The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 426

"When will we make the move!" Ailian asked again!

"The day of Tianyang Academy Festival!"

Item 0102

"Hehe, as long as our Eight Dance Sisters are there, you will definitely win when you come to Zen."

"Agree. The combination of Yuxian and Ye Juya is the strongest, no matter what enemies they face, they are invincible!"

"Hehe, that's the case, because Xixian can handle everything perfectly."

The Tianyang Academy Festival completely aroused the interest of the students, but only Shixiang mumbled inexplicably!

"Haha, it's really exciting, what booth will there be?" Shixiang digested these words, and then asked!

"Let me explain!" At this time, Ya Yi and others who had finished speaking had already walked down. After speaking, Ya Yi took out the notebook from her arms and started turning the pages.

"This notebook records information about the sales stalls of all ten schools participating in the Tianyang Festival, with a total of about 90 stores! Speaking of the sales department, Sakaebe Nishi High School has achieved excellent results every year. After all, their school has In the Home Economics Department, the cooking club’s technology is unmatched by other schools. Last year’s Turkish Roast Meat Restaurant has far exceeded the level of cultural festivals!"

"I heard that their main item this year is the special black croquette. It is a dreamy delicacy made from Hokkaido black wagyu beef and Kagoshima black pork lavishly, without the need for flavor!"

"You...what did you say!" Chihuo Shixiang said with shaking hands, eyes gleaming, and saliva dripped from his mouth.

"Next there will be Xiancheng University Affiliated High School. Because they are affiliated schools and can go directly to the university in the future, they will even participate in the third grade. However, our most powerful competitors are not these two schools, but the Longdan Temple Girls' College! "

"Yes, those guys who used beauty salad to canvass votes are the most hateful!" Mai also said!

"Hehe, we can do the same this year!" Yayi looked at Shixiang and others, "With Shixiang and Origami and the others joining, we are not afraid of this!" Yayi smiled!

"Of course! As long as Ye Juya is there, you will definitely win!" Ye Juya said confidently!

"I know this naturally, but this year there is a suspicious rumor in Longdan Temple that a transfer student is enrolled in Longdan Temple." Ya Yi looked very mysterious!

"Who is that?" Shixiang was taken aback for a moment, and then asked!

"Really? You really don't know? It's Mei Jiujiu! Mei Jiujiu!" Ya Yi looked at the women in surprise!

"The teacher knows it!" Finally, Ya Yi looked at Qin Zheng!

"Yes!" Qin Zheng smiled, then nodded!

"It seems that the teacher is still very concerned about the news!"

"But this won't work, teacher, don't you have ten fragrances!"

"Shixiang, you have to look good on Teacher Qin Zheng, otherwise, Teacher Qin Zheng will be snatched away, just like the original Kuangsan classmate!" Because Shixiang is Qin Zheng's public girlfriend, Yai naturally teased like this, and Tokazaki Kazumi has dropped out of school since the end of last semester!

"Qin Zheng, who is Mei Jiujiu?" Shi Xiangyou resented looked at Qin Zheng, as if he was about to be snatched away!

"It's an elf!" Qin muttered beside Shixiang!Not only that, but Meijiu’s ability is to manipulate the mind. As long as he hears a song, he will be manipulated. Even elves are no exception. In the original work, Meijiu manipulates elves other than Shixiang, which is indeed a very difficult ability !

Of course, Qin Zheng will naturally not be affected!

"Since there is Mei Jiujiu in the women's academy, our chances of winning have become very small!" Mai said helplessly, rubbing his forehead, then sighed!

"Well! Meijiujiu is a star! How could we win!"

"No, we can't give up!" Ya Yi said with a clenched fist!

Qin Zheng also fell into silence, but was thinking about how to attack Meijiu. From the original work, Meijiu was originally a human being, but because of disobeying the company’s arrangements, that is, after disobeying the unspoken rules, everyone didn’t like her. So, she was disappointed in men and her fans, so she took the road of Lily!

Forcing is impossible, but if you don't need to force it, you will inevitably play a woman like the Shidao in the original book!

"What to do?" Qin Zheng was very distressed, but Qin Zheng was not the only one who was distressed, and Izak of DEM was also distressed!

In the presidential suite on the top floor of the Dongtian Palace of the Imperial Hotel, Izak sat on the sofa and sighed slightly. He raised his chin, and the pale gray-gold bangs shook gently, like a sharp blade. Sharp eyes narrowed, but still can't hide the tiredness in the eyes!

"Eileen, your injuries have recovered!"

"It's almost done!" Ailian nodded, "It's just... if I fight Qin Zheng again, I'm not sure of winning!"

"If you join forces with Shidao, can you defeat Qin Zheng?" Aizhak asked again!

Hearing this, Ailian was silent for a long time before finally speaking, "No!"

"It's rare, once the strongest magician of mankind, now he has so little self-confidence!" Aizhak smiled!

"Qin Zheng is very strong, maybe he didn't show real strength at the time!" Ailian said again!

"Then stop him? This should be alright!" Aizhak asked again!

Ailian bit her teeth, and said, "I can only stop it for half an hour!"

"Half an hour, that would have to be planned!" Izak touched his chin, then muttered!

"By the way, not only that, I suspect that the airship of Latatosk will also appear at that time!" Ailian said again!

"Yes, Pattington has been captured, maybe they already know my plan!" Izhak spread his hands, looking a little helpless!

Item 0103

The situation on both sides was brewing, and time passed in a hurry. It was only a few days before the Tianyang Academy Festival!

Pattington has been arrested and is being interrogated now, but no useful information has been asked!

A dozen team members including Jessica have officially settled in AST. Although their behavior is not restricted by Liaozi, they are restricted by Qin Zheng, but quarrels exist!

On this day, personnel from both sides clashed again!

"You guys, be honest!" Liaozi shouted angrily!

"What? Why do you order me!" Jessica spread her hands and said!

"I am the captain here, you must obey my orders!" Liaozi said loudly!

"If you can kill the elves by obeying you, I will naturally obey, but obviously not!" Jessica sneered!

"Wrong, you have to obey me not whether I can kill the elf, but that I am better than you!" Liaozi took a step forward and hit Jessica’s eye with a punch, Jessica’s eye. The child immediately became a panda eye!

"Damn it!" If the previous one was a linguistic conflict, it has become a physical conflict like a fuse!

"Why, you still want to compete with me?" The personnel of both sides confronted each other!However, Jessica has only a dozen people, and Liaozi, who is the home court, has 20 or 30 people, so naturally there is no fear!

"Captain Liaozi, if there is a conflict like this, Qin Zheng will be upset!" The team around Liaozi whispered!

"Hmph, don't worry about 10,000 people!" Liaozi sneered, "Qin Zheng hates people from DEM the most!"

Jessica's face turned dark and sneered and said: "It's nothing to bully people because of more people. If you have the courage, you will land in the body. Let's go to the training ground to fight and see who is better!"

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