The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Strike Chapter 376

Every elf has a spiritual outfit and an'angel' on her body, like Shixiang, her spiritual outfit is the amethyst-like armor,'Shenwei Spiritual Suit Shifan', and the'Angel' is the'Fighting Killer 'The same is true for Tokazaki Kakuzo. As an elf, she also has a spiritual outfit, the'Shenwei Spiritual outfit Sanfan', and an'angel' named'Kekke Emperor'!

The body of "Ke Ke Di" is a huge clock. The long and short needles of the clock are respectively an ancient rifle and an ancient pistol. The ability of "Ke Ke Di" is to turn the ability of time into The bullets of the two guns are fired as a way to achieve the effect of controlling time!

To put it simply, Tokazaki Kakuzo is an elf capable of using time, that is, an elf of time!

The ability to control time, this is undoubtedly a non-Chenda ability, even the highest level among all abilities, it is not an exaggeration, the ability to use time, so Tokazaki Kazakh can say It is a very powerful wizard, but there is a price behind being powerful.

Because the power of'Kekedei' is really too powerful to use such a powerful ability, it also requires a corresponding price. Every time Kakuzo Tokisaki uses the power of'Kekedi', he needs to consume his own time. That is, you need to use your own lifespan as the price of launching the "Kekedi". Of course, Tokazaki Kakuzo will make up for his own time by devouring the time of others.

Anyone who is within the enchantment of Kakuzo Tokazaki with the shadow of the "City of Eclipse" will be forcibly taken away by Tokazaki Kakuzo and stored, as the price of using the "Kokudi"!

And Qin is a god, so he has infinite life, that is, infinite time. In this way, he was attracted by Tokisaki Kazami.

Tokazaki Kuzou was also very excited. As long as she ate the man in front of her, she also got unlimited life. If Tokazaki Kuzō's ability was not suppressed by time, then Tokazaki Kuzō would become extremely powerful.

Naturally, Qin Zheng would not be swallowed by her. His divine power was slightly revealed, and the pale palms were immediately bounced away, and Qin Zheng's figure did not continue to sink.

Chapter 0032 Shi Qi Kuangsan VS Qin Zheng

Tokisaki Kakusan's Angel Kekedi is a huge clock, and each number on the clock represents an ability.

[One bullet] accelerates one's time to make super-high-speed movement possible, [two bullets] slows down the flow of time, [four bullets] makes one’s own time flow back and recovers the injured place, [ Seven Bullets] Stop the opponent’s time, [Eight Bullets] make the reappearance of the past appear, [Ten Bullets] convey the memory of the past hitting the target, and [Twelve Bullets] go back in time.

Among them, there are still a few abilities that Tokizaki Kyouzo didn't use, and Tokizaki Kyouzo didn't use it. Most likely, Tokazaki Kuzou hasn't reached the conditions for use.

In Qin Zheng's eyes, Tokisaki Kuangsan was a very arrogant girl.

In the original book, Tokazaki Kuzou likes small animals, which shows that Tokazaki Kuzou’s heart is still kind, and she devours more humans in order to reverse the time. Go back thirty years ago and kill the original The coming elves complete the fact that elves exist, so that elves have never appeared in this world. In this way, all elves will not be enemies of humans, elves will not be hunted down, and humans will not be affected by space shocks. The deaths and injuries are heavy, and those killed by her will be resurrected.

"How is it possible?" Shizaki Kuangsan was taken aback when she saw that she could not swallow the young man in front of her, but when she thought that Qin Zheng had unlimited time, she became excited again. In her eyes, people with unlimited life must be sure There are two brushes.

"Since you don't obediently let me swallow it, then I will beat you half to death, and then eat you!" Tokisaki Kakuzo thought now.

The black and purple air currents rolled back and forth around Tokazaki Kyouzo, forming a black and purple ribbon, flying around Tokazaki Kyouzo, bit by bit of black light up and down, a kind of evil and dark atmosphere There was a violent surge from Tokisaki Kakuzo, covering the entire super sky, as if weeping, and black rain fell.

"This is the city of eclipse time?" Qin Zheng saw that a place here was shrouded in darkness and turned into black and white.

"Oh, it seems that you still know me quite well!" Tokisaki Kuangsan squinted and said, "Could it be that you couldn't extricate yourself after seeing me last time, brother, and investigate me secretly!" Tokisaki Kuangsan tilted his head. With one hand on his face and the other on his hem, a slight blush appeared on his white and tender face, just like a little girl in shyness.

"Uh!" Qin Zheng looked at the infinitely shy face, a little speechless, but he had some understanding of Tosaki Kuangsan's temperament.

"You are really confident!" Qin Zheng smiled. To tell the truth, Tokazaki Kuangzo should be the top beauty dated in terms of temperament and appearance.

"Oh! Don't you think I'm pretty, brother?" Tokisaki Kuangzo still asked timidly!

"Haha, does it matter to me whether it's beautiful or not? Do you want to ask me how I feel about you, and then confess to me?" Qin Zheng squinted his eyes and said mockingly.

Hearing Qin Zheng’s words, Tokisaki Kuangsan’s laughter widened a little, and his shy expression became weaker, and then he smiled: "Hey, this is a good idea. After all, brother, you are very attracted to me, I I'm tempted!"

"Thank you?" Qin Zheng also knew that Tokisaki Kuangsan just likes to tease with words.

Shizaki Kuangsan swung his gothic dress lightly, raised his feet in high boots, and walked towards Qin Zheng step by step. At the same time, there was a deep blur in the eyes that looked at Qin Zheng." It’s really nerve-racking. I think I can’t do without you anymore. What should I do? What should I do!”

Qin Zhengken knew that Shizaki Kuangsan's gaze was not infatuation, but like looking at the prey.

The blur in Tosaki Kuangsan's eyes did not abate at all, on the contrary, it became thicker, accompanied by fatal enthusiasm.

Tokisaki Kakuzo involuntarily licked his lips, his smile turned evil, opened his hands, and said, "Brother, be one with me and never separate!"

"If this is the case, then I'll do as you wish!" Qin Zheng smiled, before Shizaki Kuangsan hadn't reacted, he hugged her at once.

"This... how is this possible!" Tokisaki Kuangsan was taken aback, and the crazy smile also stopped.

"Are you really a human?" Tosaki Kuangsan reacted in an instant. Her body suddenly flashed a red and white light, and several streams of light rolled up from her back, dancing in the void, turning into Several pale arms glowing with red light attacked Qin Zheng like a whip.

"Guess what!" Qin Zheng still held the position of embracing Shizaki Kuangsan. At the same time, Qin Zheng also had a black gas, and the black gas spread, directly blocking the upcoming attack.

"Sure enough, you won't be an ordinary person, that is, you are not an elf, and you don't look like a human being, and human beings don't have that powerful power!" Tokisaki Kuangzo constricted his smile and said solemnly.

"Let go!" Shizaki Kuangsan struggled suddenly, and then broke free from Qin Zheng's restraint.

"In that case, I will use my strongest power!" Tokisaki Kuangsan sneered and stretched his palms up.

"Engrave Emperor, come out!" After saying that, behind Tosaki Kuangsan, a huge golden clock appeared.

Tokazaki Kyouzo grinned and wrapped her hands. An ancient rifle and an ancient pistol appeared in her hands, and her hands circulated in front of her. The two guns turned into guns in Tokazaki's hands. The flower swayed very smoothly!

"One bullet!" There seemed to be energy flowing out of the number representing one on the clock, and then poured into the muzzle.

Tokisaki Kuangzo shot himself in the head, and then Tokisaki Kuangzo appeared next to Qin Zheng, almost instantly, Tokisaki Kuangzo came to Qin Zheng's side.

"Bump!" Tokisaki Kuangsan kicked Qin Zheng, and Tokisaki Kuangsan was determined to get a kick. She couldn't wait to see Qin Zheng's embarrassment, because she felt that in the conversation just now, she did not Did not have the upper hand, so she wanted to suppress this mysterious man in strength.

But to her surprise, Qin Zheng also seemed to disappear.

"How could it be possible that his speed is so fast!" Tokisaki was surprised.

Item 0033

"How did you do it?" Shizaki Kuang was very surprised. You must know that she used time to speed up, but was still avoided by Qin Zheng. How could this not surprise her.

"Secret!" Qin Zheng stepped back a little, and said with a smile on his palm, gently touching Toshizaki Kuangsan's pretty face.

Tokisaki Kuangsan once again showed a shy expression on his face, and was not angry. If he didn't know her temperament, Qin Zheng thought that Tokisaki Kuangsan liked him.

"Although your speed is fast! Then I will slow down your speed!" Tokisaki Kuangzo has not realized the gap between himself and Qin Zheng.

"Seven bullets!" The energy from the Emperor Keke immediately poured into the muzzle, and then shot Qin Zheng.

"This way you can't resist! You are mine!" After seeing Qin Zheng stop, Tokisaki Kuangsan laughed.

Shizaki Kuangsan pushed Qin Zheng down. Behind Qin Zheng is a dark quagmire. If Qin Zheng falls, Qin Zheng will be swallowed by herself, but she has not had time to enjoy the joy of victory, just listen. When it came to Qin Zheng's laughter, it was also a bohemian laughter, but Toshizaki Kuang's expression changed.

The Seven Bullets have a pause in time. It is impossible for anyone to move, not even to laugh. Now Qin Zheng is able to laugh, that is to say, Qin Zheng has already got rid of his Seven Bullets and has two consecutive abilities. He was restrained, which surprised him.

"I'm yours!" When Qin was falling, he caught Tosaki Kuangsan's wrist and dragged Tokisaki Kuangsan into the dark quagmire.

In the next moment, the two had entered a confined space.

"Hehe, brother, although I don't know who you are, you can't escape here!" Tokisaki Kuangzo said confidently.

"Can't you escape!" Qin Zheng said with a smile, "I never thought of going out!"

"Oh, then, brother wants to fit me?" Tokisaki Kuangsan laughed.

"Of course, you don't see anyone around, it's a great time to fit together!" Qin Zheng's combination and Tokisaki Kuangsan's combination have two different meanings.

Tokisaki Kyouzo uses language to molest it because Shidao is a shy man. If she meets a boy with a thicker skin and a little bolder, it will be completely different. For example, Qin Zheng, Tokisaki Kyouzo is not only languageless With an advantage and showing it in action, how could Kakuzo Tosaki not suffer.

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