The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 370

"No!" Qinli shook his head quickly and said: "There is only one brother in the house, so there are still many vacant rooms in the house. Don't bother!"

Origami lowered his head and said nothing!

"Okay, let's get in!" Qin Zheng grabbed Origami's palm, then squeezed and smiled!

The door was opened, Qin Li and Ling Yin walked in first, and Qin Zhenghe Origami followed closely behind!

"Sister, who...who are these?" The taxi who saw the Qin Li suddenly brought so many people in, making the house beautiful, was taken aback, and then asked!

"They are all my friends!" Qinli smiled, then pointed to Qin Zheng and said: "You have seen this one, and this one is called Yuanyi Origami, is Qin Zheng's younger sister!"

"As for this one!" Qinli pointed to Cun Yu Lingyin, and said again: "She is called Cun Yu Lingyin!"

Item 0023

After the brief introduction, Shidao sighed slightly. He didn't know when his sister's friendship circle became wider and wider, and he, who knew nothing about his sister's situation, was really a failed brother!

"You have to integrate into your sister's circle!" Shidao made up his mind!

" are all just coming back from the city, have you eaten?" Shidao asked with a smile thinking of this!

"Of course I ate! Brother!" said Qinli!

"Yeah!" Shidao was a little bit disappointed, his eyes looked at his sister, her hair is pink, and her clothes are also pink, but the ponytail bow seems to have changed, becoming white!

Qin Zheng is a little funny, it's already past lunch time, and he will be able to eat dinner soon!

"Hello, my boy, I'm glad to meet you. Your sister often mentions you in my ears!" Murray Lingyin opened her eyes with thick dark circles and said with difficulty!I don't know why, Qin Zheng always feels that Murray Lingyin seems to avoid him intentionally or unintentionally, but he is very passionate about Shidao!

"It's really interesting!" According to the usual situation, Mura Yu Lingyin should be closer to herself. After all, her appearance is here, but this makes it even more solid that Mura Yu Lingyin has a secret!

"What the hell is that secret!" Qin Zheng narrowed his eyes!

Shidao was a little flattered when he heard Ling Yin greet him. He didn't expect someone to greet him. Although... Although she looked like she hadn't slept for more than ten years, she was finally the first to join her sister circle. Step, just now he was still worried about not being able to join his sister's circle!

Needless to say, Qin Zheng, in Shidao’s eyes, although this elder brother smiles every day and is also very gentle, after contact with him, Shidao can feel his arrogance, which makes it difficult to approach. Needless to say, Yuanyi Origami, from the moment I walked in, the eyes of Yuanyi Origami have been on Qin Zheng's body, and his arm is also tightly grasping Qin Zheng's arm, as if everything around him does not exist, and There is not too much expression on his face, it can be said that Yuanyi origami is more difficult to get along with than Qin Zheng!

"Hello!" Shidao greeted him shyly!

"By the way, Qinli, are you coming to Zen High School to study?" Shidao asked curiously again!

"Huh!" Qinli nodded!"I will go through the admission procedures in the afternoon!"

"Then I will go with you!" Shidao said again!

"No need!" Qinli shook his head, "Brother Qin Zheng can go with me!"

"Oh!" Shidao fell again!

"Haha, Shidao! I have to go through the formalities too!" Qin Zheng said with a smile, "I will come to the Zen school as a teacher in a few days. If I'm lucky, I might teach you the class!"

"Ah!" Hearing this, Shidao was stunned. He looked at the young man who seemed not much older than him. It was hard to believe that he was going to become a teacher!

"I'll go with you too!" The voice was a little low, and it was Yuiichi Origami who was talking!

"You stay here obediently, I will be back soon!" Qin Zheng said, touching Yuyi's origami head!

"Okay!" Yuanyi Origami had no objection and nodded directly!She knew that Qin Zheng decided that things would generally not change!

After putting the luggage into his room, Qin Zheng was about to go out, but found that Yuanyi Origami was also tossing in his room!

"Origami, what are you doing?" Qin Zheng was stunned and asked!

"I want to sleep with my brother!" Toiichi Origami said of course!

"You've grown up, you can't sleep with your brother!" Qin Zheng said, spreading his hands!

"Why!" Yuanyi Origami tilted his head, seemingly confused, and said: "I used to sleep together!"

Hearing this, Qin Zheng’s mouth twitched slightly, saying that it was two or three years ago. At that time, Yuanyi origami was not very old, and she had just experienced a blow and was very sticky to Qin Zheng, so Qin Zheng and She slept together, and when Yuanyi grew up, Qin Zheng rarely had such an opportunity!

Qin Zheng is naturally willing to sleep with Yuanyi origami, but now he is at Qinli's house. If he is seen by Qinli, it may cause disputes again!

"That's because...because...only a couple can sleep together!" Qin Zheng said a terrible excuse!

"Yeah! Then I will become my brother's wife!" Yuiichi Origami said with unchanged expression!

"Then you have to wait for you to grow up!" Qin Zheng flicked Yuyi Origami's forehead!

"I'm not young anymore!" Yuanyi origami hugged Qin Zheng's arm, and the small breasts that began to develop kept squeezing Qin Zheng's arm, Qin Zheng could feel the soft and comfortable feeling there!

It's not too small!Qin Zheng thought secretly in his heart, of course, this is based on the three-dimensional standard. If viewed by the two-dimensional standard, Yuanyi Origami is no different from a poor woman!

"Qin Zheng, let's go!" At this time, the cleaned Qin Li walked over, but his expression suddenly changed when he saw Yuanyi Origami and Qin Zheng stuck together!

"Yuanyi origami, you woman, what are you doing?" In Qinli's eyes, Qin is a serious, gentle, and considerate elder brother. He will definitely not do anything like that to his sister. It was Yuanyi Origami who seduce him!

"I want to be my brother's wife!" Yuanyi Origami said lightly: "You are brother's righteous sister, hurry up and call me sister-in-law!"

"Call your sister!" Qinli burst out!

"Huh!" Yuanyi origami stood up, and the two women confronted each other. In their eyes, there seemed to be lightning flashing out, touching each other!

"Okay, don't make any noise, Qinli, let's sign up soon!" At this moment, Qin Zheng said while making a round!

Chapter 0024

In the original book, the relationship between the two is not good, so with Qin Zheng here, the two still hate and deal with it as before!

"Okay!" Coming to Zen High School is not a big one, and it is not a key high school, so as Qin Zheng is in Tiangong City, it is easy to arrange to come in, and Yuanyi Origami originally came to Zen High School to study, so naturally there is no need to do anything The procedure, but Qin Zheng wants to teach Yuanyi the class of origami!

"Brother Qin Zheng, aren't you here to teach me?" Qin Li immediately asked after seeing Qin Zheng wanting to be assigned to Yuanyi Origami to teach!

Qin Zheng touched the hair in the piano and said, "We will live under one roof and have a chance to meet!"

"But... but you live with Yuanyi Origami too!" Qinli said with some grievances!

"Origami's father died in that disaster. If I don't look at her, Origami is likely to collapse!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"Okay!" Qinli's face was dim and nodded. She already knew that Yuanyi Origami's parents died in the disaster, so she always thought that she was the one who killed Yuanyi Origami's parents. Yuichi Origami makes concessions!

The principal who came to Zen High School was an old man who was over half a hundred years old. He smiled all day long. Although he didn’t know Qin Zheng’s identity, the above order came down, saying that he would completely obey Qin Zheng’s wishes, so he asked Qin Zheng He immediately agreed to the request, but the original supervisor of that class still needs to explain to her!

He said to the teacher next to him: "Call Mrs. Okamine Zhuhui over!"

"Don't bother you, let's go over." Qin Zheng smiled, and before they could reply, he took Qin Zheng away!

"Principal, who is that person?" After Qin Zheng left, the teacher asked in confusion!From Qin Zheng, he felt the domineering expression from Qin Zheng!

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