The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 367

"No!" Qin Zheng spread his hands and said, "Actually, I have already told the above about my thoughts. Maybe the idea of ​​peaceful coexistence with the elves may be accepted by the people above!"

"Ah! What you said is true?" After hearing this, Karen was also taken aback, and then overjoyed!If you really accept it, it will fundamentally change the situation of elves confrontation!

"It's not that simple!" Qin Zheng shook his head and said, "You know DEM agency!"

"I know!" Karen nodded. DEM has not been established for a year, but it has been developing rapidly. Their technology in the body is more perfect, and now they have a certain influence at the top, and their purpose seems to be Confronting the elves, speaking of it, the president of the DEM company is still an old acquaintance, but in the end just disagrees with each other!

"That's right! DEM will definitely intervene in this idea, so if you want to be successful, Elliott must also win over some senior leaders!"

"Hmm!" Karen nodded, now Eliot's wealth and technology are similar to those of DEM!

"By the way, I will introduce you to someone officially!" Suddenly, the automatic door opened, and the beautiful blond man, Kamimuzuki Kyohei came out!

"Kamimuzuki Kyohei, he has promised to join us!" Karen said, "We will be colleagues in the future!"

Qin Zheng nodded, counting the time, Shen Wuyue Kyohei also left AST to join Latatosk during this time!

"Originally, I wanted you to leave the AST and you would serve as the commander, and Kamimuzuki Kyohei was the deputy commander, but now things change, you should stay in the AST, and Kamimuzuki Kyohei will go to Latatosk. commander!"

"I think it is better to let Shen Wuyue Gongping serve as the deputy commander!" Qin Zheng groaned, then said!

"Why? Are you going to be the commander?" After hearing this, Karen was taken aback and asked!"Aren't you going to stay in AST?"

"I didn't say that I would be the commander!" Qin Zhengbai gave Karen a look and continued: "I have a suitable candidate in my heart!"

"The right person? Who is it?" Karen was puzzled again!

"Qin Li, the girl you brought back is very suitable!" Qin Zheng said!

"Ah! You are not kidding!" Karen was stunned, then looked at Qin Zheng weirdly, "Although you are a lolicon, you can't be so cronyism!"

"I have a reason for this!" Qin Zheng said, "You should also know the identity of Qinli. She is both a human and an elf. If she is the commander, she can play a role between humans and elf. The role of a bridge!"

"Indeed!" After thinking about it, Karen also felt that Qin Zheng made a lot of sense!

"Shen Wuyue Kyohei, are you okay!" It is really unbelievable to let a little girl be the commander-in-chief. Even if Karen agrees, it depends on Shen Wuyue Kyohei's opinion!

"I have no objection!" Shen Wuyue spread his hands flat, showing a nasty smile!

"Okay! I'll talk to President Eliot about your suggestion!" Kallen finally said!

"If it's okay, everyone go to work!" After determining the next plan, Qin Zheng waved his hand and the meeting ended!

Karen left. As a middleman and the captain, the task was more arduous, while Shenwuyue Gongping and Qin Zheng were easier!

Item 0019

DEM has been established and Latatosk has also entered the preparatory stage. Soon, the plot will start!

There was a serious disaster in Tiangong City. As the main person in charge of Tiangong City, Qin had to bear part of the responsibility, and Qin Zheng had the support of the intellectual Meiyu sister. This is no longer important, but we still have to tell the intellectual Meiyu sister. About the fire situation and the number of victims in Tiangong City!

Before this, Qin was going to find Qinli. If nothing else, Eliot would accept his suggestion and let Qinli be the commander-in-chief, and it would be fine to explain to her in advance!

Qinli was arranged not far from Yuanyi origami, so it didn't take long before Qin Zheng came to Qinli!

"Big brother, how is Brother Shidao?" Qinli came here one night, and had not yet met Shidao, so he was very worried about Shidao's situation and hurriedly asked when he saw Qin Zheng coming in!

"Don't worry, your brother is fine!" Qin Zheng came to the bed, touched the pink hair in the piano, and said with a smile!

"Yeah!" Qinli's face flushed, thinking of the previous kiss, there was a strange sentiment in his heart, especially looking at Qin Zheng's face that was more perfect than a woman, it felt even more indescribable. !

Qin Li was embarrassed, and said, "Big Brother, I... can I meet Brother Shidao?"

"You will be able to meet your brother soon!" Qin Zheng said in a serious tone, "Now I will tell you something serious!"

Seeing Qin Zheng's serious look, Qin Li couldn't help but sit up in jeopardy!

"You already know who you are!" Qin Zheng said, "You are a human, but you have been turned into an elf by using your spiritual core. Do you see the appearance of that person?"

"Ah! I... it was too dark at that time, I couldn't see clearly!" Qinli thought for a while, then stammered!

"That's it!" Qin Zheng sighed helplessly. He wanted to know who the mosaic was. It seemed that he would have to wait five years later!

"Big brother, what is a wizard?" Qin Li still doesn't understand the concept of a wizard!

"Every time the elves come, it will cause a space shock. The Eurasian disaster 30 years ago was also done by the elves!" Qin Zheng continued: "The elves have a powerful force unknown to humans!"

"Ah! How could the elves be so evil?" Hearing this, Qin's face turned pale!

"No, elves are not evil!" Qin Zheng shook his head and said, "They are just as kind as Qinli!"

"But why did they kill so many people?" Qinli asked again!

"The disaster is not what they want to see!" Qin Zheng shook his head and said, "You are the same in the piano. You definitely don't want to see the fire break out, but this is something you can't control!"

"Oh!" Qinli's face was dim, then nodded!

"Big brother, why can human beings become elves?" Qinli hesitated and asked again!

"Use the spiritual core!" Qin Zheng was able to feel the existence of the spiritual core in the Qin, that is, that thing changed the constitution of the Qin, but the spiritual power of the spiritual core was too strong and the Qin could not be perfectly controlled, so There will be Tiangong City event!

"Does that mean that with enough spiritual cores, humans can be transformed into elves!" Qin Li said naively!

Hearing that, Qin Zheng was taken aback. Although the number of spirit cores was small, DEM had not thought about it that way. They definitely wanted to obtain the spirit cores of the elves, then conduct research, and finally produce them on a large scale!

"The theory is like this, but there are not many spiritual cores!" Qin Zheng smiled and continued: "Qinli, let me ask you, do you think elves can coexist peacefully with humans?"

"Peaceful coexistence?" Qinli was taken aback after hearing this, and told her rationally that it was impossible, but she herself became an elf, so she couldn't say it!

"Hey, let's change the question. Do you want humans and elves to coexist peacefully?" Qin Zheng said again!

"Of course I did!" Qinli raised his head and said hesitantly, "But is this possible?"

"Of course it is possible!" Qin Zheng pointed to himself, and said: "I have always wanted elves and humans to coexist peacefully, and there are many people like me who want elves and humans to live in peace, join us! Let us work hard for this goal together!"

"Join you?" Upon hearing this, Qin Li was stunned!

"Well! You are a human and an elf too! We need someone like you!" Qin Zheng nodded again!

"But... but can I do it?" Qinli was stunned again after hearing this, she had no confidence in herself!

"Of course!" Qin Zheng said with a smile, "Our organization is called Latatosk, and you will be the commander-in-chief of Latatosk!"

"Ah! I can't do it!" Qinli shook his head quickly. Now Qinli hasn't learned to be strong, just a soft girl!

At this time, the door of the room opened with a click, and a corporal walked in with a stack of reports in his hand and said: "Minister, the casualty report has come out. Thirty people died and more than 5,000 injured!"

"Okay, I see, all of you go down!" Qin Zheng nodded, with only more than 30 deaths. For large-scale fires, it is already very good. Of course, this is also due to the development of technology. !

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