The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Attack

"It's finally over!" As the familiar bell sounded in the school, Shixiang lay on the table as if exhausting his strength.

"Okay, okay, you can't be so decadent! Please pass the test paper forward from the back!" He clapped his hands and said aloud Okamine Zhuhui, who was standing in front of the desk and was petite and wearing glasses.

The students stood up with almost zombie movements and handed the exam papers to the students sitting in front in order.

"Okay, in this way, all the subjects of the first semester final exam have been taken, everyone has worked hard!" Okamine Zhue said loudly, cheering and relaxing voices rang out in the classroom.

"However, there are still important things to be announced today, everyone can't go home yet!" After Zhuhui Okamine reminded him, he arranged the entire stack of examination papers and walked out of the classroom.

At this moment, the exhausted Shixiang staggered up from the chair and followed Mr. Okamine Zhuhui. The students were not surprised at this situation, because Shixiang went to Qin. I am a teacher. At first, I was surprised at the beginning, but I got used to it later!

Next, another young girl walked out, her expressionless face, it was Yuiichi origami!

She also went to Qin Zheng for a serious reason, because Qin was her elder brother. Soon, another young lady with the temperament of a young lady walked out. She was Kazaki Tokazaki. Although her reason was not serious, it was The most high-profile one, she once announced on the spot that she would take Qin Zheng from Shixiang, so the boys in the class knew that it was not Qin who was pursuing her, but she was posting upside down!

Shidao watched the three girls go out, gritted their teeth, and followed along!

"Hey, Shidao, shouldn't you be interesting to Teacher Qin Zheng!" After a few steps, Shidao heard Hongren's surprised voice!

"No!" Shidao said in an angry voice!Although he also went to Qin Zheng, he asked Zhenna for news. He has been unable to contact Zhenna for a few days, so he was very worried!

Toka and Touichi Origami had no affection for Tokazaki Kumazo. After seeing Tokazaki Kumazo coming in, he immediately glared!

Tokisaki Kuangsan naturally wouldn't mind the gazes of the two of them, and smiled, holding Qin Zheng's arm, acting very affectionately!

"You guy, what are you doing?" Seeing Qin Zheng and Tokisaki Kuangsan so close, Shixiang immediately shouted proudly, feeling that his status was challenged!

"Hehe, didn't I say, I want to be Qin Zheng's girlfriend!" Tokisaki Kuangsan glanced at Shixiang provocatively. After being injured by the piano last time, Tokisaki recovered from recuperation. Kuang San has come to school as usual!

"I'm Qin Zheng's girlfriend!" Shixiang said!After merging into human life, Shixiang already knows what a girlfriend means!

"So I will grab Qin Zheng!" Tokisaki Kuangsan said solemnly!

"I won't give you a chance!" Shixiang at this time is like a mother who protects the calf!

"Then wait and see!" Tokisaki squinted his eyes three times, then smiled!

"Teacher Qin Zheng, where is Zhenna? Hurry up and call Zhenna out!" At this time, Shidao pushed in and said!

"Oh, Shidao, are you here to find Teacher Qin Zheng trouble?" Shizaki squinted his eyes and smiled!

"You!" Shidao's expression changed, and he almost died in her hands several times, which made him terrified Tosaki Kuang Thirty!"You are really in the same group!" He wanted to tell everyone that Tokisaki Kuangsan was an elf, but Qin Zheng had already arranged everything. The students, faculty and staff in the school were in a coma. The incident was caused by gas. After thoroughly inspecting the gas pipelines, building materials, and foreign objects that emit gas, classes finally returned to normal!So even if he tells the news that Tokazaki Kakuzo is an elf, no one will believe it!

"Ms. Qin Zheng, can I eat the Shidao classmates!" Toshizaki Kuangsan licked his red lips and laughed!

"Ah!" Upon hearing this, Shidao saw Shizaki Kuangsan slowly walking up, and his legs immediately trembled. Suddenly, Qin Zheng saw that there seemed to be water marks between Shidao's legs and found that Shidao was urinating in fear. !Qin Zheng couldn't help being a little speechless, the scholars were too courageous!In fact, Qin Zheng didn't know that after many life threats, Shidao was terrified to Tokisaki Kuangsan to the extreme!

"Well, stop making trouble!" Qin Zheng shook his head, and then said to Shidao: "I don't know where the truth is now?"

Shidao's face was sullen, and those four eyes were like sharp swords, tearing his dignity to pieces!

Shidao was angry again, and said: "How is it possible, I saw it with my own eyes, it was really saved by you!"

"Allah, Shidao is angry!" Tokisaki Kuangsan smiled again!

"Hmph, I see, you must have killed Zhenna, it must be you, you murderous madness, Qin Zheng, you and Tokisaki Kuangsan joined forces to kill!" Shidao blushed and yelled!

"Student Shidao, are you crazy!" Qin Zheng rubbed his forehead and smiled slightly!"It was really saved by me, but it seems to have been taken away by a few people in black. It is most likely from DEM!"

"You lied!" Shidao said loudly again: "It's really an employee of DEM. If she really returned to DEM, how could I not know!"

"Naturally you won't know! Because Zhenna has agreed to join AST, DEM will send someone to catch Zhenna! But don't worry, I will save Zhenna!" Qin Zheng smiled lightly!

"How... how is it possible!" Shidao said in disbelief!

"Why is it impossible? You know that DEM has done a lot of transformations on Zhenna's body. Zhenna still has ten years of life left!" Qin Zheng sighed and said, "As a brother, don't you want Zhenna? Leave DEM Company!"

"That's also for humans, to destroy the elves!" Shidao said with red eyes!

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"Shidao, you really have changed!" Qin Zheng shook his head after hearing this, sighed!

"I haven't changed. What has changed is you. You are actually with the human enemy elves. I will definitely kill all the elves, and you will also be punished due to you!" Shidao shouted!

As soon as this statement came out, not only Tokazaki Kuzami, but Shixiang and Yuanyi Origami frowned, especially the elves. She looked a little pale when she saw that Shidao hated elves so much!

Qin Zheng took Shixiang's little hand and whispered, "Don't worry, I will never hate Shixiang!"

"Yeah!" Shixiang laughed again after hearing this. Even if the whole world abandons her, it is enough for her to have Qin Zheng!

Shidao left the cruel words and left, but Qin Zheng didn't embarrass him. From the beginning, Shidao's fate was doomed. As the original protagonist, the reason why he could survive is to set off Qin Zheng himself!

Next, the three girls also returned to the classroom obediently, because Teacher Zhuhui Okamine had something to announce!

"Hello everyone, at the end of this semester, we will hold an educational tour!" Okamine Zhuhui laughed!

"Huh?" The voices of the whole class overlapped perfectly.All the students are very excited because this is their first educational tour!

"Well, where are we going to travel?" Hongren said very excitedly!

"Or Mishima!" After Ms. Zhuhui Okamine said the name of the place, half of the students murmured, and the other half tilted their heads in confusion.

"I remember or Mei Dao is nearby!"

"What? It's nothing fun!"

"Don't say that! That's also a good sightseeing spot!"

"Okay, okay! Please be quiet!" Okamine Zhuhui clapped her hands, and the whole class who caused the commotion fell silent.

"The details will be explained in the travel guide after the revision, so let's decide the room allocation first. Please group four or five friends with good friends!" After Ms. Zhuhui Okamine gave the instruction, In an instant, each student looked around with observing eyes, then pushed aside the chair to stand up and join the circle of friends who are close to him.

However, Shixiang stood up and said, "Teacher, can I be with Qin Zheng?"

"Ah! You want to be with Qin Zheng?" Hearing that, not only Zhuhui Gangfeng, but even the classmates in the class were shocked!

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"No, you can't do such a thing no matter what?"

"Why? Isn't it a group of five? If that's the case, then there is no problem!"

", Yatogami, boys and girls can't be in the same group!" Okamine Zhuhui said loudly, "Besides, Qin is a teacher, how can he be with students!"

"But... but I saw Origami and Qin Zheng...!" Shixiang was about to say that she saw a scene a few months ago, but Yuyi Origami with quick eyes and hands suddenly covered her mouth, and then stopped her from speaking!

"Oh, that's a shame!" Shixiang sighed!

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