The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 410

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The flame burst out!

The robot was shrouded in hot flames. In an instant, the iron layer outside heated up and turned red, but the robot, unlike a human, still rushed forward with unabated momentum!

"If that's the case, don't blame me!" Qinli lifted the Burning Fighter Ghost high, and then let go of his hand. Then, the Burning Fighter Ghost blade disappeared into the air, and the Burning Fighter Ghost took the hilt of the knife. After being partially stored in the main body, it is equipped with the right hand raised high in the piano in a way of covering the arm.

From the elbow to the fingertips, they were covered with huge sticks. It looked like a cannon erected on a battleship. The muzzle emitted a red light. Then, the flames that originally surrounded the piano were all sucked into the muzzle!

"Turn to ashes, burn the ghost!" Qinli said coldly!Immediately afterwards, Qinli launched an astonishing rush of scorching heat, like the overwhelming heat energy condensing a huge volcanic eruption in a range of tens of meters, rushing towards the robot, and even with Ailian, it seemed to be wiped out!

"Cough...cough...!" After a few coughs, Shidao looked forward.

The smoke that obscured the line of sight gradually dissipated, Shidao's shoulders shook slightly, and there was a shadow of the robot in front of him, and even the Ailian was gone!

" killed someone!" Shi Dao pointed to the Qin Li and couldn't believe it!

Chapter 0081 You Are Jealous

"Shut up!" Shidao was about to point to Qinli, but was interrupted by Qinli rudely!

"Haha, the elf code-named Balrog, your strength is really strong, in the piano, we will meet again!" Ailian's voice came from the sky, but Shidao looked up at the sky, but saw that in the sky, Only a small black spot is left!

"Hmph, it seems that the people from DEM are not rubbish, so they can escape!" Qinli snorted coldly, walked a few steps, and also sent back to Latatosk, leaving Shidao alone there!

When the piano came back, Ling Yin came up first!

"Does the boy really hate elves so much?" Lingyin said lightly, but in her tone, she was a little worried!

"You can see it too!" Qinli sneered, "He still wants to kill my sister!"

"Is there no room for recovery?!" Lingyin frowned!

"Even his own sister is hurting, he is already enchanted!" Qin Li said lightly!"By the way, Lingyin, do you know the identity of the woman who fought me?"

"I have found it!" Lingyin opened his own record, and then said: "She is called Ailian, the trump card of DEM, and is called the strongest magician of mankind!"

"The strongest magician!" Qinli nodded. Although Ailian did not make a move, she could tell that Ailian had two brushes in time to avoid her own attack. However, Qin Zheng, who is familiar with the plot, knew that Ailian But it's very powerful, comparable to Shixiang's Spirit Core Reversal!

"Commander, I want to go out!" As if after thinking about it, Ling Yin said!

"Hmm!" Qinli nodded, she never restricted the freedom of the players!

"Commander, Lingyin seems to be looking for Shidao!" Shen Wu Yue Gong said flatly!

"Let her go! If Shidao can change his mind, then it is the best!" Qinli said sadly, "I don't want Shidao to become an enemy either!"

"I think Commander, you don't care enough about Shido to do this!" Shen Wuyue Gongping muttered!

Qin Li was taken aback for a moment, but Shidao was not a kid anymore, he was busy with elves, why should a younger sister go to coax his brother!Really, what Qin Zheng did is definitely better than Shidao. Qin held the two to compare it, and found that Qin Zheng could understand his mind all the time, but Shidao could not. He threatened to kill himself. !

Here, Lingyin found a scholar!

After Shidao looked at the drag marks on the ground that were swept by the flames, his face was pale, and he strengthened his belief that this kind of power shouldn't exist on earth at all!However, he did not expect that now humans have mastered superhuman technology. If there is no such external contradiction as elves, then humans will have internal contradictions, and even a world war may break out!

Shidao was walking on the street alone, thinking about elves and worrying about his sister, Zhenna!

"Hey, I'm really stupid, I should have asked where the truth is just now!" Shidao said to himself!

"Are you going to ask Qinli?" Shi Dao just thought, but remembered that he had said that he was going to kill her just now, and his brother and sister affection was exhausted!Why did he and Qinli get to this point? Perhaps everything was due to Qin Zheng. At this time, Shidao also hated Qin Zheng in his heart, not only because Qin Zheng did not kill Shiqi Kuangsan, It is because Qin Zheng has robbed his sister!

"Little boy!" At this time, a calm and frustrated voice came. Shidao looked back and found that it was Lingyin, the beauty with dark circles!

"It's you!" He remembered that Ling Yin was the person on the piano, how could she appear here!

"Little boy, I made a special trip to find you!" Lingyin seemed to see Shidao's doubts and said!

"Are you coming to me?" After hearing this, Shidao was taken aback, and then smiled bitterly: "Are you here to persuade me to let go of the wizard?"

"Yeah!" Lingyin nodded, "I know what happened to you. I was driven into desperation by Tokizaki Kuzou over and over again, and was almost killed, but not every elves are like Tokizaki Kuzou, such as Toka, Shitono, and even your sister Koto are all good spirits!"

"Every time they descend on the earth, it will cause a space shock, which will also cause a lot of casualties, so I am sorry!" Shidao said slightly apologetic!

"Little boy, why do you have such an idea!" Lingyin said: "The spatial shock has been resolved! If you say this, will you still stand on our opposite side?" Lingyin sighed helplessly!

"Qin Zheng is also one of you!" Shidao was silent for a long time, and then asked!

"No!" Upon hearing this, Ling Yin shook his head, "He is the head of AST!"

"Why do you suddenly talk about Qin Zheng!" Ling Yin then asked curiously!

"Hmph, he can't save him, he is not worthy to be the head of AST!" Shidao snorted coldly!

Lingyin glanced at Shidao weirdly, then showed a look of sudden realization, and said, "I understand, it turns out Shidao you are because of this?"

"Because of what?" Shidao didn't understand, looking at Ling Yin!

"Jealous!" Lingyin said lightly, "In fact, you still have feelings for Qinli, boy, so you are jealous of the feelings between Qin Zheng and Qinli!"

" could I!" Shidao was surprised and quickly defended!

"Okay, I understand!" Lingyin interrupted Shidao's speech, and then smiled: "In fact, Shidao, you don't have to be jealous of Qin Zheng. Although Qin Zheng is handsome, you also have your advantages. In my eyes, Shidao You are excellent too!"

"Um!" Shidao lowered his head helplessly after hearing this. Indeed, he was said to have been on his mind by Lingyin. He was very jealous of Qin Zheng and his relationship with Qinli. Toka, Shishino and other beautiful girls have an extraordinary relationship!

"Little Shi, come back to Qinli, Qinli also needs you very much!" Ling Yin said again!

Item 0082

In the best hotel in Tiangong City, it was a tall man in a jet black suit, with pale gray-gold hair, and sharp eyes that looked like carved on his face with a knife. Mostly only about thirty-five years old, but it gives people a sophisticated feeling that has gone through the vicissitudes of life, in general, is a rather incredible man.

He looked at the scenery outside the window without saying a word, with a slight smile on his mouth. He is a senior of DEM, especially the executive director of DEM. In other words, even if he is the man who dominates all display devices in the world Thirty years ago, mankind acquired a miraculous technology that could transform fantasy into reality. Although this technology was not made public to the general public, display devices have long been installed in important institutions in various countries.

So Aizak can be said to control the financial power and power of the world!

"Crack!" The door was pushed open!

"Eileen, you're back!" Aizhak smiled!

"Hmm!" Ailian nodded!

"How is it? Did you see that Qin Zhengmu who came to teach in the Zen Academy early!" Aizhak sneered!

Hearing this, Ailian shook her head, "But I found a very interesting thing!" After speaking, Ailian opened the folder in her hand.


"Yes. The AAA-level elves and princesses who have been in the real world near the Kanto area in succession disappeared about three months ago. I should have told you about this a few days ago."

"Ah, I know. But there shouldn't be anything special about this thing, right?"

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