The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 398

She really didn't expect to be born and kill someone who can seal the spirit power of the elves. Moreover, this person's strength is not trivial. In fact, from the beginning to the end, Ling Yin did not see Qin Zheng clearly. She always felt that Qin Zheng was here. People are very dangerous, which caused Ling Yin to continue his plan and choose to see through and be enthusiastic to help the wizard!

Now that she said to Shixiang like this, she wanted to lay a grievance between Shixiang and Qin Zheng!

Shixiang likes Qin Zheng right now, but Qin Zheng is too carefree. If Shixiang does it according to his own statement, and then finds that Qin Zheng is still with the girl than, then Shixiang will Completely give up, and then she let Shidao fan the flames, presumably Shixiang will empathize with each other!

Then make Shixiang and Shidao become lovers, and give Shidao the ability to absorb the power of the elves, and guide him to seal Shixiang, so that he can put his plan on the right track!

Qin Zheng didn't know that Lingyin's task of persuading Shixiang was not to help himself. Of course, Lingyin did not expect that Shidao would join DEM soon, and then completely hostile to the elf and become a villain!

"Thank you, Lingyin!" Shixiang suddenly became clear, and after eating, he rushed back happily, thinking that he should confess to Qin Zheng!

Qin Zheng came to the base, in a top-secret room. As the protagonists of the incident, Liaozi and Chonggong Zhenna were also here!

Turning on the computer, a tripartite projection appeared in the video. One was a high-level figure, a man with a big belly. Qin Zheng naturally didn't even look at him. The second was Director Lu, that is, the intellectual Meiyu Sister. Qin Zheng faced the third person. Something unexpected, the president of DEM, Izhak, the yellow curly guy!

"Okay, everyone is here, let's have a meeting!" The intellectual Meiyu sister was serious, coughing a few times, this meeting was officially started!

"Everyone should know that elves are our human enemies. Not to mention that thirty years ago, they took the lives of more than 100 million people. Just look at the most recent ones. The elves codenamed Nightmare also killed more than 10,000 people! "Aizak smiled and continued: "So, from a human standpoint, the elves must be eliminated!"

"However, the AST troops have prevented us from destroying the elves. I have to wonder whether the elves are in collusion with AST!" Aizhak said in a deep voice!

"Yeah! That's right!" The potbellied man nodded!"Does Chief Qin have anything to say?" After speaking, the man looked at Qin Zheng!

"Whether it is an enemy of the elves, this upper level has not been officially determined. If the elves in the other world have the same base population as us, if we fight with the elves now, it is very likely that our humanity will be extinct!" Qin Zheng smiled faintly: "I have to worry!"

"Then do you want humans to surrender?" Aizhak asked rhetorically!

Qin Zheng smiled. People who are not my race must have different hearts. Human beings are an aggressive species. You can know from the evolutionary history of mankind!

"To surrender to the elves, humans may not be extinct!" Aizhak said again!

"Well, I tend to live peacefully with the elves!" Zhixing Meiyu smiled: "There is no policy yet to be officially finalized. Let's not discuss this. Let me talk about the matter of Lieutenant Chonggong and Captain Liaozi. !"

"They prevented me from destroying the elves, especially him!" After speaking, Chong Gong Zhenna looked at Qin Zheng!

"Huh, this is because Lieutenant Chonggong wanted to destroy the building in order to destroy the elves, and even said that in order to destroy the elves, even humans can sacrifice, and we stopped it!" Liaozi said quickly!

"It is necessary to sacrifice to destroy the elves!" Chong Gong Zhen said coldly!

"The essence of destroying elves is to protect humans. If you want to sacrifice humans to destroy elves, I think it is turning the cart before the horse!" Liaozi said unwillingly!

"Okay, stop arguing, let me say something!" Qin Zheng smiled, stopped the quarrel between the two, and then smiled: "The elves are not that fragile, and the elves have been invading for 30 years, everyone They have always been committed to killing the elves, but in reality, have you killed the elves? There are none at all. So, should we change the way!"

"AST can't do it, doesn't mean we can't do it!" Izhak sneered!

"There are elves in Tiangong City. If you are confident to destroy the elves, you can come over and see if you can destroy the elves. If you can't, just accept my suggestion and try to live peacefully with the elves!" Qin Zheng smiled. !

"Good!" Aizhak thought for a while, and then agreed!She has the world’s strongest magician Ailian. This is where his confidence lies. Even the second elf was captured by them. However, if Aizhak wants to obtain the spiritual power of the elf, naturally it will not be so important. Tell it!

"Very well, I look forward to seeing you!" Qin Zheng smiled lightly!

After the meeting, Chonggong Zhenna came to the front of Qin!

"Second Lieutenant Chonggong, do you have anything to do?" Qin Zheng smiled. In the original work, this girl didn't know the fact that her body had been massively modified. After she knew that her body had been massively modified, she left DEM. So it can be seen that Chonggong Zhenna is not very loyal to DEM either!

And she shouldn't care about killing elves or coexisting with elves, now it's just their own masters!

"You have such a powerful force, why don't you destroy the elves?" Chong Gongzhen was a little strange: "Don't your AST troops advocate the elimination of elves?"

"I'm an alternative!" Qin Zheng smiled faintly!

"Hmm!" Chong Gongzhen nodded, and left without asking more!

"What did the meeting say?" After Shina Chonggong left, Yuichi Origami came up too!

"It's just a bet. The people from DEM will come over. They seem to want to destroy the elves, and I'm sure they can't destroy the elves!" Qin Zheng smiled faintly!

"Why?" Hearing this, Yuanyi made an origami for a moment!

"Because elves are very powerful!" Qin Zheng said with a smile!

Item 0064

On Monday, Qin Zheng normally came to Lai Zen Academy.

"Teacher Qin Zheng, you are here right!" As soon as Qin Zheng entered the office, Zhuhui Okamine smiled and walked up, "Teacher Qin, let me introduce you to you, this is the new teacher!" As soon as Zhuhui moved, Qin Zheng saw the person behind him who was covered, it was Lingyin from the village rain!

"It's you!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly. From the first meeting to now, Qin Zheng feels more and more about the extraordinary of Cun Yu Lingyin!

"Hello!" Cun Yu Lingyin was still expressionless!"From today, I am the new infirmary teacher!"

"You guys knew each other!" Okamine Zhuhui was taken aback, then smiled!

"You know it!" Qin Zheng nodded!

"In that case, let's talk about it!" Okamine Zhuhui smiled, and then walked away!

After Qin Zheng chatted with Lingyin a few words, Qin Zheng separated from Lingyin!

At this time, "Ouuuuuuuuu!", a short voice rang!

"A space earthquake is detected in this area. Please go to a nearby refuge as soon as possible. This is not training. This is not training. This is a real alarm. Residents around you are asked to evacuate to nearby shelters as soon as possible. Residents seek refuge in nearby shelters as soon as possible!"

"Repeat it again, a precursor to a spatial earthquake was detected in this area..." Okamine Zhuhui was still in class. After hearing the sound, she immediately organized the students to the shelter!

Shixiang stood up too, of course, she went to the shelter, not secretly went out!

After Lingyin’s enlightenment yesterday, Shixiang rushed over to confess to Qin Zheng. Of course, with Shixiang’s simple temperament, the confession turned into a confession. With Qin Zheng’s persuasion, Shixiang naturally accepted Qin Zheng. The point of view of Shixiang is the same as in the original work, and Shixiang will also help the elves like him!

Shidao walked out quietly. After seeing the world of elves, he was always very curious!

After Qin Zheng came out, Origami and other women had already logged into the body, and were confronting Shishino. Shina Takamiya did not take part in the operation. She had been ordered to wait for the arrival of the DEM members at the base!

At this time, Origami and others have tightly surrounded Shitono!

"Everyone listen to my orders!" Liaozi shouted!

"Understood." Origami replied, holding the pair of Elf Grim's machine gun equipped in both hands and aiming at Shitono!The equipment on the body is a long-range attack type weapon. The main function is to fire a large number of bullets from a distance outside the opponent's range. So, under the order of the fire, countless bullets swept out and attacked Shitoino!

A huge spark flashed below and flooded the figure of the elves. While observing the reclusive appearance, Origami began to see the non-stop rain bounced off the surface of the random area while watching the building carefully and directly displayed on the retina. The elf reacted on.

"No, she wants to enter the building again!" Suddenly, Origami gave a cold snort, and then exploded a cannonball!

boom!boom!boom!boom!With the sound of this sound, the walls of the building were blown away, and a cloud of dust was set off. At the same time, the elves projected on the retina reacted with lights.

"Shoot!" Just as the captain Liaozi gave the order, all the personnel including the origami pulled the trigger of the Green machine gun together.

There was a loud bang, and hundreds of bullets shot at the same place!

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