Qin Zheng ignored the woman who was full of resentment against him and wanted to shoot at her all the time, but instead looked at the abandoned company.

"Brother, what are we doing here?" Xia Yin asked weakly at this time!

"Hehe, this will be our home in the future!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly. Although this place has been abolished, all water and electricity measures are intact. Otherwise, in the volume of the saint's wrist, it is called Ostach. Teachers of Jian will not choose here as a secret base.

More importantly, living here can meet this so-called J teacher.Of course, the encounter with Teacher Jian is not to get a relationship with him, but the artificial life body around him, such a lovely loli, how can I miss it!

"Isn't it just an abandoned company! What's so good! It's not as good as the Sorcerer Sculpture!" Beatoris pouted.

"Haha, I'm very sorry, in order to test the power of the beast, the Sorcerer's plastic has been destroyed by me!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly.

At this time, the voice of the broadcast sounded.

According to the black beam incident that occurred in the early hours of last night, a violent explosion occurred in the eastern area of ​​Xianjin Island. It was temporarily calmed down this morning. Although the crowd was evacuated, many people were still injured and no deaths had occurred. However, basic measures were recruited. To serious damage, due to the explosion, the number of power outage users reached more than 2W, and the total asset loss in the incident was as high as 100 billion.

"The high-tech world is like this. Broadcasting is really everywhere!" Qin Zheng shook his head in distress.

"I...I'm going to kill you!" Beatrice didn't know where her company was really destroyed, turned into a sea of ​​flames, and immediately rushed towards Qin Zheng regardless of her physical injuries!

"Give me peace of mind!" How could Beatoris be Qin Zheng's opponent, and beat Beatoris into the air with a slap.

"Brother, you...Did you kill Xiansheng?" Xia Yin's face became pale when he heard so many people affected by the disaster.

"No!" Looking at the pale and kind Xia Yin, Qin Zheng hugged him in his arms and said softly."Xiansheng just uses you as a tool. Now I will protect you. You don't have to do things you don't like to do!"

"Yeah!" Xia Yin really doesn't like being a model angel, especially by hurting others to improve herself, which makes Xia Yin unacceptable.

"Xia Yin, don't lie to him, he must have killed Xiansheng!" Bea Torres continued to die!

"You didn't say anything, you didn't treat you as dumb!" Qin Zheng sent it out again, kicked Beatrice away, and then said: "Didn't the broadcast say? There are no dead people!" In fact, Qin Zheng was also wondering. Under such power, Xian Sheng hasn't died yet, it's really unexpected!

"Yeah!" Xia Yin nodded and said, "Brother, can you not beat Miss Bea Torres, she still has injuries!"

"Okay!" Qin Zheng spread his hands, then took Bea Torres and Xia Yin to find a floor of a building to live in. Among them, Bea Torres, who had problems with her actions, was lifted up by Qin Zheng as luggage. , And then carried on his shoulders.

"You...hurry up and let me down!" Beatoris struggling to say, being carried by Qin Zheng!

"You big girl, please be quiet!" With a slap, Qin Zheng slapped Beatoris's buttocks firmly, and the crisp voice made Beatoris a lot of peace!

Xia Yin followed Qin Zheng, rubbing her little hands uncomfortably, looking at the unfathomable peaks of Bea Torres, and contrasting her flat chest.

"Do you like big brother!" Xia Yin sighed afterwards, "There is no advantage at all, but I won't give up!"

Item 0006

Xianjin Island, Caihai Academy, the top office, ushered in a sportswear woman wearing a cheongsam-style shirt and mini skirt, red hair braided into a bun and three-strand braids.

"Tizaki Cape, why are you free to come here!?" The petite beauty named Nangong Nayue was talking, sitting on a chair, fanning a small fan, like a queen, of course, if her height can be ignored.

In the month of Nangong, the English teacher of the Higher Department of Caihai Academy and the head teacher of the ancient city had a unique personality. I claimed to be 26 years old and had a loli appearance, but he had a wonderful sense of majesty and leadership skills and was well received by the students. , Is called "Nayuejiang" by students, likes to wear maid costumes, and is also an alumnus of Caihai Academy.

Of course, she also has another identity, that is, an active professional demon attacker who also serves as the instructor of the SAR Garrison. She is widely known by the demons as the "Witch of the Void", and she is good at magic at a high level Space control magic, her identity is a witch, her body age stops at a certain moment, and the price of being a witch is "to guard the imprisonment barrier alone until death", the manager of the prison "imprisonment barrier" in the legend of String God Island, It is also the key to the enchantment, you can use space magic to summon the chain to fight, and the body is sleeping in the enchantment.

Misaki Tisaki is also a physical education teacher in the middle school of Caihai Academy. Naisa and Xia Yin’s head teacher are carefree and approachable. They speak straightforwardly. They are often called "stupid dog teacher" by that month, another identity. It is the national attacker, that is, the attacker of the country directly under the jurisdiction. The fighting method is usually to fight with physical skills. People who have seen her fight describe her as destroying the violent organization alone, and splitting the ground with bare hands. Something like beams of qigong waves in the hands.

"You know what happened last night!" Ti Qi Jia said solemnly!

"Well! I already know! The Special Administrative Region Security Team has rushed over to deal with the scene, and I also got the first-hand information!" Drinking black tea that month, laughed!"I hurriedly dared to go over last night, but failed to catch up. The prisoner has already sat on his beast and left!"

"Then what do you know?" Tiqi Cape continued to ask: "Did the fourth true ancestor's beast run away?"

"Of course not!" Hearing that, Na Yue shook his head, and then the ancient city that the face beast could not be summoned appeared in his mind, and said: "It should be caused by some bold guy wantonly summoning the beast!"

"No!" Tisaki Cape was surprised, "If it wasn't the true ancestor, who would it be? Besides the true ancestor, who has such a powerful beast!"

"Haha!" Nayue continued to smile, and said, "Although the angel-shaped beast that appeared last night is good and powerful, it is still half the mark compared to the true ancestor's beast! But it can An island was easily destroyed!"

"Then you are still so calm, hurry up and catch people!" Tiqi Cape said immediately!

"Relax! We already have a goal!" Nayue smiled and said, "It's just that the person hasn't woken up yet!"

"Then I ask you, among the wounded, did you find a junior high school student named Xia Yin?" Since knowing that the site of the explosion was the Sorcerer Sculpture, Tsuzaki Misaki, who knew Xia Yin's address, suddenly became anxious. Worried about the safety of their students.

"I haven't found this yet!" Hearing this, Nayue shook his head, "But I found Xia Yin's adoptive father, Ye Lai Xiansheng. When the explosion, he was working on the sculpture of the magician. I believe he will know Xia Yin's situation. It’s just that Kensheng Haze was seriously injured and is still in a deep coma!"

"But... okay!!" The disappearance of his student made Tisaki Cape a little impatient.

"Don't worry, after Ye Lai Xiansheng wakes up, he must know where Xia Yin went, and he will even know who caused the explosion!" Nayue smiled.

"Brother, tomorrow is Monday, I'm going to school!" Xia Yin said to Qin Zheng who was comfortably lying on the sofa in Area B on the second floor!

"Well, you go!" Qin Zheng waved his hand.

"Idiot! Do you know how far it is from Caihai Academy?" Bea Torres gave Qin Zheng a white look.

"Isn't there a levitation magnetic train?" Qin Zheng was a little surprised. The levitation magnetic train was very fast, and it would take half an hour to reach the destination, no matter how far away."Oh, I almost forgot!" Qin Zheng forgot, the levitation magnetic train seemed to have been destroyed by him, and he has not recovered yet!

"What shall we do then?"

"Go get a car and come back!" Bea Torres said in a huff.In this era of rapid technological development, vehicles are the cheapest means of transportation. They are also fast and can be driven by ordinary families.

"Ha, that's a good idea!" Qin Zheng glanced at Beatrice and said, "You are not dead yet. If you are not dead, you will be given this important task. Well, by the way, give me my ID card. , Get the residence certificate everything!"

"You don't even have an ID card!" Beatoris was a little surprised when she heard that.

"Of course!" Qin Zheng nodded, "After all, I'm still a newcomer, and I'm not familiar with everything about Xian Shendao!"

"You want to be beautiful!" After chatting for a few words, Bea Torres no longer pays attention to Qin Zhenghei's identity, but said hardly: "If I ruined my company, you want me to do things for you. nice!"

"Let me go!" The kind-hearted Xia Yin said while quietly looking at the two people who were bickering!

"Huh! No! I want her to go!" After speaking, Qin Zheng looked at Bea Torres closely!

"Why! I just won't go!" Seeing Qin Zheng's serious eyes, Bea Torres felt very wronged.

"Okay!" Qin Zheng said, "Bea Torres, if you go, I will revitalize your company!"

"Activate my company? My company is gone, how can I activate it?" Beatorice still did not act.

"You stupid girl!" Qin Zheng said slowly, "I ask you, why do you care about your company so much?"

"That's...!" Beatoris was taken aback after hearing this.

"For the money, right!" Qin Zheng said to himself!

"Yeah!" Bea Torres nodded.

"Then what do you want so much money for?"

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