

Back in the palace, Leviathan of the beast had woke up, and the moment Qin Zheng came back, Leviathan woke up from his deep sleep!In the palace, the pair of women, Xuecai and Zerocai are together!

"Zero dishes, are you okay!" Xuecai asked worriedly looking at the tired dishes!

Hearing that, Leicai shook his head and said: "I'm fine, my father saved me!"

"Well, that's all right!" Xuecai smiled, and then coldly snorted: "I'd better transfer you to the Lion King's office. That month she was inaccurate and almost hurt you!"

Hearing this, Leicai shook her head, "Auntie Yue did not expect that Gozo Island would have such a powerful monster, and sending any demon attacker in the past would be a senseless sacrifice!"

"Hey, that's what I said, but you are on the front line, I am very worried!" Xue Cai said worriedly!

"Mother, you don't have to worry about me!" After speaking, Ling Cai laughed, and the powerful magic burst out suddenly!

Xuecai raised her head, she could vaguely feel that there was an extremely terrifying beast hidden in the blue sky and white clouds!

"Mother, this is my new beast, I have been able to summon a new beast!" Leicai nodded, "With my current strength, if I meet those nasty demon kings, I will definitely not lose again!"

Xuecai nodded in relief. It has always been her heart disease that Leicai can only summon a beast, if this big stone in her heart is finally let go!

But Xue Cai is very curious, how can Le Cai summon other beasts!If you know the reason, maybe Meng Cong can also summon the Beast, because Qin Zheng is not around him to guide, so the potential and talents of the zero dishes and the Meng Cong are buried. The zero dishes can summon a Beast, and the Meng Cong is even more pitiful. Not even a beast can be summoned!

Ling Cai thought of the boy with long hair and fluttering hair. It was his blood that helped herself, but it was a big deal. Ling Cai didn't want that guy to be sliced ​​and studied, so she smirked and said, "I don't know why. , I only knew that after waking up, I found that I could summon the rest of the beasts!"

"In that case, your father helped you!" Xueca thought for a while, then said!Xuecai knew that Qin Zheng had become a god, and it would be easy to help Leicai!

"Probably!" Leicai smiled again and asked, "Where has my father gone?"

"He went to see Aunt Agurola, I think he should be back soon, go and see at the door!" Xue Cai squinted and smiled!

"Good!" After nodding, Leicai hurried to the entrance of the palace. She also wanted to see how her father was like!


Soon, Ling Cai saw the sky, and the space began to be distorted. Then he saw that a gorgeously dressed girl came out. It was the third true ancestor Jiada. Ling Cai's face changed, and the gold of the gun appeared in his hand. She wondered why the third true ancestor appeared here!

"Haha, it's Xuecai's daughter!" Jiada soon discovered Leicai, and then moved to her side!

"Your strength has become stronger!" Jiada laughed again, "and you have the smell of Qin Zheng!"

Ling Cai didn't know what Jiada was muttering, but watched Jiada vigilantly and said, "What are you doing here?" Her strength became stronger, and she also had a trace of confidence when facing Jiada!

"I was invited by your father!" Jiada was very playful and looked at the zero dishes. "Agurola destroyed my castle, so your father allowed me to live here. Please ask your father for the specifics. , He will be here soon, I will choose a good room now!"

Jiada turned into a streamer, flashed into the palace, and Ling Cai deliberately intercepted her, but her speed was so fast that Ling Cai could not keep up!

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"Damn it, now Auntie Agurola is not here, so you must not be allowed in!" Leicai chased after her, gritted her teeth, and the black breath burst out!

The black breath is faster than the speed of the zero dish, turning into a huge palm and catching it towards Jiada!

"Haha, this way of fighting reminds me of Qin Zheng back then, you deserve to be Qin Zheng's daughter!" Jiada did not look back, but sighed, and then easily avoided the capture of the giant palm!"But it's a pity that you are still a bit worse now, so you are not my opponent yet!"

With several palms again, Jiada didn't dodge. After being caught by the black mist, the magic of his body burst out, and then he forcibly broke the black mist away!

"As a predecessor, I will reluctantly enlighten me!" It seemed to arouse Jiada's interest. Jiada flew in the other direction, and Leicai followed suit!

"Then let me see your strength!" After Jiada smiled slightly, the magic suddenly burst out!

"Go!" The beast that appeared from the top of Jiada's head turned into a huge thunder!

"Gold of the gun!" Ling Cai's pupils shrank, and then raised the gold of the gun high. Soon, those thunders poured down like a torrential rain, but they did not hit the gun, but all fell on the gun of the gun gold. On the tip, the thunder followed the gold of the gun and then flowed into the earth!

"Sure enough, use the principle of lightning rods!" Jiada sighed, and a pillar of flame rose near her feet, turning into a scorching rush and blasting towards Leicai!"Go, Shiutktori!"

At this time, Leicai put away the gold of her gun, and the magic power of her whole body surged!

"The third true ancestor, this is the first time I have used this power!" Ling Cai smiled!

A small angel appeared next to Ling Cai. She was only twelve centimeters tall. She looked like a little human girl. Her body was white and she had two translucent wings behind her. It was said that she was an angel more like a little girl in a fairy tale. Fairy, but what makes others feel strange is that the angel's chest is a display card!

"What a strange beast!" When he saw the little angel, Jiada frowned!

The scorching rush blasted the zero dishes, but zero dishes didn't care at all. Instead, she smiled and asked, "I'm injured, what should I do?"

The little angel suddenly fell on Leicai’s shoulder, and then Mengmeng said: "Oh! Oh! Heal! Heal!"

Then, a magical scene appeared. With the voice of the little angel, the wound on Zicai's body began to heal!

"Healing beast!" Jiada didn't take the little angel to heart. This had no effect on the battle situation, and in this way, the little girl in front of him was no longer his opponent!

"Forget it, let's kill that little angel!" Jiada smiled!

"Come out, Sotorol!" Gada once again summoned the third beast. It was a huge skeleton giant, with hollow eye sockets without eyeballs, a huge cracked mouth, and the gap between exposed ribs was pitch black. In the dark space, the ribs open like a door, and the overflowing darkness is released like a cannonball. It is a greedy dark cannonball that dug out the space.

The huge skeleton blasted out in a circle, and even the space was folded and attacked the little angel!

The little angel did not dodge. After being hit by a shell, he appeared intact in front of the two!

"How is it possible that I was unscathed!" At this moment, Jiada was surprised!

"Tell you, my little angel is a very special existence, she is like a law, will not be destroyed!" Ling Cai sneered!

"Little angel, little angel, what should I do if someone provokes me?" Ling Cai looked at Jiada with a smile, and said!

"Kill, kill!" The little angel immediately danced around the zero dishes!

"Very good, then kill it!" Ling Cai suddenly squinted her eyes. The next moment, her figure flashed towards Jiada like a spark!

"Quick!" Jiada's heart jumped. At that moment, she felt the threat of death, almost instinctively. She jumped to the side like a conditioned reflex, but even so, Jiada still felt a chill in her neck. I subconsciously touched it, but there was a ray of blood on his finger. Then I looked at the zero dish not far away, and there was blood on the palm of the zero dish!

Ling Cai licked Garda's blood, her eyes narrowed again, and said, "Next time, you won't be so lucky!"

"Really?" Jiada sneered, she decided to use more powerful force!

"Stop it!" At this time, Agurola's voice came, and Ling Cai subconsciously looked at it, but found that the person deep in her heart was holding Aunt Agurola, standing on the top of the palace!

Leicai was stunned. She didn't expect "Zheng Qin" to be together with Aunt Agurola!

As if feeling the sound of breaking in his heart, the zero dishes came up quickly, and then he pulled Qin Zheng away to a place where no one was there, and hit Qin Zheng with his hand!

"You... how can you be like this? Why are you with Aunt Aguluola?" Ling Cai asked angrily!

"Ah! Why can't I be with Agurola?" Qin Zhenghe asked!

"Agurola is my father's woman, my father is back, you are looking for death!" With tears in her eyes, she coldly snorted, "You leave here quickly, no, leave Xianjin Island, if father comes back No, God can't save you!"

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