The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 374

Shixiang sighed listlessly: "This kind of thing is useless. Why don't you always learn it?" After speaking, Shixiang raised the hand that did not hold the sword and clenched his fist tightly. , And then, these scarlet bullets twisted and deformed as if their feet were compressed, and exploded on the spot, and the scale of the explosion was very small, as if all the power was concentrated inside.

"Huh!" Yuanyi Origami didn't intend to stop the bombardment, launching missiles one after another.

"Disappear, disappear, everything, all disappear for me!" Shixiang said these words, pointing the sword that emits the same incredible light as the eyes to the sky...

Looking tired and sad, Shixiang waved his sword effortlessly.

In an instant, the sound of the wind neighed, and a violent shock wave swept the surroundings. The slash followed the extension line of the offensive and flew towards the sky. Flying in the sky, Yuichi Origami and others panickedly avoided the attack and fled the original place.

After Yuichi origami dodges the attack, she immediately emits a powerful light.

However, the light was also blocked by an invisible wall above Shixiang, and then completely wiped out, like a firework cast in the night sky, the light scattered into little rays, beautifully bounced in all directions!

At this time, Yuichi origami landed on the ground, took out the energy lightsaber in his hand, and rushed up to Shixiang.

Toka looked at Yuichi Origami, turned slightly to one side, and avoided Yuichi Origami's attack.

Touichi Origami immediately stepped on the floor, flew past the extension line of the sword's attack direction, and then started a hand-to-hand battle with Toka at an astonishing speed.

Toka slightly frowned, and raised the sword in his hand to block Yuichi Origami's offensive.

—In an instant, after Shixiang and Origami’s attack contacted, the intersection formed by the two sides emitted a powerful shock wave.

Yuanyi Origami reacted, curled her body into a ball, barely survived the impact, and maintained her posture after being bounced.The two temporarily moved a distance apart and carefully raised their weapons and stared at each other.

Qin Zheng stood aside, constantly analyzing the combat effectiveness of the two. Obviously, Shixiang Qiang Yuyi, who was an elf, had too much origami. Although Yuyi origami was much stronger than before, it was still not an opponent.

"Brother, hurry up and land on the body. Together, we can definitely defeat her!" Yuanyi folded the paper to Qin Zheng's side, and said!

But Shixiang had already attacked, holding a big sword in his hand.

Yuanyi Origami also stepped on the ground almost at the same time, starting a fierce battle in front of Qin Zheng.

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Shidao felt his head couldn't turn around.

"This...Is this still on the earth?" Shidao found that he seemed to have entered a fantasy world.

"Not good!" Shidao still wanted to go up and see more clearly, but found that the strong air current impacted him, and he fell back and hit the rock, then fainted. Before fainting, he saw Qin Zheng Standing in the air flow, the clothes fluttering, the end is weird, and in that center, how can Qin Zheng be immune to the air flow!

With many questions, Shidao passed out in a daze.

"Okay, don't fight anymore, just stop it!" After seeing Yuanyi's origami being completely suppressed, Qin Zheng also landed in the body, blocking the middle of the two, and said.

"Sure enough... you are here to kill me too!" Shixiang looked at the equipment on Qin Zheng's body with a real expression, and then rushed forward without listening to Qin Zheng's nonsense.

The huge sword in his hand suddenly swung down, and a strong sword aura burst out and blasted towards Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng did not evade, and directly resisted her attack. In front of Qin Zheng, a layer of indifferent cyan crystal-like thing blocked the attack.

"How is it possible?" Shixiang was stunned. If Karen were here, he would have known that Qin Zheng had used the Absolute Domain. This kind of thing could defend against super-large attacks. At the time, Karen's sister Ailian carried it hard. Stayed shot down from the sky and attacked by Latatosk.

Qin Zheng could naturally stop this kind of sword attack.

"It deserves to be the latest type of machine!" Qin Zheng smiled, and the one that landed on Qin Zheng's body was the latest model.

"Well, Origami, you should leave here first!" Qin Zheng laughed.

"Then... please be careful, brother!" Yuanyi Origami opened her eyes wide. She knew that her brother was very powerful, but she didn't expect to be able to block the elf's attack.

Yuanyi origami left, and Qin Zheng once again set his eyes on Shixiang.

Shixiang kicked his feet on the ground and quickly came to the front of Qin, and the giant sword was chopped out.

"Don't get excited, say something slowly!" Qin Zheng said as he dodged!

"Aren't you going to kill me!" Shixiang snorted coldly.

"Who said I was going to kill you!" Qin Zheng shook his head.

"Don't lie to me! You and those people belong together!" Shixiang said in disbelief.

"Then how can you trust me?" Qin Zheng smiled, and then withdrew from the landing suit, "Is that all right!"

After Shixiang saw that Qin Zheng was not wearing strangely-shaped clothes, he let out a sigh, but his eyes were still very alert.

"Big brother, what is he doing?" Yuanyi origami, who retreated to the sky, frowned and looked at Qin Zheng."Why do you want to log out, brother?"

Qin Zheng found that Shixiang was still looking towards the sky subconsciously, and he knew that Shixiang was wary of the Yuyi origami in the sky.

"Liaozi, take everyone with you to retreat, and leave it to me here!" Qin was facing the walkie-talkie and said!

"Yes!" After receiving the order, Liaozi retreated and returned to the base.

"Captain, brother is still down!" Yuichi Origami didn't want to leave like this.

"This is your brother's order, please obey it!" Liaozi calmly looked at Yuanyi origami.

"Yeah!" Yuanyi origami nodded in desperation, Liaozi and others left, Shixiang and others noticed it for the first time!

"So you know that I am not malicious!" Qin Zheng smiled faintly.

"Yeah!" Shixiang stuck his sword on the ground and nodded.

"What's the situation?" asked Latatosk, wearing a shirt and crimson uniform on his shoulders.

"Commander!" The man standing by the captain's seat saluted the piano.

Qinli glared at the man next to him, and said, "Shen Wuyue, don't waste time saying hello, quickly explain the current situation!"

"Yeah!" After Shen Wuyue showed an idiotic look, she immediately resumed her restrained posture.

"Yes! At the same time the elf appeared, the attack also started immediately."


"It should be. But now Qin Zheng is taking over the situation, the attack has stopped, and Qin Zheng is trying to contact the elf!"

"Play video." Just after Qinli's words, a synchronized video appeared on the big screen of the bridge.

On the main road about two roads away from the busy street, Qin Zheng and Shixiang could be seen looking at each other.

"Very good!" Qinli nodded, but when Qin Zheng was about to kiss the elf, Qinli felt all kinds of uneasiness.

Qin Zheng was about to get close to Shixiang, who was like a frightened little rabbit, immediately drew his sword, and then cut it over.

"I rely on!" Qin Zheng flashed quickly, but Shixiang's figure pressed up. Qin Zheng quickly drew out his lightsaber and blocked it. When the weapons collided, it would cause lightning galloping, ground shattering, and buildings. Collapse and other situations.

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