The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 344

Qin Zheng smiled slightly and said, "Since the force can't be used in one direction, let's get rid of the internal unstable factors first!"

Hearing that, little Lori's pupils shrank, and the magic of her whole body burst out!

Everyone was shocked, but Qin Zheng still remained unmoved by the huge momentum in front of him!

"Okay, okay, everyone is here to form an alliance, not a feud!" Jiada said haha!

"Huh!" Little Lori retracted her momentum and sat on the chair without saying a word!

"If you want to explain, you should give me an explanation!" Agurola glanced at Lori and said again: "A few days ago, the Qin Empire and the people from the Warlord domain entered Gozo Island, why is there only Warlord People in the realm walked out alive, did your people secretly use means to kill our demon attackers!"

"Blood spurts!" Little Lolita sneered and said, "Your magician trash, what's weird about being dead!"

"Well, if you can't get together, then use the most primitive way to solve it!" After speaking, billowing black air came out, covering the entire conference room!

Agurola's magic power erupted, behind him, a strong whirlwind rolled up, and a glacial beast appeared!The first true ancestor and the second true ancestor also stood up, and the powerful beast appeared behind them!

"Wait a minute!" Before Jiada finished speaking, the pale of the demon girl moved, and the slender fists slammed down, and everything around turned into ice!

"These are useless to me!" The ice crystal spread, but the first true ancestor did not evade. The beast behind it blasted out and shattered the ice crystal. She has the title of war king, that is to say, close combat is Her strengths!

The Beast Beast behind the Second True Ancestor was a black-robed humanoid Beast Beast holding a walking stick. Before the ice crystal came, the walking stick slammed the ground several times, and the huge flame washed away the ice crystal!

"Fifth True Ancestor, we are not easy to bully!" At this time, Qin Zheng felt that his surroundings seemed to be surrounded by something similar to a barrier!

"Can't go out!" Qin Zheng was stunned, this power is very similar to the power of space!

"Haha, this is the power of my beast, even if you are the fifth true ancestor, it will take a while to come out!" The second true ancestor seems very happy!"During this time, I am enough to eliminate the third and fourth true ancestors!"

"Really!" Facing the smooth barrier like a mirror, Qin Zheng stretched out his palm, as if inserted into the glass, the glass shattered with a bang!

Qin Zheng has already walked out of the confinement of space!

Jiada was also a little surprised, and at the same time he yearned for the power of God even more. From just now to now, Qin Zheng has not summoned the beasts at all. In other words, in the face of the attacks of the two true ancestors, Qin Zheng was equally able to deal with it. The power of God!

"How could you come out?" The second true ancestor looked very surprised!

"Why can't I come out!" Qin Zheng said with a smile on his face, "To tell you the truth, I am not as strong as before. Even if you two play together, I won't be my opponent!"

"Arrogant!" The first true ancestor and the second true ancestor did not know that Qin Zheng had become a god, but Jiada felt that what Qin Zheng said must be the truth, which is why Jiada was on Qin Zheng's side!

"Then watch it!" After Qin Zheng finished speaking, black energy poured out, covering the two true ancestors!

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After the two little loli were imprisoned by the black air, they were slightly taken aback, and at the same time, the magic on their bodies burst out!

The magic did not release these black qi, which made the two of them stunned. The two looked at each other. The beast behind them stretched out into the black qi, only to find that although it was the thin black qi, it was like ice. As strong as that, the beast cannot penetrate these black energy at all!

"Do it!" The two little loli didn't believe that such black energy could trap them, the beast behind them moved, and their raised fists blasted out against the black energy!

"Bump!" Black Qi rolled, but there was no sign of abating!

"It is so powerful!" The two little loli were shocked, and at the same time they heard Qin Zheng's voice, "This is also an independent space. If you can come out from here, I will let you go. If not, fight King Realm, the extinct dynasty will be destroyed, and all vampires will die!"

Outside, Qin Zheng said this boringly!

Jiada's expression changed. He thought that Qin Zheng's temperament would change a little bit, but he didn't expect that Qin Zheng was still domineering as always!

With a stroke of Qin Zheng's palm, he opened the void. Through the void, Jiada could clearly see the other end, the deserted mountains and the long river. The most strange thing is that in the river, there are many souls struggling in it, and the voice is very loud. Stern!

"The Land of the Dead!" Gada murmured!"It seems that Qin is the god related to death!"

Qin Zheng put the black mist that wrapped the two great ancestors into the kingdom of God, even if they broke through the black mist and walked out, they couldn't get out of their kingdom of God!

"Let's go!" Qin Zheng smiled faintly. Compared to Jiada's surprise, Agurola looked calmer. She knew that Qin Zheng had become gods, and promised to take them to gods, and then never separate!

As soon as Qin Zheng came back, Qian Cong walked up anxiously!

"Qin Zheng, Meng Cong was... was captured!" Qian Cong cried and said!

"Caught away?" Qin Zheng was taken aback. How could this be possible. Meng Cong had always lived in the palace, and the palace was guarded by Leviathan. Who is so capable?

"I don't know!" Qian Cong said: "This morning, I heard my daughter say that the zero dishes were in a bad mood, so she was going to Xianjin Island to accompany the zero dishes. I did not think about it, so I agreed. Meng Cong was captured not long after he went out! This is the video at that time!" After speaking, Qian Cong took out the video at that time!

In the video, Qian Cong hadn't even met Zero Nai, but she was wrapped up in the black mist when she first arrived at Xianjin Island, and then taken away!

"Can you trace the direction where Heiwu left?" Qin Zheng said again!

"Yeah!" Qian Cong is a computer expert. After a few snaps on the computer, she saw the black fog poured into an island, the former island of Gozo!

"Sure enough, that guy Kain!" Qin Zheng murmured!

"It's not good. It seems that Leicai has gone to Gozo to save people!" Through the satellite, Qian Cong saw Leicai leaving in Gozo!

"The two little girls!" Qin Zheng said helplessly, "You all stay here, I will go to Gozo Island to bring them back!"

"I will go with you too!" Agurola said immediately!

Hearing that, Qin Zheng shook his head and said, "You and Jiada are here to prevent the demons from invading when I am away!"

"Okay!" Both Agurola and Gada nodded!

In the kingdom of God, in the black mist, the two great ancestors are already out of breath!

"If this goes on, our magic power will be exhausted sooner or later!"

"The Fifth Real Ancestor will really destroy our empire!"

"It seems that there is no way, we need to use the strongest Beast!" Soon, the two of them were filled with powerful magic power. Following the roar of the Beast, the powerful attacks continued to slam into the black energy. Finally break the black energy!

The two came out as they wished, but they found that they came to a barren world!

"Where is this?" The two were taken aback!

Lias and Zhu Nai, who are in the Elysium, looked at each other and laughed. They felt very curious about the two outsiders, the first and second true ancestors!

"This is the underworld, the kingdom of death!" A voice came from the void, and the two little loli turned around and found that two young girls with blood-red hair and dark black hair came over!

"Who are you?" The two little loli immediately became alert: "Also, why are we here?"

"Hehe, we are the daughter of Qin Zheng, the daughter of your fifth true ancestor!" Lias smiled, "Of course, you may not believe it, but it's not surprising, because we come from another world. And here, it is the father's kingdom of God. Under the power of your father, you will never escape from here!"

"Your father is a god?" After hearing this, the two little loli were taken aback!

"Of course!" Lias nodded: "You are the first true ancestor and the second true ancestor, so are you interested in fighting with God?"

"You are also gods!" Then, the two were surprised!

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